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09/11/2008 05:54
09/11/2008 05:54


Australia Calling.I have had Dupuytrens for many years and Ledderhose for the past 8 years. I found the because of the Ledderhose ,it had affected me,unknowlingly in the way I walked . I became aware of problems with the hip joint of my left leg. I had problems with both hands being stiff and pain in the lower arm ,even tennis elbow . I went and had Remedial Massage. I found ,that the oil being used was made up of Virgin Olive Oil, Eucalyptus Oil 4%,Tea Tree Oil 5%,and Vanilla which were all Natural ingredients. It was being used by Sports persons, those with Neck and Back Pain and for Arthritis with glowing reports.
I have had Radiotherapy to both my hands and feet with good results. I am no longer wearing orthodics and the cords have deminished,so that I am back to walking normally. I have a Remedial Massage every 14 days, both to my hands and feet . I have improved movement in the joints ,which I could not achieve myself.
I use the oil which is called Elmore Oil. Another forum user in OZ had good comments about the oil when used .
When I am about to physical work ,I massage a small amount for 30 seconds onto the lower arm and into the hands.I found it is available on line in the US. http://www.elmoreoilusa.com/

01/25/2009 05:16
01/25/2009 05:16

Thanks, I'll look into that. I've been using pine oil and it seems to be helping. After putting the oil on I use DMSO to help drive the oil inside. You might want to try adding DMSO to make the oil treatment work better.

01/25/2009 05:21
01/25/2009 05:21

I forgot to mention, my chi kung teacher is one of the most advanced energy healers, and when I asked him what I could do about my nodules he recommended light massage, and he knows these things because he is so intuitive. Just saying light massage (in the direction of the cord) looks good, and adding oil seems to make it better.

08/10/2009 20:34
08/10/2009 20:34

It seems to me that massage may be beneficial, regardless of the 'lubricant' used to facilitate it. My family has a strong genetic load of Dupuytren's, and several family members massage affected fingers reularly, mostly with simple handcream. All report a beneficial effect, especially if the affected finger is caught early in the disease process.
Personally, I have followed ultrasound treatment with subsequent massage, see my previous contribution on ultrasound. This combined treatment appears to have been very beneficial in a finger, which I caught at a very early stage about 9 years ago and which has not yet shown any contraction.

12/21/2009 20:42
12/21/2009 20:42
DMSO as anti-inflamatory and for reducing scar tissue

Dr. Denkler has the opinion that massage is beneficial as witnessed by the lower rate of contracture with people suffering from Ledderhose's disease. Walking stretches the tissue much like a massage of the hands. The difficulty is finding an affordable and skilled practitioner. Even a video would be helpful. When I was exploring having a fasciectomy performed by a Dr. Ronald Gemberling in San Jose, CA, he told be that he used specific trained hand therapists for the post surgery recovery through massage. Unfortunately he also gave me a lot of bad information regarding complications from open hand surgery and very misleading information about NA procedures.

My wife was treated for severe rheumatoid arthritis first by the lead doctor at Stanford Medical (and proscribed a toxic level of aspirin for a month) and after she was reduced to the use of a wheelchair, by Dr. Stanley Jacobs at the Oregon Health Sciences University. A week's treatment by Dr. Jacob including intraneural injections cost less than one visit to the quacks at Stanford and at the end of the week she could walk pain free. The treatment was with a purified form of DMSO. Dr. Jacob is a remarkable doctor who has helped thousands of patients while not seeking to fatten his wallet in the process.

DMSO not only reduced inflammation and aids the cells in removing waste products it also minimizes the development of scar tissue in the joints that is a side effect of the inflammation process. Dr. Jacob now has a company, Jacob Laboratories Inc. that is formulating and selling lotions (available online) that combine DMSO and urea into a 60% DMSO gel. I use about 1/4 as much as with a standard hand lotion with urea.

It is expensive compared to a standard bottle of hand lotion but cheap as as medical treatments go. It goes on and is quickly absorbed into the skin. It is unlike anything else I have used on my hands but it does seem to improve the flexibility of my hands.

DMSO is an industrial by product and there is not enough profit for big pharma to get behind it and fund the trials necessary for FDA approval. But it is a very useful substance. Just need to be careful as it will carry whatever is on your skin into your blood stream so start with well washed hands.

More info at:


09/18/2010 22:06
09/18/2010 22:06

Be careful with DMSO as it carries whatever is on your skin, like the oil mentioned in one of the posts, not just into the tissue but can carry it into the blood stream as well. A pure food grade oil would not be a concern but I would watch out for other additives that might be harmful.

information   contracture   REMEDIAL   unknowlingly   flexibility   Laboratories   MASSAGE   Ledderhose   Radiotherapy   development   Unfortunately   inflammation   practitioner   beneficial   contribution   anti-inflamatory   treatment   contraction   elmoreoilusa   complications