Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger? |
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07/27/2007 18:43
07/27/2007 18:43
Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I've read that DC rarely affects the index finger. Has anyone had it in the web between the thumb and index finger? I had a rapidly growing nodule there removed along with a cord along my index finger's tendon.
07/27/2007 20:37
07/27/2007 20:37
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Yeah... my dad does. He has had DC for many years, is in his 70's and has had very little progression of the disease for a long time. But he does have a slow growing lump in the web between thumb and forefinger. Hopefully this will go nowhere in your case Have you thought about radiation? Maybe it could stop it or slow it down.
07/28/2007 06:38
07/28/2007 06:38

Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Hi Australia calling.Unfortunatelly I have DD on both hands on thumb and index finger. I also have a small graft on the base of right thumb and a large graft between the base of left thumb to the index finger .In the past l8 months I've had three small operations performed on the right thumb along previous scar lines as they became raised and very painfull. I always wear cotton type rubber faced gloves to do any work to protect this area.I have had work performed by two plastic surgeons and both advised not to allow the contraction to exceed 5-6 cms(2inches ) before operating. I have full use of both hands but I do stretching excercise every day.I am now 65yr and was diagnosed at 35 yr but did not have surgery for l5 yrs or so. I was told I had the disease in an aggressive form and surgery will be ongoing. I now have much smaller operations ( day surgery)and within 14 days I am back to so called normal . I would be hopeful that AA4500 Collagen won't be too far off I 've recently read Auxillium Pharmaceuticals sponsored by BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. is carrying out its second Phase 3 trials on 200 patients at 15 locations in US and with 60 patients in Australia and Switzerland. I think you may now have more options open to you.
07/28/2007 18:43
07/28/2007 18:43
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
The surgery isn't too bad, but if this keeps up I'll look into radiation. I'd say our member in Australia definately should consider radiation.
I'm going to start taking N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine in hope of preventing the spread of DD.
I'm one more person who might have had glucosamine w/chondroitin trigger DD.
07/28/2007 22:10
07/28/2007 22:10
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I think the idea that Dupuytren's rarely affects the thumb or index finger is just more misinformation that's been endlessly repeated and has even found its way into clinical literature. Both my thumbs and index fingers have contractures. I've already had surgery on one of the fingers. I currently have a large and progressive contracture in the "web" of one thumb - I keep fighting against it with stretching.
07/30/2007 09:01
Wolfgangnot registered
07/30/2007 09:01
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Jim, you are probably right ... my biggest cords are also on my thumb and index finger. Maybe pinkies get affected earlier because they are not as strong or get less exercised. That would support your training concept. But statements about which finger is more often affected are, at the most, empirical. I haven't seen any reasoning yet why this should be the case.
Another popular statement is "men get this disease more often than women" (8 times, 5.6 times, whatever). That's usually calculated by adding up male and female Dupuytren patients of a specific clinic. Closer to the truth is that men get this disease about 15 years earlier than woman. Because they start earlier (on an average) they usually get Dupuytren more severe and show up more frequently in clinics. The real question is why men get it earlier. Personally I suspect because they typically carry the suitcases ... it the pre-suitcase times they drove coaches and did other heavy work.
07/31/2007 15:51
Ceri Smallnot registered
07/31/2007 15:51
Ceri Smallnot registered
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I have DC in my left index finger and thumb (along with a few other nodules on my left palm). Incidentally I had surgery on my right hand five weeks ago. My DC was very aggressive (right pinkie straight to folded almost completely in 6 months) and so I don't think that I had any other option available (I made a few enquiries about alternatives from info on this site but I live in a "backwater" as far as advanced surgical techniques are concerned! (Swansea, South Wales, UK). Excellent surgeon (Mr Newington) got my finger 90% straight. After an initial setback of an infection, the wound has healed and although I still do not have full mobility, played my first game of golf today. With physio/splinting I hope to have full use soon. I have a follow-up consultancy on 13th August, where I'll be discussing options for my left hand - I'll report back any useful info here. For what it's worth, I agree completely with other posters on here that the aggression of DC is related to percussive impact. Nodules on the undersides of both feet appeared at the age of 31 (I played football since 14) and my hands started deteriorating rapidly at 40, 4 years after I started playing golf! ALL the nodules/cords on my hands are/were directly where a golf club sits in my grip! I'm 44 now (male).
07/31/2007 16:01
07/31/2007 16:01
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
If DC is in fact caused by percussive impact, I'm an exception. I've never had problems with my feet even though I was a runner when I was younger. I've now had three different areas of my hands affected even though just about all I do with them is type. (Well, and hit my computer from time to time.)
08/01/2007 19:31
08/01/2007 19:31
Re: impact
I have agressive DC and my hands have never sustained any unusual impact or trauma.
03/02/2009 13:53
03/02/2009 13:53
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
It's now been over a year and a half since my last occurrence with no hint of a recurrence. I had a good surgeon!
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