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There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people
09/26/2013 20:56
09/26/2013 20:56
There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Thank you for this informative website. My heart goes out to you all :)

Five months ago I broke my left ring finger and a couple of weeks later the pain started, then the nodules and now the contracture.

I have been finally diagnosed with DD, however told there is no pain with DD from several doctors and surgeons in Australia and that my pain is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and some say arthritis.

The PAIN IS DISTINCTLY FROM DUPUYTRENS. I can feel my fingers contracting over for the day with pain (they straighten up a bit by morning after wearing a splint that night). I also have pain in my left wrist, thumb and forefinger, which makes it hard to turn things. I have very stiff and sore fingers with knucklepads on all fingers except the thumb. The nodules in my palm were very sore but are fine now, however my palm still aches. This is all in the left hand but the exact type of pain is starting in the right hand also. I have pain in the arches of my feet and every joint in my body. My DD has been fast and aggressive. I do not get all this pain all at once and there are moments throughout the day where I do not get pain at all (not often). Hard to find a pain relief that works.

I am looking for a doctor and surgeon in Australia (preferably Melbourne) who acknowledges that DD can come with chronic pain for some people. I can't believe the struggle I've had trying to explain my situation. Why won't doctors/surgeons listen to their patients? They are so caught up with their medical text books. How can they learn? I know my body well. I am a slim, fit and healthy woman who has rarely got sick.

I would also like to know if there are any DD support groups in Melbourne? If not, would anybody be interested in meeting up once a month in Melbourne?

Love to hear from you.

Sandra :)

09/27/2013 01:26
09/27/2013 01:26
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hello Sandra

I have had pain with my Dup also. It is a tingle, crawling, burning sensation. Sometimes it feels like it is going up my arm. It ahs calmed down a bit since I had radiation 13 days ago. I live in the USA so I would not be able to be a part of your in person support group.

09/28/2013 00:59
09/28/2013 00:59
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hi Sandra,

you might be having arthritis as well, I encourage you find a rheumatologist and if they dont think you have arthritis, ask for a bone scintigraphy. It is the most sensitive test. It is a hand surgeon who prescribed this test for me. I have gone through X-ray, ultrasounds and IRM prescribed by my Gdoctor and rheumatologist and none of these have seen arthritis in my wrists and hands. I am in pain and stiffness since 9 months now. All my blood test were clean concerning arthritis and finally only the bone scintigraphy saw it. If you have an inflammatory condition such as arthritis underneath your duputrens, it is probably not helping. I have just started a treatment for arthtitis and hopefully my condition will come back to normal and my ''dupuytre's symptoms'' will go away as well. I must tell you that 2 hand surgeons diagosed me with dupuytren's BEFORE I had my bone scintigraphy, but AFTER the posistive arthritis results, I saw one of them again and he changed his mind about it and believe I only have arthritis. I have seen many of these specialists this summer and I can tell you that opinions can greatly vary!!!
good luck

09/28/2013 16:27
09/28/2013 16:27
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hi Sandra,

Not sure why anyone would say that there isn't pain often times associated with this disease? Especially after reading posting/and or thread after thread throughout this Forum. When nodules are in their "volcanic-red" phase they are especially painful. Oh, but that's only, of course, if you use your hands to do anything. Maybe it is when the disease is not active that it isn't painful. I wouldn't know about that, yet!

But, I will say my first nodule was always screaming at me, and now with several I am learning to adjust better to the pain. There are some good sites out there to help people deal with pain from a mental perspective. Not a bad idea to explore a few. That's what I'm doing, along with getting my ducks in a row for RT.

Hope things get better for you!


09/29/2013 09:31
09/29/2013 09:31
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Thank you for your messages.

There is thread after thread, post after post, on this website, of people experiencing pain in different ways.
Chris Bainbridge, the Head Surgeon at Royal Derby Hospital in UK has stated that one third of his patients with DD report pain.
It is a very strange disease indeed. Different for everyone and very unpredictable.

Jolene hope your DD stays settled now you've had RT and Nan hope it all goes well for you. Jasmine I really hope you don't have DD and I will keep my mind open about things.

My pain has not been so bad these last couple of days :)


09/29/2013 14:05
09/29/2013 14:05
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hi Sandra, Jasmine, Jolene

Sandra, thank you for your response and glad to hear that the pain is subsiding a bit. I, too, would agree with what Jasmine suggested about finding a good rheumatologist. I have not done this yet myself, but plan to. Just SO DOCTORED OUT!! Two weeks ago when I was being evaluated by a doctor who does RT, he thought that some of the redness and swelling he saw in my fingers was osteoarthritis. Now, quite honestly I have no idea if he is right or not, especially since I had zero swelling and redness until the DD began to appear. But, again who knows? That may become my two most used words in my life, "Who knows?"

Two thoughts: I have seen some photos of DD patients with redness and swelling at finger joints. But maybe they also had osteoarthritis. Whatever the case, clearly, at least for me the two came my way at the exact same time. Perhaps they are partners in this? Secondly, said doctor above told me Everyone has osteoarthritis to one degree or another past age 40 or something. I am old enough!

Best to all you gals!


09/29/2013 16:16
09/29/2013 16:16
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people


I also developed osteoarthritis at the exact same time as DD. I thought I had DD in that finger and through the MRI it was diagnosed as arthritis. I only have it in the DD hand and it is in the DD (middle ) and in the index finger.

I also had pain with DD and had it from the nodule all the way to my shoulder. My shoulder ached and ached and after the RT it went away. I actually got a new mattress thinking it was the mattress. After I got a new mattress and realized I was having pain radiating from my hand to my shoulder, I then went to the doctor for the pain and was diagnosed with DD.

After RT all the pain went away. I occasionally had tingling and the crawling sensation for about a year after RT. No new progression though. My arthritis also improved after RT. My fingers cracked so much prior to RT that I worried I would be crippled. Now I just get an occasional crack and really no pain.


06/28/2015 14:10
06/28/2015 14:10
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hi, I'm very new to this site. And am already very grateful for all the responses. Thought I was going crazy because every thing I read about DD states there is never pain with this condition. It's so comforting to know that others have this problem.
Mine actually started after having surgery in January 2015 for carpal tunnel and trigger finger (which I now think was not trigger finger). I'm currently only effected in the pinky and middle finger (where the surgery was) and have no contracture...thank goodness. But yes the pain is real and very painful at times. Am doing PT now and that helped.
The worse activity for me is using scissors or pruning clippers (I'm an avid gardener) My hand will cramp and then hurt for several days. I appreciate all the remedies everyone has tried. I see RT listed often, what is this? and does it help.
Heat, massage, little stretching and creams for inflammation have helped a little.
thank you everyone and my heart aches to hear about people in way more pain than I.

06/28/2015 14:55
06/28/2015 14:55
Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

hello Everyone just want to update on my case. The Dupuytren I thought I had is in fact arthritis related to my crohn's disease. Using my hands less and less, the muscles kind of decreased in my palms which made it all appear like dupuytrens' nodules and cords on my MCP. these actually are simply the normal hand strcutures bones and tendons just being more visible on my weak skinny hands. I cant thank enough the surgoen who sent me to bone scintigraphy and another one with long term experience I saw right after who confirmed the arthritic diagnosis. Can you belive that a rhuematologist and 2 hand surgeons (all young) were ready to operate me for conditions I didnt even have... Its a life saver I went on to ask the expertise of 2 others more experienced doctors. My mom has always thought me to seek a second opinion whenever a big decision is to be made. That is so true and make sure at least one of them comes from an experienced doctor not working in a private clinic. Good luck all and wishing you and me all the best in our different routes. Jasmine

06/28/2015 19:04


06/28/2015 19:04


Re: There is definitely pain with dupuytren's disease for some people

Hi, I'm very new to this site. And am already very grateful for all the responses. Thought I was going crazy because every thing I read about DD states there is never pain with this condition. It's so comforting to know that others have this problem.
Mine actually started after having surgery in January 2015 for carpal tunnel and trigger finger (which I now think was not trigger finger). I'm currently only effected in the pinky and middle finger (where the surgery was) and have no contracture...thank goodness. But yes the pain is real and very painful at times. Am doing PT now and that helped.
The worse activity for me is using scissors or pruning clippers (I'm an avid gardener) My hand will cramp and then hurt for several days. I appreciate all the remedies everyone has tried. I see RT listed often, what is this? and does it help.
Heat, massage, little stretching and creams for inflammation have helped a little.
thank you everyone and my heart aches to hear about people in way more pain than I.
Hi roses

Welcome to the forum. DD appearance or recurrence seems to be quite common after hand surgery including carpal tunnel. But first, how do you know you have DD?

If it is DD, it is probably best to wait a while, continue with the hand therapy, protect your hands as much as possible, but closely monitor changes, such as increase or hardening of nodules, new nodules, progression to cords, and so forth. Hopefully the current activity will die down and if you had no signs before the surgery it may well go back to dormant.

The approved, or evidence based treatments are listed on this site and we use the term RT for Radiotherapy. RT can be used at the early stage before contracture, usually during period of activity and with other related symptoms, but I would not rush into this at the moment.

Best wishes

condition   osteoarthritis   volcanic-red   unpredictable   rheumatologist   acknowledges   arthritis   scintigraphy   definitely   surgery   thought   disease   inflammatory   dupuytren   experienced   inflammation   progression   everyone   rhuematologist   contracture