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Severe and prolonged itching
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09/11/2001 23:34
T. McDonald

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09/11/2001 23:34
T. McDonald

not registered

Severe and prolonged itching

I have been experiencing deep tissue itching in the palm of my right hand in the padding that is just below my pinky. I cannot feel any nodules. The itching is all day, and the only reason I have any pain is because I've bruised the palm of my hand from constantly scratching at it. The itching has been going on for 2 months now, and occurs nowhere else. The only topic I can find a match for that is close to my description without being surface related is Dupuytren's. Has anyone else experienced this type of intense itching in the early stages prior to detecting nodules? There is no discoloration or change in appearance of my skin.

10/01/2001 23:19

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10/01/2001 23:19

not registered


I don't recall itching, but I notice heat/burning in the top of my palm along the base of the fingers, especially below the finger where I had a nodule. I read here on the forum of others with similar sensation. Could be a similar thing, as these are similar nerve sensations.

10/28/2001 23:24
D Cushing

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10/28/2001 23:24
D Cushing

not registered


My palms and feet itched quite alot during the initial stages of DC in hands. The itching has stopped and I have nodules and cords in both hands but feet are OK. My guess has always been that the itching is the first reaction to a new episode of DC proliferation.

10/30/2001 23:10

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10/30/2001 23:10

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I have two nodules in my left hand and several cords and they itch like crazy. I sometimes embarrass myself by taking my right hand and rubbing my left hand like crazy. If I do this in public, people look at me like I am crazy. But I itch badly.

11/02/2001 23:05

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11/02/2001 23:05

not registered

Deep Tissue Itching

I have sever itching, burning, swelling and horrible pain in both my palms and fingers, and sometimes in my wrists. I know you're going to think me crazy, but I thought of those hemorrhoid commercials. So I went out and bought some hemorrhoid cream and put it where ever it was bothersome, and it was instantaneous relief. Told my doctor abou it and she's going to check into it. Try it! It's better then suffering.

11/02/2001 23:49

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11/02/2001 23:49

not registered

Butt cream

Ha ha ha, ok, I'll tell my father about it. He has D.C. as well, and, also suffers from the deep tissue itching that every one speaks of. But really, I can just feel the jokes a comming.... A.M.

01/06/2002 23:55
John Benson

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01/06/2002 23:55
John Benson

not registered

Deep Itching Dupuytrens Contraction

I first noticed the onset of DC when I was in my mid 20's. At that time the GP I was seeing told me I was awfully young to have the disease. What this meant was it would be more active and the tissues would grow at a faster rate when I was younger. To the best of my knowledge, I have lived with this disease for 33 years now. I have had 6 hand surgeries from very complex to fairly simple. The last being about 15 years ago. The itching for me was always a symptom that the DC was active and my tissue was growing at a very fast rate. I had on surgery on the bottom of my foot and this was the most complicated. As I have gotten older I do notice that my body anyway does seem to fight off some of the growing and I think the DC goes into remission. During this time I have had normal movement and little pain in my hands. Extreme pain is really the most motivating factor for any kind of surgery that I have had. I played golf as a youngster and at 25 had to quit as I could not hold a golf club long enough to practice. My fingers starting to contract and the finding a surgeon took a couple of years. By the time of my first surgery at the age of 31, my whole left hand was involved and the surgery was very complex. Rehabilitation, was very lengthy. All of my other surgeries were better as I learned that just the slighest movement would help keep tendons from contracting while in a cast. After several years and back to working with my hands I was able to resume golfing at the age of 42 and and still play as often as possible. Hands have really improved. Now my only problem is occaisional arthritis, from age and results of surgery. I will quit rambling. But I think since 1975, my first surgery, that the subject has been better studied and the surgeons know more about the effects of hand surgery. Hope this helps sorry to ramble.

01/11/2002 23:19
Bill K.

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01/11/2002 23:19
Bill K.

not registered

Deep Itching with DC

I also had severe deep itching before the onset of nodules and when they were in the soft stage with my first episode of DC. After six hand surgeries over a period of 12 years, I still get some itching for a period of time before nodules and new contraction starts, but it is intermittent and no longer severe.

08/25/2002 23:26
08/25/2002 23:26
Deep Tissue Itching

I never had any itching or pain prior to surgery. Now, six weeks after surgery the itching is horrible, contractures already returning. I am using DMSO and I think it is reducing the nodes in my right hand. I know it stops the itching. Nothing else would.

08/25/2002 23:16
08/25/2002 23:16

I don't presume to be an authority on the subject of itching, but my dear mother would always refer to it as HEALING. When a D/C afflicted person heals it is an ominous sign.

PLEASE: Lay off the following items: GLUCOSAMINE, CHONDROITEN, Vitamin C. In addition I will not use MSM, SAM-E or those new BLUE joint remedies. Aloe Vera and Vaseline Intensive Care contain Collagen. All of the aforementioned products have ingredients that are detrimental to D/C.

Be careful with what you experiment with and please check ingredients.

Many of you have not participated in the survey: I wonder why? Let's help each other by disseminating information. The URL follows: http://www.stcatz.org/dupuytren.htm

Just copy, paste and be rewarded.

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