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R/T - Type Of Machine To Use
09/02/2013 14:41
09/02/2013 14:41
R/T - Type Of Machine To Use

R/T Machine - What kind use

Does it matter what kind of electron beam radiation machine is used. My Doctor will be using a big machine called a VARIAN TRILLOGY.......

However the pictures I have seen of machines used for the hands have looked like small machines that you just put your hand over while sitting down,.......the machine they are going to use on me is a big one where you lay down----the type of machine they use for serious cancer stuff.

Am I worried about nothing regarding the kind, and size of machine used?

Need feedback, thanks

09/02/2013 20:28


09/02/2013 20:28


Re: R/T - Type Of Machine To Use

I asked ProfS about this last week. He uses 'electrons', because it is easier to control the field and depth. But other doctors can and do use 'protons', 'orthovolt', and X-ray. All are suitable but most research now is with electrons and orthovolt. Protons have more risk since their depth is harder to control. Terminology here is as stated, and may be a bit loose, as it's not an area of my own expertise that would have allowed me to question deeper.

09/27/2013 02:41
09/27/2013 02:41
Re: R/T - Type Of Machine To Use

I am currently getting treated and I am on my second week. The first week (5 consecutive days) was using an ortho Xray machine. This is the preferred machine as it is easier to administer as this type of machine tends to penetrate only the surface area or just below the skin to the needed area. We are luck y to have this type of machine here as they are not that common. Tends to be an older style.

For my second week of treatment (6 weeks later) the Ortho machine was broken so we are using an electron beam. According to my doctor it is the same thing except they had to use more lead shielding and also place about a 1/2" of gel between my hand and the machine in order to get the right depth of penetration.

I can tell you from experience that the electron seems to be a little more intense as my hand is a bit sore aftertreament where after the ortho xray it never really hurt except for a couple days in the second week. When I say huirt, I mean a slight burning, maybe like a sun burn.

Bottom line, if the doctor knows what they are doing they can use either machine.

09/30/2013 15:05
09/30/2013 15:05
Re: R/T - Type Of Machine To Use

It is my understanding that electrons are preferred over ortho-X-rays for treating the skin and lesions directly under the skin. You'll get the same treatment benefit, but the side-effect of radiation-induced cancer is reduced somewhat with the electrons. That's because the energy of electrons is mostly absorbed near the surface, with less penetrating deeper to healthy tissue.


online-learn   aftertreament   side-effect   understanding   consecutive   treatment   ortho-X-rays   radiation-induced   down----the   experience   orthovolt   penetrating   Terminology   preferred   Machine   administer   clfoundation   electrons   penetration   on-beam-convent