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Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain
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01/10/2012 01:13
01/10/2012 01:13
Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

so why aren't we all taking colchicine???


    01/10/2012 05:39
    01/10/2012 05:39
    Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

    Last time I heard of colchicine I was learning about inducing mutations in plants. A quick check on the drugs use today indicates that though gout sufferers may benefit from colchicine consumption, prescribing physicians must take note of significant side effects and dangerous interactions with other drugs such as lipitor. What connection did you find between the biologic effects of colchicine and symptoms and/or causes of Dupuytren's?

      01/11/2012 03:07
      01/11/2012 03:07
      Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

      Treatment with 3 mg/d of colchicine was initiated.
      By the seventh day, there was subjective reduction in the size of the tumor, and 1 week later movement of the fingers
      was improved considerably. Two weeks after this, opposition of the thumb was possible without discomfort. Treatment
      was continued with 1 mg/d of colchicine. Three months later, there was only a mild residual functional deficit, and the nodule

        04/21/2012 11:12
        04/21/2012 11:12
        Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain


        How have you been doing for the last few months ?
        I believe the plant you are refering to is also know as "maggiplant" or "lavas".
        Am I correct ?

        Since last week I have a maggiplant growing in my backyard.
        I'ts to small to harvest the root, but in time I will try your suggestion.
        If successfull I will report back...

        Meanwhile I have tried putting a piece of duct tape over the Dupuytren affected area.
        Duct tape is known to have a positive effect on warts.
        My oldest son was struggeling with a large amount of warts on his big toe despite of many treatments including freezing them. With duct-tape they disappeared within 2 weeks !

        Dusct tape seems to soften the nodes (pr at least the skin covering the nodes) quickly, but does not seem to have a lasting effect. I.e. After removing the patch the skin becomes more leather-like again.
        If successfull I will report back...

          04/21/2012 13:18
          04/21/2012 13:18
          Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

          Again i will repeat myself if it was that easy don't you think everyone would be doing it.

            04/22/2012 09:12
            04/22/2012 09:12
            Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

            Well, Cindy,

            There are not that many people looking for a cure.
            Recently someone (TED: can we eat to starve cancer ?) discovered that cooked tomatoes contain a substance that quickly cures some types of cancer.
            Apparently someone was "stupid enough" to investigate tomatoes as a cure for cancer...
            Nobody was doing this before he tried !

              04/22/2012 11:00


              04/22/2012 11:00


              Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

              Hi kortenbach,

              interesting comment. You might have a look on a - in the mean time fairly old - post by jey


              Tomatoes seem to have a positive effect on Dupuytren's, too. The issue is that you need to eat LOTS of them and keep eating them. As much as I like tomatoes and tomato sauce, I think I couldn't sustain that.


              Edited 04/22/12 14:01

                04/22/2012 15:39
                04/22/2012 15:39
                Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

                Thanks for you feedback, Wolfgang.

                For those unfamiliar with TED, here is the link:

                Anti angiogenic therapy.
                Anti angiogenic cream.
                Avastin (FDA approved drug)
                Thalomid (=Thalidomide ?)
                And yes, tomato paste and other vegetables !

                  05/02/2012 03:54
                  05/02/2012 03:54
                  Re: Dupuytren's therapy that works without pain

                  Response to Hwolfe’s 1/6/2012 post:

                  Over the years I’ve found Dupuytren’s threads to be very informative. Since 1998 - when SUNY was involved in the initial injectable collagenase development - I have monitored the various treatments. In large part the experiences posted drove my decisions to steer away from surgery, NP and RT.

                  My DC was diagnosed in 1994 and for years was slow to inducing curvature of the fingers.

                  Over the past six years I’ve spent ~4 months a year in China. My wife and I live in Qingdao and one very effective treatment I receive in China is some very serious hand massage. Lots of painful deep tissue massage and finger straightening that provides weeks if not months of flexibility and pain relief.

                  Recently I’ve experienced an advancing case of curvature in my left ring finger and right small finger; to the point where Viaflex treatment this summer was on the calendar. That is, until I read about Hwolfe’s Chinese herbal treatment and tea.

                  Next week I return to Qingdao and will start the Szechuan Lovage (chuanxiong) treatment along with the normal deep tissue hand massage.

                  Stay tuned as I’ll post images along with progress reports in the coming months.

                  A side note: I’m a 68 year old male in good health with very few aliments and take zero medications. I am not opposed to pain if the treatment works; I am cautious about medications, however. (My "No" reply to the “Do you take any medications?” question is usually a very affirmative-toned “Good for you” that always amuses me.)

                    05/02/2012 16:52
                    05/02/2012 16:52
                    Dupuytren's therapy is their any that works?

                    My wife has Dupuytren's contracture in her hands and feet.

                    She saw a Consultant at the hospital today about her feet and was told that they no longer operate as this could make matters worse.

                    She was advised that the nodules will grow and walking will become difficult and more painful and that all she can do is exercise her feet by stretching and use pan relief gel for the pain.

                    Is this all that medical science, in this day and age, can offer?

                    Any advice would be most appreciated.

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