Amputation option |
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02/04/2012 03:26
02/04/2012 03:26
Amputation option
I have had NA twice and surgery once on my pinky finger. Last surgery was 16 months ago and the finger is contracting again. Surgeon has advised he can do surgery again with limited expected results and has suggested I may want to consider amputating the pinky finger when it gets much worse. Angle is at about 40 degrees now with no pain and virtually no limitations on ability to use hand. Canada has not approved the collagenase injection so if that was chosen I would need to travel to USA for treatment and pay costs. By the way, how much does it cost?
Just wondering from those who have done this how it's all worked out for you. Does your hand work ok, how long a recovery did you experience, are you happy with your decision?
Thanks, Glenn
02/04/2012 08:25
spanishbuddha  Administrator
02/04/2012 08:25
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Amputation option
Suzuki12: I have had NA twice and surgery once on my pinky finger. Last surgery was 16 months ago and the finger is contracting again. Surgeon has advised he can do surgery again with limited expected results and has suggested I may want to consider amputating the pinky finger when it gets much worse. Angle is at about 40 degrees now with no pain and virtually no limitations on ability to use hand. Canada has not approved the collagenase injection so if that was chosen I would need to travel to USA for treatment and pay costs. By the way, how much does it cost?
Just wondering from those who have done this how it's all worked out for you. Does your hand work ok, how long a recovery did you experience, are you happy with your decision?
Thanks, Glenn
This thread might help:
02/04/2012 13:11
02/04/2012 13:11
Re: Amputation option
Suzuki12: I have had NA twice and surgery once on my pinky finger. Last surgery was 16 months ago and the finger is contracting again. Surgeon has advised he can do surgery again with limited expected results and has suggested I may want to consider amputating the pinky finger when it gets much worse. Angle is at about 40 degrees now with no pain and virtually no limitations on ability to use hand. Canada has not approved the collagenase injection so if that was chosen I would need to travel to USA for treatment and pay costs. By the way, how much does it cost?
Just wondering from those who have done this how it's all worked out for you. Does your hand work ok, how long a recovery did you experience, are you happy with your decision?
Thanks, Glenn
Hey there,you dont have to amputate ur pinky.Ive had my left pinky fused straight for 10 years u never have to worry about it contracting and your hand actually looks normal.Right now I have a contrcture over 100 deg in my left ring finger if it wasnt for my fused pinky holding it out the i wouldnt be able to use the hand.I just had my right pinky straighten again with Xiaflex but if comes back again soon i will get that one fused also.Dupuytrens cant bend them pins .I still play a mean round of golf with it.Good luck.Dave
02/04/2012 18:08
spanishbuddha  Administrator
02/04/2012 18:08
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Amputation option
hammer: Hey there,you dont have to amputate ur pinky.Ive had my left pinky fused straight for 10 years u never have to worry about it contracting and your hand actually looks normal.Right now I have a contrcture over 100 deg in my left ring finger if it wasnt for my fused pinky holding it out the i wouldnt be able to use the hand.I just had my right pinky straighten again with Xiaflex but if comes back again soon i will get that one fused also.Dupuytrens cant bend them pins .I still play a mean round of golf with it.Good luck.Dave
That's interesting as I'd not heard of that before. How straight is straight?
02/04/2012 20:02
02/04/2012 20:02
Re: Amputation option
What type of surgery did you have and what was the degree of contracture? Did a hand surgeon do the surgery?
02/04/2012 20:14
02/04/2012 20:14
Re: Amputation option
Dave, I like your attitude. :-)
You tried alternative treatments then let practicality be your own option when needed. We all have to be our own best analyst about our medical care in the end.
02/04/2012 20:36
02/04/2012 20:36
Re: Amputation option
I had total fasciectomy with contracture about 50 degrees. My hand was also cupping on the outside with skin stretching causing mild pain. Cupping has not returned nor has pain.
02/05/2012 06:42
wach  Administrator
02/05/2012 06:42
wach  Administrator
Re: Amputation option
Maybe Dupuytren wouldn't even want to bend your finger anymore after you fused it? The development of a cord might well be an attempt of the body to put your finger at rest and stop the pulling on the initial nodule. If you fuse your finger that pulling is stopped and typically the related cords then eventually vanish.
hammer: Hey there,you dont have to amputate ur pinky.Ive had my left pinky fused straight for 10 years u never have to worry about it contracting and your hand actually looks normal.Right now I have a contrcture over 100 deg in my left ring finger if it wasnt for my fused pinky holding it out the i wouldnt be able to use the hand.I just had my right pinky straighten again with Xiaflex but if comes back again soon i will get that one fused also.Dupuytrens cant bend them pins .I still play a mean round of golf with it.Good luck.Dave
02/05/2012 14:36
02/05/2012 14:36
Re: Amputation option
Interesting comment " rest "....that is a theary that I have regarding splinting. After my NA on both hands I have continued to splint every one case...going on three years....all continues to be doing very well. Perhaps the " rest " that spinting provides wards off Dups.. ?
02/05/2012 14:52
02/05/2012 14:52
Re: Amputation option
flojo: Dave, I like your attitude. :-)
You tried alternative treatments then let practicality be your own option when needed. We all have to be our own best analyst about our medical care in the end.
It seems to effect all of us in different ways and mine seems to be very agressive at this point.I am down to shifting my harley with my index and middle fngers so cant wait to get the left hand fixed.I have 2 more xiaflex injections in the right hand to do then ill start on the left.Glenn please find the best hand doc u can,alot of surgeons will tell u they can fix it but they r in it for the careful and good luck.Dave
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