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Imiquimod: A new treatment?
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05/16/2006 23:33

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05/16/2006 23:33

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I'm booked to see Dr Lermisaux in July. Where abouts do you live? It might be worth whie to see this Doc of yours.

05/17/2006 23:59

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05/17/2006 23:59

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Local Dr

Hi again GWB

Brisbane, Queensland.

If you want his address please give your email address and I'll give you the Docs details.


05/17/2006 23:48

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05/17/2006 23:48

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Good Morning Graeme,
I'm in Sydney but I do get a chance to visit Brissey from time to time. So here's my email. gwilliamb@hotmail.com
How long ago did you see Dr Lermusiaux and how was it?

05/18/2006 23:14

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05/18/2006 23:14

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~dq~raining on parades~dq~

Randy weren't you being a touch picky and upstaging with Graeme?

After all he addresses a number of possible outcomes to his nodules "sudden" reduction including that of Kenolog.

Feedback I've had on Kenalog success is that nodules reduce in size very slowly. Graeme reports a large reduction *overnight*. I believe no one has reported this outcome with Kenalog -- but perhaps someone might now come forward.

Graeme (& Larry) seem to have done a lot of internet research, and have got Lermusiaux, Eaton & Denkler interested. An approach has been made to 3M for trials. Hey not bad.

05/18/2006 23:34
Randy H.

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05/18/2006 23:34
Randy H.

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Having had Kenalog injections myself, Graeme's report is very consistent with my experience with the effect of Kenalog alone. It didn't seem like much had happened, and then after a number of weeks I suddenly realized a very obvious improvement. Knowing this, my excitement that Graeme's report signaled a new effective alternative is diminished. I guess the experience of spreading that very expensive Pd Lab's Transdermal Verapamil on my palm for six months to zero effect is in the back of my mind. I'm cautious not to get too excited until we have a report that doesn't include such a powerful alternative explanation as Kenalog.

On the other palm, I'm very grateful ti this Forum to have the opportunity to try something new with promise. With the number of people trying this, we should know in a month or so. Graeme should be the *first* to know when he sees and reports a significant improvement in an aria *not* also recently treated with Kenalog. I'm betting he will, but so far it's all theoretical. That was my only point.

05/18/2006 23:35
05/18/2006 23:35

Hi Randy/Graeme
Could you please explain to me what Kenolog injections are, where they are injected, how much is used, how often it is done and what is the likely outcomes from them.Can I ask my normal doctor to do it?
Thanks in advance

05/18/2006 23:19

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05/18/2006 23:19

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now that you are starting on this cream I hope that you will share with us the frequency of application and any other pointers/ strategies that you and your medico feel you should adopt.

It's also important that Larry shares the Eaton approach with us. What frequency and length of treatment did he propose and did he inject Kenalog?

We need more of indepth information such as Graeme provides so that we embrace an effective course of action, evaluation and revision.

Methinks it's going to be more like six months before we know if this Aldara works.

05/20/2006 23:32

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05/20/2006 23:32

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Hi Glenn

I saw Dr Lermusiaux late December 2005. I had MCP and thumb web and Ledderhose NA. The MCP and thumb results were very good. NA for Ledderhose is IMHO not very beneficial. Just prior to your appointment Lermusiaux will email details of how to get to his surgery and train to catch.
I'm sending by separate email my Doctors name and address and phone number.
Sorry about my tardiness in replying but I've been fishing up the coast for a few days.

05/29/2006 23:40
Dr. Larry D. Berryman

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05/29/2006 23:40
Dr. Larry D. Berryman

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Improvement with Imiquimod

I apologize to all who care that I have been tardy in reporting back about my use of Adalar (Imiquimod) Cream on my recently operated hand. I have been out of town for 10 days and away from my computer.

I have been using 1/2 a packet daily of Adalar on my rt. hand, both on the nodules and the cords. While I realize this is purely anectodal and very subjective, I am convinced that the nodules (3 of them, total) are smaller, and the cords seem softer and more pliable. Hence, I will refill my prescription and continue for another 30 days when my first prescription is gone.

I have had no localized reaction or burning at the site of application, and I am only using it on the hand Dr. Eaton did almost 1 month ago.

By the way, I have full use of my rt. hand and absolutely no pain or discomfort since the NA surgery. I am very, very pleased with the result of the surgery and very optomistic about the Adalar helping to reduce recurrence and severity of the cords.

06/07/2006 23:42

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06/07/2006 23:42

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side effects?

Larry, do you notice any side effects from Imiquimod? The list of potential side effects of Imiquimod is impressive ...


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surgery   differentiating   applying   Imiquimod   Lermusiaux   prostaglandin-F2   Kenalog   application   prescription   prostaglandin-E2   improvement   potential   section=News&id=1226536   Acretyl-L-Carnitine   Reconstructive   Dupuytren   effects   scientifically   treatment   Ledderhose