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Blocked blood supply to finger during night
10/30/2022 09:12
10/30/2022 09:12
Blocked blood supply to finger during night

As part of my DD I have a node and a slight contraction between the knuckle and first joint of my left index finger.
This morning I woke to find that the end of that finger was cold and numb, and had obviously had its blood supply blocked.
Ten minutes of massaging got the blood flowing again, and the only remaining problem five hours later is a slight tingling.
I don't know how long it had been without full blood supply, but it's rather worrying that it didn't hurt, and so a future episode could go on long enough to seriously damage the finger.
Thinking about it now, it's rather obvious that big, hard growths could compress a blood vessel, and yet I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.
So my question to the forum is whether others have had similar experiences, and what should I know for next time, if massage doesn't quickly solve the problem ?

10/30/2022 11:02


10/30/2022 11:02


Re: Blocked blood supply to finger during night

As part of my DD I have a node and a slight contraction between the knuckle and first joint of my left index finger.
This morning I woke to find that the end of that finger was cold and numb, and had obviously had its blood supply blocked.
Ten minutes of massaging got the blood flowing again, and the only remaining problem five hours later is a slight tingling.
I don't know how long it had been without full blood supply, but it's rather worrying that it didn't hurt, and so a future episode could go on long enough to seriously damage the finger.
Thinking about it now, it's rather obvious that big, hard growths could compress a blood vessel, and yet I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.
So my question to the forum is whether others have had similar experiences, and what should I know for next time, if massage doesn't quickly solve the problem ?
Hi It's not unusual for some people with DD, often following NA, Xiaflex or surgery to wake up with their hands or fingers feeling stiff or numb. This is quite often reported with those who also have Raynauds. Trying to change the sleeping position of the shoulder/hands may help along with gloves to keep the hand warm, maybe compression gloves too, and a loose splint that stops the hand/fingers from closing to a fist. Maybe these will help in your case and you'll have to experiment to see if that, or what, helps or works for you, but I would also check with a Dr or hand surgeon for their considered advice. Best wishes SB

Edit : just found this and although not DD specific it seems to be one of many results from a common search https://www.sleepfoundation.org/physical...-while-sleeping

Edited 10/30/22 13:09

10/30/2022 14:00
10/30/2022 14:00
Re: Blocked blood supply to finger during night

Thanks for the reply. I thought it was blocked blood supply because it felt cold (only one finger, only past the node), but after reading the link I'm now wondering if half asleep in the dark I misinterpreted numbness for cold, and maybe it was just a nerve that was being compressed by the node, not a blood vessel. I guess that would explain why there was no pain after massaging around the node and getting feeling back. (I should have turned on the light to see the colour.)
But there again, both sides of the finger were numb, which would seem to require that two nerves were compressed at the same time, which seems odd. It took 6 months to get to see a hand surgeon last time, and even a regular doctor takes a few weeks, so it's great to be able to get some advice from fellow sufferer here.

experiences   mentioned   contraction   compression   sleepfoundation   seriously   compressed   considered   following   compress   Blocked   problem   question   experiment   obviously   misinterpreted   massaging   remaining   Thinking   anywhere