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Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?
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07/21/2018 04:58


07/21/2018 04:58


Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

Hi MaryL, welcome to our forum! The answer to the title of this thread is, there is very little evidence that what we eat is affecting Dupuytren's. Of course, there are always individual reports of this or that diet doing good. Those are interesting observations but might be coincidences. If you like eating meat and are not suffering from gout, why not continuing to do so. I guess that holds also for sea food and fish. It would be wrong to exclude that a specific diet might help for Dupuytren's but so far there is little evidence for any diet. You might have a look at "diet" at the bottom of https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...s_research.html .

Heavy drinking seems to increase the prevalence of Dupuytren's, i.e. make it more likely to develop the disease. Smoking on an average causes the disease to start about 7 years earlier. And there might be some medications that foster Dupuytren's.

Overall my advice would be to let Dupuytren's not spoil your live, including your joy in eating. With regard to radiotherapy it depends on your disease agressiveness and your age whether it makes sense to have RT. You need to be aware that by far the most patients with mild symptoms of Dupuytren's never need any treatment in their life https://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuyt...ontracture.html .


...It is so interesting that there seems to be a focus on getting meat and fish out of the diet - saying that early man wasn't into meat eating. But what about the Native Americans? They ate all kinds of different meat.
I don't want to start a war, but I just think that not everyone has the same experience of what triggers DC.
I was worried about shrimp - cuz I LOVE some good shrimp (and crab!). - s And I notice that salmon doesn't sit well with me if I eat a large portion but I am not sure that it does anything to the DC because that is a relatively new health development and I have had these issues all my life.

Has there been any research or anecdotes about allergies - possibly food allergies - and DC? I have a lot of plant allergies and also shellfish - so I also have to be careful about shrimp for that reason as well.
Quinoa and maltomeal breakfast cereal (do they even make that anymore?) and brown rice will make my throat start to close up. I totally avoid those, and have changed to only bison meat for my cooking needs.

But, I am a meat eater, and have mild to bad allergies for quite a few plants so Vegan is not really an option.

Edited 07/21/18 08:00

08/04/2018 01:02
08/04/2018 01:02
Re: Is there any evidence of what we eat /drink effecting the disease of M.D.?

I've been away from this forum for years, just did not need to investigate further. I'm a Xiaflex success case as you see in attachment. My hand looks the same as it did on last picture on 8/14/16. So >5yrs and never came back, knock on wood.

I quit red meat ~20yrs ago, chicken & turkey ~3yrs ago. So I eat fish and all Japanese foods, very heavy on salmon & crab. For ~40yrs I've drank 3-4 beers per day, which I know is heavy. So though I obviously have a propensity for DC, my diet is not driving a re-occurrence, or spreading to other hand (so far). BTW I'm 60 and some northern Europe genes are there.

I happen to be seeing my Xiaflex doc next week, to look at my shoulder, unrelated issue. I've not seen him since the day of cord breaking. He will get a print of the attached and a HIGH FIVE. Cheers to him and the inventors of this drug & procedure!

Edited 08/04/18 22:17

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