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Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.
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12/02/2015 03:51
12/02/2015 03:51
Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

To prevent a finger from curling, I am trying the finger splints called "Oval-8" Finger Splints.

I have pretty advanced Duputrens on my right hand (pinkie completely curled down, ring finger with huge lump, sticking sort of down and out, and unfortunately my middle finger at a right angle now which is a real game changer for me).

My left hand is now getting it. The little finger just starting to crook with big lump. I looked into something to prevent my left fingers from curling. I am hopeful about the Oval-8 (I am in no way affiliated with the product). I write here because I have hope these lightweight comfortable splints will keep the finger from curling. It won't prevent lumps, but I think it can prevent curling. If the finger is really held straight, how can it curl?

I bought the whole sizing set to experiment with them. I got them on ebay. I really recommend trying them for preventative ... I hope they work for my left hand. I just had to write in case it worked for anyone else, and YOU WOULD DO THIS when there is a lump and BEFORE THE FINGER STARTS TO CURL. Again, they are comfortable.

My recommendation is buy the whole sizing set to get the right fits. Also, you wear the splint the opposite way of the picture, which keeps finger straight.

    12/02/2015 20:50
    12/02/2015 20:50
    Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

    The oval 8 splint was given to me by the dr. Who performed na on my pinkie. I used it for about 6 months. After reading
    About splints on this forum ,I made the decision to switch to the fixx glove. I feel this is a better preventative method..

      12/02/2015 21:11
      12/02/2015 21:11
      Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

      Doodle, thanks for that info. How I wish I found the Oval-8 product before my right hand fingers bent down. The oval-8 are not clunky like a glove, and there is a certain advantage to that, being you will wear one more, especially during the day and out and about. Did you try the oval-8's after your needle procedure, or before your procedure?

        12/02/2015 21:26
        12/02/2015 21:26
        Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

        I was given them after the procedure. The doctor suggested wearing them for about 3 months.

          12/02/2015 21:47
          12/02/2015 21:47
          Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

          Thanks. My realization now is that they could be great BEFORE the fingers really start to curl. It can be preventative before that crucial first curl. I will find out if it will keep the pinkie finger straight. I am hoping for the best, and really feel it could help others before the fingers curl. It is wearable 24 hours a day, and that is a big plus. I am typlng with it on right now. Thanks.

            12/03/2015 07:22


            12/03/2015 07:22


            Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

            To Cali:

            Four comments:

            - you should NOT wear a splint all the time, i.e. night AND day. Your joints need to be moving, otherwise they will get stiff. This might be an issue even if you are wearing night splints only over a longer period of time.

            - the type of splint doesn't make a differnce with respect to effectiveness, as long as it is a static (not pulling) splint. The difference is convenience.

            - preventive splinting works for some patients according to a little study by Ball and Nanchahal http://hth.sagepub.com/content/7/3/76.abstract . But when you stop splinting the contracture can come quickly, see "controversy 2" on http://www.dupuytrensymposium.com/program_2015.php

            - you comments are close to marketing a specific splint Please be aware that we do not allow any product marketing in this forum.


              12/03/2015 16:14
              12/03/2015 16:14
              Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

              To Wolfgang,

              Thank you for your comments. Yes, I would be sure to not wear it all the time, wear them mostly at night, or when i feel things flaring or tugging., and to also move my joint.

              I am not marketing the product, but my motivation was to help. I am new here, and I can see now others have experience using these, maybe more AFTER a procedure. Yet, I am excited about the fact I could help my left hand fingers from going the route of my right hand. Time will tell. My right hand is severely clawed, and am considering NA, but quite frankly I am chicken to do it and not sure it will be worth all the pain... we all need our right hand every day, even if it doesn't work that great.

              I will be looking at your studies you sent.

              I truly think that convenience of wearing these IS really important at the stage my left hand is at. I would not mind at all wearing them at night for the rest of my life if it helped. To my thinking, this is a no-brainer over the alternative of not wearing them.

              Thank you for your reply!

                12/03/2015 16:39


                12/03/2015 16:39


                Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

                Hi Cali,

                wearing the nightsplint consistently is key to success. But at some point you will probably get fed up with it and stop wearing it for a while. Nothing wrong with that. What some people have successfully tried is start wearing it again for maybe a week or two as soon as you feel something is going on in your hand and your hand might start contracting. This doesn't work for everybody (didn't work for me) but some people have mananged keeping fingers straight over many years.


                  12/03/2015 20:38
                  12/03/2015 20:38
                  Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

                  Like snowflakes ..no two are the same .... also goes for this crazy disease ....for me ..night spints both hands for years ..has worked so far... but I do feel the splint needs to support the palm also ... not just the finger or part of..

                    12/03/2015 22:56
                    12/03/2015 22:56
                    Re: Preventative Finger Splint so my finger won't curl.

                    to briannb -
                    i should probably just have both types to try on my left hand from what everyone says. finger splints and full hand fixxglove type. I see what you are saying. Oh, how I wish I knew this when it started on my right hand, which is severe now. But there is hope for my left hand. Thanks a lot, everyone for replying. That was helpful to me., all of you.

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                      curling   consistently   splints   alternative   realization   dupuytrensymposium   Preventative   contracting   fingers   wearing   comfortable   recommendation   unfortunately   convenience   successfully   procedure   effectiveness   nightsplint   contracture   prevent