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Advice on Xiaflex
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10/15/2012 15:13


10/15/2012 15:13


Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I had Xiaflex a year ago and a night splint helps me maintaining the status. It's not a guarantee but maybe worth a try. The issue with night splinting is that the splinted joints stiffen in course of the night. Usually this goes away in the morning after moving the fingers for a while. I am using the Fixxglove for splinting but I guess any other splint will do as well.

My xiaflexed hand is a little swollen still and I have some difficulties making a fist. It works but with a little pain. I am not sure whether the swelling is due to Xiaflex. It might have other reasons.


My experience was not pleasant to be sure - but if I get a few more years of playing out of it and i don't immediately get a reoccurrence - it will have been worth it. We will see - it will be a few more weeks before I know.

If they could do a better job of managing the pain during the injection procedure - this wouldn't be so bad.

10/15/2012 15:27
10/15/2012 15:27
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

They had me in a plaster cast the first couple of days, now a finger splint 100% of the time when I'm not doing wound care. Thanks for the advice about the night splint - I will do that as well as some PT and massage to get mobility and flexibility back. Curious about your swelling - that doesn't sound normal - unless you have arthritis or something.

How long was your injection procedure, and was it painful?

I had Xiaflex a year ago and a night splint helps me maintaining the status. It's not a guarantee but maybe worth a try. The issue with night splinting is that the splinted joints stiffen in course of the night. Usually this goes away in the morning after moving the fingers for a while. I am using the Fixxglove for splinting but I guess any other splint will do as well.

My xiaflexed hand is a little swollen still and I have some difficulties making a fist. It works but with a little pain. I am not sure whether the swelling is due to Xiaflex. It might have other reasons.

My experience was not pleasant to be sure - but if I get a few more years of playing out of it and i don't immediately get a reoccurrence - it will have been worth it. We will see - it will be a few more weeks before I know.

If they could do a better job of managing the pain during the injection procedure - this wouldn't be so bad.

10/15/2012 15:40
10/15/2012 15:40
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I think my pinkie PIP joint is messed up from being contracted so long - 5 years. I will be interested to see whether PT etc can help with that after swelling goes down and the wound heals. If I have major problems with it the Xialex treatment will have far less value than I was hoping for.

10/15/2012 16:12
10/15/2012 16:12
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I think my pinkie PIP joint is messed up from being contracted so long - 5 years. I will be interested to see whether PT etc can help with that after swelling goes down and the wound heals. If I have major problems with it the Xialex treatment will have far less value than I was hoping for.
My opinion on Xiaflex...

Wolfgang's hand still swollen after a year? I agree doesn't sound normal... and Brian, sorry about your difficult and painful experience with Xiaflex. For me this and other comments I have read here is a big disappointment. I have had DD (and LD) for over 12 years and a few years ago when Xiaflex was in the stages of getting approval I was having big hopes that it will be the "miracle" solution and better than NA.

I have a badly contracted PIP joint in small finger of right hand, tried NA twice on it, with two different doctors (Dr. Eaton and Dr. Denkler), both great and top in the field...Both times the contracture returned within six months to the same degree as before NA. Now the PIP joint, small finger left hand is starting to contract.

I feel lucky that I only have a few nodules and dimples in the rest of both hands, and being a fine artist the bent pinkies being the only problems, so far, don't interfere with my holding the paint brushes. I will patiently wait to see long term results for Xiaflex to decide if I want to subject myself to the unpleasant side effects and possible painful procedure. I am just hoping that two bent pinkies will be all I have for a while.

I also did RT on my left hand and for nodules on left foot, and it stopped the progression in the areas treated, for now.

Also, the problem is that everyone's experience with all these treatments is so different from one person to the other.
We are so lucky to have this Forum to learn about this weird disease and treatments from others.

Edited 10/15/12 19:40

10/15/2012 16:20


10/15/2012 16:20


Re: Advice on Xiaflex

If your finger had been contracted for 5 years then your joint and bands will probably already have adapted to the contracture. don't expect miracles but keep trying to get the best result. Xiaflex can't fix a transformed joint (nobody can I guess), it helps breaking the cord that is the reason for the initial contracture.

My own procedure was fairly short and - fortunately - not painful. I only got one shot into the cord and the rest of the xiaflex was not used. Bfore the manipulation on the next day my hand was numbed, so it wasn't painful at all. Unfortuntely the cord did not break (no cracking) but probably only extended. Well it was at least worth a try and I am satisfied with the result (from maybe 35 deg to 15 deg).

BTW, the swelling of my hand is not dramatic. You can see it when you compare both hands but otherwise you wouldn't notice it. No idea what the reason is, I just mentioned it because it's the same hand.


I think my pinkie PIP joint is messed up from being contracted so long - 5 years. I will be interested to see whether PT etc can help with that after swelling goes down and the wound heals. If I have major problems with it the Xialex treatment will have far less value than I was hoping for.

10/15/2012 16:46
10/15/2012 16:46
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Wach - it sounds like they didn't use enough Xiaflex for you. My doc used a whole bottle for the one finger. Are you thinking about going back?

10/15/2012 18:02


10/15/2012 18:02


Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Not really. My finger wasn't well suited for Xiaflex because it had more of a very thick nodule and the cord was not very prominent. I think the doc did the best possible and another try wouldn't make much sense.


Wach - it sounds like they didn't use enough Xiaflex for you. My doc used a whole bottle for the one finger. Are you thinking about going back?

10/15/2012 18:16
10/15/2012 18:16
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

I see- interesting. My doc is recommending Xiaflex treatment on my un-contracted index finger for a nodule without a cord. More of a preventive treatment. Wonder if that's really going to be effective. It's certainly off-lablel.

Not really. My finger wasn't well suited for Xiaflex because it had more of a very thick nodule and the cord was not very prominent. I think the doc did the best possible and another try wouldn't make much sense.

Wach - it sounds like they didn't use enough Xiaflex for you. My doc used a whole bottle for the one finger. Are you thinking about going back?

10/16/2012 01:08
10/16/2012 01:08
Re: Advice on Xiaflex


Your experience with the actual injection and manipulation sounds similar to mine. I had my Xiaflex injection in April. The doctor only injected one cord on the ring finger of my right hand, but he did it in 3 locations. It hurt like HELL. It took about 10-15 minutes. I had a two hour drive home and about halfway home I thought I was going to die. The pain was that bad. I had swelling and bruising all the way to my armpit.

By the next week, the pain was gone and I was using my hand just fine. But it took at least two months for all of the swelling to go down. I still have days when I can't wear my ring. I don't know why it's still doing that months later but it's no big deal. The contracture of that ring finger is gone and it does straighten out. My problem is that all the other fingers are contracting in toward my palm so my whole hand is still messed up. I've decided that for now, I'm not going to have any more injections.

I do wish someone locally did the NA, but they don't.

~ dawn

10/16/2012 02:16
10/16/2012 02:16
Re: Advice on Xiaflex

Can't help but make the inquiry. What is the advantage of Xiaflex over NA? It seems considerably more painful with greater side effects. The only thing that I see is revenue for Pfizer.

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