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Side-effects of radiation
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07/02/2012 03:43
07/02/2012 03:43
Re: Side-effects of radiation

I'm coming up to the time for my second phase of RT, however i'm in the middle of preparation(making a lot of big paintings) for an exhibit of my work this October and may not be able to take off all the time needed to go to Germany.
I'm putting this out there to see if anyone
....has gotten the 2nd phase 20+ weeks after the 1st,
... or had the 2nd treatment done in the states,
....or has skipped getting the 2nd phase completely.

So far i've had no remarkable (some very slight dryness) side effects at all and there is some improvement in the hand that was developing a nodule... it's stopped growing and now is soft.
My case is pretty mild and i have no significant functional impairment so i'm considering waiting it out a bit.
Any experience &/or suggestions?

07/02/2012 19:19
07/02/2012 19:19
Re: Side-effects of radiation

I'm coming up to the time for my second phase of RT, however i'm in the middle of preparation(making a lot of big paintings) for an exhibit of my work this October and may not be able to take off all the time needed to go to Germany.
I'm putting this out there to see if anyone
....has gotten the 2nd phase 20+ weeks after the 1st,
... or had the 2nd treatment done in the states,
....or has skipped getting the 2nd phase completely.

So far i've had no remarkable (some very slight dryness) side effects at all and there is some improvement in the hand that was developing a nodule... it's stopped growing and now is soft.
My case is pretty mild and i have no significant functional impairment so i'm considering waiting it out a bit.
Any experience &/or suggestions?

The worst effect could be an incomplete and ineffective treatment ! Why don't you trust one of the best published clinical RT series which requires 2 RT series !? Why follow personal opinions and individual decisons where there is no evidence ? Why didn't you go to the states for the 1st RT series ... You really seem to be an artist, aren't you ?

I personally have benefited from RT applied in 2 RT series (within 14 weeks) for both feet and one hand; I am happy that I never doubted my first decision to follow an established procedure proposed and performed by one of the best clinical centers available ...

Good luck with your exhibition which apparently needs at least as much planning as a 2nd RT series

All the best, Larry

Edited 07/02/12 22:20

07/02/2012 20:16
07/02/2012 20:16
Re: Side-effects of radiation

People associate the deep tissue radiation treatment done for cancer treatment with that done for Dupuytren's and the two are very different and do not even use the same type of machine. For Dupuytren's the machine is calibrated to barely go beneath the bottom skin layer and to the connective tissue beneath. It only radiates the hands which are the least susceptible to problems with the greatest risk when radiating an organ as with cancer treatments.

The lowest impact is when the treatments are done in two series with a 60 day gap which allows the body to recover from the first series before the second is begun. The cells are adept at dealing with radiation given time to do so. That is why Dr. Siegenschmiedt, who has decades of experience, recommends this approach as the first choice for treatment.

With cancers and exposure to radiation or chemicals may not manifest itself for 20 years (as with breast cancer and prostrate cancer and skin cancers) but the XRT for Dupuytren's has been done long enough and not shown to increase the odds of developing any type of cancer as a result. With only the hands or feet being exposed this is not surprising.

The only side effect of my XRT in Essen in 2007 was a very nice vacation in Germany.

07/02/2012 22:07
07/02/2012 22:07
Re: Side-effects of radiation


The only side effect of my XRT in Essen in 2007 was a very nice vacation in Germany.

I had another side effect: a fabulous 3-day stopover in Paris on the way back to the States (first time ever) and a lot of fun practicing my rusty college French!


07/02/2012 23:14
07/02/2012 23:14
Re: Side-effects of radiation

When I was in Germany, I asked Prof. S. about only receiving the first course of treatments. His response was that those who did that had reactivation of their disease a few months later. So I've made my reservation to go for my second series in September.

07/03/2012 08:49
07/03/2012 08:49
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi rich...

I know how much your hands mean to you.....so I know you ll make the smart choice.....I hope your condition continues to improve and...... enjoy the flight....


07/03/2012 11:06
07/03/2012 11:06
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hey Rich,

Hmm...I seem to remember having those same kind of thoughts and having YOU give me a really solid list of why I had to finish the treatment.
Call me anytime and I can review those with you. You have my number.

Your pal,

Edited 07/03/12 14:07

07/03/2012 13:01
07/03/2012 13:01
Re: Side-effects of radiation

When I was in Germany, I asked Prof. S. about only receiving the first course of treatments. His response was that those who did that had reactivation of their disease a few months later. So I've made my reservation to go for my second series in September.

I'm booked for Hamburg Sept 10th - had the same thought for a while about doing just one series and then decided against it.


07/12/2012 19:54
07/12/2012 19:54
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hey Rich!

That's awesome to hear you are having an exhibt of your work! Congratulations!
As for your questions:
....has gotten the 2nd phase 20+ weeks after the 1st, -- Don't even think about it.
... or had the 2nd treatment done in the states, -- Don't even think about it.
....or has skipped getting the 2nd phase completely -- Seriously? Don't even think about it!

Now, schedule your appointment with Prof. S and finish getting your hand fixed so you can keep painting into your 90's.

All the best!


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experience   fingers   Side-effects   Dupuytren   Hamburg   surgery   Seegenschmiedt   decision   switcombe   progression   treatment   because   Germany   insurance   patients   contracture   effects   nodules   disease   radiation