"Dupuytren's of the palm" ? |
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11/24/2009 13:07
11/24/2009 13:07
"Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
I've had symptoms about two years. I have the nodules which I suspect will affect my ring finger most. But I can extend my fingers rather straight. The main symptom I have is a cupping of the palm. If I extend my fingers straight, you can notice the cupping by placing a straightedge on the back of my hand. You can also notice it on the palm side, mostly diagonally from the little finger to thumb muscles. Is this "Dupuytren's of the palm"? Is it a normal variation of the disease? It's not limiting me yet so I guess I'll see how bad it gets.
11/24/2009 13:08
11/24/2009 13:08
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
(answering myself so I can click the setting so I get email when there's a response - new user sorry)
11/24/2009 13:19
s cliffordnot registered
11/24/2009 13:19
s cliffordnot registered
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Hi Yes,I am effected by this desease in my palms,as yet no contracture,but masses in both palms. Started around 5 years ago,left hand,two years ago right.
11/24/2009 16:11
11/24/2009 16:11
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Ask the experts on this forum...but my understanding is that when it affects your hand, it always starts in the palm. From my experience, it starts as nodules in the palm, then develops cords that start pulling the fingers towards the palm. The best time to consider treatment is NOW...you can give radiation a try in the hopes that it will stop the progression of the disease and avoid contracture of the fingers in the future that will require further treatment like Needle Aponeurotomy or eventually surgery.
I have tried both, Needle Aponeurotomy (for a contracted finger) and Radiation for a palm filled with nodules and one small cord...If you live in the Southern California area there is a very good doctor at Scripps Clinic in La Jolla that is doing the radiation treatment.
My advice would be, don't wait for the fingers to contract... Let me know if you need further advice.
11/24/2009 20:39
11/24/2009 20:39
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
I first became aware of nodules in my palm. Looking back, I had some discomfort in my thumb that I "self-diagnosed" as arthritis. I don't know which came first, because I made no connection at all of the thumb with the palm nodules. It was/is Dupuytren's in my thumb as well as my palm. Then the cords developed and contracture occurred in my pinkie finger and in my thumb. I had NA (needle aponevrotomy) to release the contracture last spring. I had RT (radiation therapy) in July. RT stopped the progression of my Dups. It even reduced the nodules quite a bit, but the nodules are still apparent. When the nodules became smaller, there was greater flexibility in my hand. My grip had been affected and that is significantly better.
I totally agree with LubaM. You seem like your Dups is at a prime stage to have radiation therapy. You have no contracture and the nodules are increasing.
The sooner the better, because the Dups is not likely to stop. At least have an evaluation by someone who does RT.
You didn't say where you live. Look at the side menu bar under Radiation therapy and find a clinic or clinics that you could go to.
You didn't say your age, but Medicare pays. My supplemental insurance also paid.
11/24/2009 21:28
s cliffordnot registered
11/24/2009 21:28
s cliffordnot registered
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Hello,I live in the uk. I am 54. In january this year I had my first dose of radiation,2nd 6 weeks later,by a Dr Goode in Poole,Dorset. I don't really see if there is any slowing of the growth,but what would it have been like without it?? The growth in my palms is now starting to make my knuckle protrude. I first posted on this sight when diagnosed,and the radiation treatment information I gained from this forum.I was not given any advice from my GP only wait for contraction,and I was not going to do that.I have had numerous nerve tests,all negative,because this desease is painful,especially at night and effects my sleep, and although I have no contraction as yet,my hands and fingers,especially my tips,are losing their sensation. My thumbs seem to be the worst and I'm wondering whether to go for Na to cut these cords.I saw a consultant 3 months ago and he said all the while I could hold a glass of wine in my hand,I should wait. I have no other health problems,do not fall into and category for DC,but I did have serious burns on my hands as a child. The worst is the frustration of mobility,I'm a dental nurse and struggling with the delicate sense of touch I require. I don't want to sound moany,as I know theres much worse out there,I just don't know what to expect,as I read the posts it's clear that this creepy desease is a very mysterious maze,with no way out.
11/26/2009 02:07
11/26/2009 02:07
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Thanks, everybody. I have a consultation scheduled. I'm just 46.
12/22/2009 23:39
12/22/2009 23:39
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Well, today I finished my first round of 5 treatments. They tell me it's electrons, 1500 cGy total. I can't tell any difference. The doctor says benign things like this take awhile to make a difference - like if there's no difference in 6 months then I could say it had no effect. Of course the second round comes before that though.
11/18/2011 01:19
11/18/2011 01:19
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Me again. My second round of radiation was February 2010. I'd have to say it worked because the progression completely stopped. Things are exactly unchanged in that hand.
However I think it was early this year when the problem started in my other (left) palm. It started as a very small spot, as if a pencil was pushing from under the fascia. It spread very slightly and smoothed out and is quite minor now. But an adjacent nodule started up and is fairly large now. The height of the bump interferes with opening a tight lid on a jar if that hand is used for the lid. It is in line with my middle finger. Like the other hand, the palm feels tight and itchy sometimes. Can still hyperextend the fingers with palm flat, so it's better than the other hand that way. Thinking I should try the radiation in this hand since it has been steadily getting worse. I see Xiaflex is for when you have a cord and I have no cords.
11/18/2011 13:33
11/18/2011 13:33
Re: "Dupuytren's of the palm" ?
Your hand from your description seems similar to mine. I had that same feeling and location, except that it was my right hand. Nodule in the middle of the palm, tingling, itching, a crawling feeling, and pain. Within 2-3 months I quickly had a cord form that extended from the base of my middle finger almost to my wrist. It began to pull my middle finger down and puckering began to occur below my middle finger. Like you I had RT and that was over 2 years ago and still no new nodules. The nodule went away, the cord regressed into my palm, but the puckering is still noticable. Are you going to do RT again? Sounds like it worked the first time. I believe if I get any new nodules I will do RT again. It has worked so well.
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