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03/23/2007 12:01
03/23/2007 12:01

I'm a newbie here, just having joined this morning. I'm a 54 year old woman with DD in both hands. My left pinkie finger was at 90 degrees until surgery. My right forefinger is at about 10 degrees now. I too, am 18 days post-op on my left pinkie. (I also have the problem in my right foot).

Please hang in there with the exercises, as much as you can. Here's how it was explained to me by my Physical Therapist: The first week or so post surgery, one's body is just trying to figure out what the heck happened. Swelling forms to protect the wound. Weeks 2 - 5 are spent developing scar tissue. Now is the time to fight back by keeping the collagen from tightening and contracting the wound by stretching and flexing all theparts. After about 5 weeks, collagenase is formed by the body, which tends to soften and relax the scar tissue somewhat.

If anyone has heard differently, would you please let us know? I don't want to give bum advice - just sharing what I have been told.

I am lucky to have (blindly!) picked a splendid surgeon. I am currently at 10 degrees in that pinkie, and I'm determined to keep it (and less!).

03/27/2007 02:10
03/27/2007 02:10

I had my surgery on Jan.19th which is a little short of 10 weeks. I had my little & ring finger on my right hand done as both were at 90 deg or more. It is nice to have a straight palm again but the healing is still going on as I feel a pulling stretching feeling along the incision. My palm & ring finger still swell up and I can't make a fist completely although if I heat up my hand and squeeze with the other I can make it almost all the way down. I must admit I didn't expect it to be as long as it is but I am confident all will be well in a few more weeks.My pinky on the left hand is also at 90deg and has been for years but I will be looking into NA as an option this time.

03/27/2007 18:00
03/27/2007 18:00

Well I had my Dupuytren release operation back in August '05..and was told I would have 7 weeks off of work.But due to development postoperatively of Complex Regional Pain Disorder,I had 8 months off of work.During that time had 3-4 sessions a week at Physio,which because of the pain,was absolute torture.I am sure the Physiotherapists are an off shoot of those ''wonderful gentlemen'' who ran the torture chambers for the Spanish Inquisition.Now it is March '07,I have been back at work since June '06..I work as an audiologist in a big hospital in Glasgow....I still attend Physio,and also Occupational Therapy..progress is being made..slowly,but surely .There are a couple of gadghets I have found great rehab tools,one is the G4(gadget shop} Powerball,the other is the Bopit2Extreme..even the Occy Health and Physio have been singing the praises of both as far as range of movement in fingers and wrist goes.Also coming from family with background in Northern Ireland,Skye and Mull,there is a good chance I have Viking blood in me from way back.Which giving I am living in Largs,home to The Annual Viking Festival..to celebrate the Battle of Largs c1163,when the Scots' Army defeated a large host of Vikings,seems to bring me back full circle.Because of what hapened with the right i am understandably reluctant to get the left one operated on..well not until right is way much better.

03/27/2007 18:14
03/27/2007 18:14

No POST OP with NA


Why on *Earth* would you not try NA first and see how it works for you before submitting your self to more torture? I've had both OS and NA. I wouldn't touch Open Surgery ever again with someone *else's* ten foot pole. NA has been great.

03/27/2007 22:44

not registered

03/27/2007 22:44

not registered



Which giving I am living in Largs,home to The Annual Viking Festival..to celebrate the Battle of Largs c1163,when the Scots' Army defeated a large host of Vikings,seems to bring me back full circle.

While late in the overall battle to repulse the northmen, an important victory (or stand-off as some would debate) in finally putting an end to the scourge...except for our DC legacy!!

Is it possible to actually go inside and to the top of the "pencil"?

Good luck with the hand - we're all "rowing" this boat together!!!

03/28/2007 12:25
03/28/2007 12:25

I am now 24 days post op the wounds have healed well within the last
5 days. The little finger is still swollen and I cannot make a full fist yet.
The finger has pulled back into the hand a bit, I have seen the surgeon
again and he has told me that I will be able to straighten the finger
when the swelling goes down, I am not convinced.I had to stop wearing
the night splint it was forcing the wound to open and stopping it healing
I dont know if the splint makes any differance. The first doctor I saw
told me the problem was in all my fingers and thumbs but I dont think I
will consider any more surgery. At present if I had full use of my hand I
would be happy.

Good luck to all my fellow sufferers.


03/29/2007 08:41

not registered

03/29/2007 08:41

not registered


Frank, when your wound has healed and if your splint is not too uncomfortable I would start wearing it again at night, maybe even for a couple of months. It might help to keep your finger straight.

Good luck!

03/29/2007 13:29
03/29/2007 13:29

Frank, you and I are very close in our recovery. My surgery was on March 5. I've also had some discomfort with the splint at night, but I found that taking a pain reliever before bedtime helps a lot. I also use the compression glove and some stockinette over that to cushion the splint.

Last week, I used a bit of Neosporin with some topical anesthetic at night. The wound is past the Neosporin stage now, but the bit of pain reliever and the softening ointment worked nicely to calm jumpy nerve endings. (Not needed any more.) Now, I'm using Aquaphor ointment all day to keep things supple, and massaging lightly (though I think plain old Vaseline would be good, too).

Also using Mederma since Monday to flatten and soften the scar tissue, which was reccomended by the Physical Therapist. I don't know if it's the Mederma or natural healing, but I've had giant improvement with the scar since then.

The PT knows about all my dabbling and approves. I imagine you'd want to check with your MD or PT, too. (All the ointments are available at the drugstore.)

03/31/2007 11:34
03/31/2007 11:34

Hello Trubleu how are things with you. I also had my op on the 5th March. Things have improved well within the past couple of days
My wounds have healed well ,just a little pink skin showing.
My hand is a lot looser with just a wee bit of swelling and stiffness in the little finger. From here on the news is not so good, my finger seems to be pulling back by the day , at present it is about 45 degrees.
I know we Irish are the masters of the understatement so you will
understand when I say this op has not been the resounding success I
had hoped for. Maybe it will improve, I suppose 45 degrees is better than
90 degrees+.Hope things are better for you.
Bocro and Dave how are you getting on .

Good Luck to all. Frank.

04/01/2007 08:10

not registered

04/01/2007 08:10

not registered


Frank, sorry to hear that you went through surgery and your finger still tends to curl! Without cords one would expect it to be straight. Too bad. Just for curiosity: do you wear a night splint? If not I would try whether that stops the contraction.

Good luck!


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