Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger? |
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04/15/2009 18:46
04/15/2009 18:46
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Hi All, I have a nodule in the web between my thumb & index finger on my left hand and nodules at the base of both index fingers. My thumbs seem to be curving also. I have several bumps on both hands and cords on my left hand at the base of the thumb.
This disease seems to be quite random. I had a cortisone injection on my rt thumb and index finger 2 weeks ago to ease some pain. Currently on steroids for other hand issues.
Barbara (NY)
01/18/2011 00:00
powe119not registered
01/18/2011 00:00
powe119not registered
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
BobJuch: I've read that DC rarely affects the index finger. Has anyone had it in the web between the thumb and index finger? I had a rapidly growing nodule there removed along with a cord along my index finger's tendon.
Yes I have, I am due for operation on 20 jan 2011. I have it across the web and from fleshy part of palm to right up the thumb
01/18/2011 01:45
01/18/2011 01:45
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I had RT on left hand (palm area) 11/09... seems like the disease stopped progressing in the radiated area...
but... I am developing nodules on the web between thumb and index finger, outside of the radiated area. I actually am also developing nodules in the web of my other hand, where I had no RT, but had NA twice for a contracted pinkie finger.
Strange disease !!!!
Edited 01/18/11 03:47
01/18/2011 04:05
01/18/2011 04:05
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I had/have Dupuytren's in the web between my thumb and forefinger. I had RT on it and it has stopped the progression. The nodule in that area softened and reduced in size. I'll take this for as long as it lasts and I hope it lasts, but you never know with this disease.
Have you considered RT instead of surgery? So far I have avoided surgery with NA and RT.
01/18/2011 08:58
01/18/2011 08:58

Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Australia Calling. Hi Powe119. I have had Dupuytrens on both thumbs and index fingers. Had skin grafts on both thumb areas adjacent to the web to reduce the scar tissue. I have had repeat operations as well the last in 07. I will say because I am right handed the operation to the right forefinger has been the area that has given me the most grief. The thumb and forefinger are the most used. Holding hammer ,pushing a lawn mower, pulling on a rope all exert extreme pressure in this area. You do not mention if you have contraction . If so have NA. If I could give my opinion I would not have surgery and I've had plenty. It will be the beginning of recontraction. Consider Rt . I did in 07 and so far the progression has stopped.
Edited 01/18/11 14:23
01/18/2011 15:55
01/18/2011 15:55
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
I have nodules on my right forefinger and a large one at the base, right where the web starts. I have started RT on both hands and my left foot today. hoping to avoid any more surgerys. will keep you posted.
01/18/2011 20:19
01/18/2011 20:19
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
newman: Australia Calling. Hi Powe119. I have had Dupuytrens on both thumbs and index fingers. Had skin grafts on both thumb areas adjacent to the web to reduce the scar tissue. I have had repeat operations as well the last in 07. I will say because I am right handed the operation to the right forefinger has been the area that has given me the most grief. The thumb and forefinger are the most used. Holding hammer ,pushing a lawn mower, pulling on a rope all exert extreme pressure in this area. You do not mention if you have contraction . If so have NA. If I could give my opinion I would not have surgery and I've had plenty. It will be the beginning of recontraction. Consider Rt . I did in 07 and so far the progression has stopped.
Who did your radiation therapy which was succesful after so many operations and what was the treatment schedule ??
01/18/2011 20:59
01/18/2011 20:59
Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
flojo: I had/have Dupuytren's in the web between my thumb and forefinger. I had RT on it and it has stopped the progression. The nodule in that area softened and reduced in size. I'll take this for as long as it lasts and I hope it lasts, but you never know with this disease.
Have you considered RT instead of surgery? So far I have avoided surgery with NA and RT.
Hi Flora... As you can see from my post above yours...In the last few months, I started to develop nodules in the web between index finger and thumb with a very tiny cord going towards the index finger.... all this is outside the radiated area in Nov. 09... The rest of the hand, where it was radiated, is doing well... I am considering going back to Dr. T. in the spring...
How did it go for you in the second round of RT?
Regards Luba
Edited 01/18/11 23:00
01/19/2011 06:58
01/19/2011 06:58

Re: Anyone have DC in web between thumb and index finger?
Hi Larry , Aussie Calling-Prof. Seengenschmiedt did the Radiotherapy in Essen Germany, using the 2 sessions 5X3 Gy Protcol. When I first visited the Prof. in 07 he said he had never seen a patient with so much Surgery, as he generally treats patients in the early stages prior to contraction. He is such a great person with a passion with patients suffering with Dupuytrens. During our meeting the Prof. phoned Dr Kurt Steffens (Hand Surgeon specialising in Dupuytrens) at St Josef Krankenhaus in the suburb of Kupferdreh /Essen. He wanted the physician to evalute me and have his view if RT was an option. He made an appointment with Dr. Steffens for the next day and then to come and see him. What a service! The following day the Prof. organzied for the treatment to start the following day. Dr. Steffens has a great web page and indicated that patients who had the disease prior to 40 yrs of age and contraction in the thumb/web/forefinger were at a much greater risk of recontraction. That was me. Regards.
Edited 01/19/11 09:02
01/19/2011 21:14
01/19/2011 21:14
Re: Radiotherapy with Prof. Seegenschmiedt / Germany
Dear newman
I can confirm the fantastic job which was done under the guidance of Prof. Seegenschmiedt, who is now working in Hamburg just 10 min away from the International Airport.
He has excellent skills to examine the patient ( I have never met another doctor with the same skills). He takes himself time to explain and outline a perspective for the individual patient. He has also very good ideas to use simple functional tests and he uses a very diligent documentation system which he shares with his patient.
Neither my family physcian nor all of the reknown hand surgeons which I have met in my long "Carreer as patient" came any close to the "Prof".
And besides all, he his a very charming and caring person. THx that You agree with me !
Clearly a good experience, worthwile to travel some miles ... 
Edited 01/19/11 23:17
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