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Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others
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06/13/2009 13:34
06/13/2009 13:34
Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

It appears I have just developed what looks like Dupuytren's. I typed in "lumps in the hand" and Dupuytren's came up, but I have not yet been to see a doctor. The reason being, I am here in the UK and the medical establishment still favours open hand surgery. There are one or two doctors who practice N/A, but they don't appear to be hand specialists and I understand one must be very careful to only see a hand specialist, otherwise the tendons and nerves could be damaged.

So I am not sure what to do. I have it in both hands, started on the right, now on the left and it is quite painful, but there is no contracture yet. There is a cord going to my right thumb.

Can anyone give me their thoughts ? Would you wait until there is contracture, or should I fly to see someone like Dr Eaton in Florida to prevent the disease developing further. I live alone and could never manage with the open hand surgery, anyway it seems old fashioned now and N/A or possible Collaganese is the way to go.

By the way, just about everything on here as to the causes fits with me. I had an accident and broke my arm and ankle, badly injured my shoulder. So trauma, I took far too many paracetemol for the pain, not overdosing but every day for quite a while. I was also taking glucosomine and there have been links made there.

Anyway any advice, would be gratefully received. No one in my family has it, never heard of it before now.

Edited 06/13/09 16:38

06/14/2009 04:05
06/14/2009 04:05
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

1) Normally, Dupuytren's is not "painful". You might be experiencing something else.

2) There is nothing any doctor can do to "prevent the disease developing further.

3) There is very little you can do until there is contraction. Some people go their entire life with Dupuytren's and do not have contracture.

06/14/2009 04:10
06/14/2009 04:10
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

Also, you said, "open hand surgery, anyway it seems old fashioned now". There is nothing "old fashioned" about "open hand surgery". The techniques of microsurgery are very current. I had surgery 7 1/2 years ago and my finger is still as good as before Dupuytren's (zero contraction).

06/14/2009 11:42
06/14/2009 11:42
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

There is a list of Doctors in the UK who do NA. First on the list is Dr Chris Bainbridge, Consultant Hand and Nerve Surgeon and he does NHS. I am talking to my GP this week about geting a refferal to him.

06/14/2009 11:43
06/14/2009 11:43
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

you can find the list here http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_UK.html

06/14/2009 17:31
06/14/2009 17:31
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

There could be something else wrong with your hand but
my DC was quite painful. My palm where the nodule is, was quite tender and my entire arm ached to the shoulder. Any jarring of my hand made it more painful and the ache kept me up at night. My hand also felt cold quite a bit of the time. The pain was what ultimately sent me to the doctor.

A steroid shot finally knocked out the pain.


06/15/2009 19:27
06/15/2009 19:27
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

Thank you to all those kind enough to reply to me.

I am pretty sure I have Dupuytren's, my hands are exactly the same as the photos and I can see the cords going from the lumps on my left hand to the little finger and ring finger and on my right hand, travelling clearly to my thumb. As I say, there has never been any sign of this in my family.

Just my opinion, but I think the pain comes from where the lumps sit on nerves and, where the cord it attached to the thumb the thumb joint aches.

A thought of mine is, I don't see why surgeons cannot break up the cords before they contract. It could save a lot of problems, because it appears that quite often, once there is real contracture, even after surgery, the fingers affected cannot completely straighten so I don't understand why it is allowed to get that far.

Reading the British Medical Journal, they are only now beginning to acknowledge N/A and many doctors still favour open hand surgery. As someone who has travelled and lived abroad, I know that the British medical world is much slower in adopting new ideas.

N/A appears to have been invented and practiced in France for many years and quite a long time in the States. It is only recently that it has been given the all clear here and surgeons are carrying out the operation.

Well I will have a look at the list of surgeons you have been kind enough to post.

As I say, thank you so much, it does help to hear from others.


Edited 06/15/09 22:48

06/15/2009 19:46
06/15/2009 19:46
Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

Looking at the UK list, there are only two surgeons in London, where I live. One is in Harrow, a NHS hospital quite some distance from me and not my hospital trust area so I would not be referred there and another at The London Clinic, a surgeon who is a dermatologist.

I am in central London and I do have private medical cover, however, I have read just about everything on line that I can possibly find and, there are warnings to only allow hand specialists and micro surgeons to touch the hands, because obviously, the hand has so many important tendons and nerves. Apparently there have been complications.

It would worry me to see a dermatologist, even though The London Clinic is one of our very top hospitals. I will continue with my research and anything interesting I will post here.

Thanks for taking an interest.


06/15/2009 20:49
06/15/2009 20:49

Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others


So I am not sure what to do. I have it in both hands, started on the right, now on the left and it is quite painful, but there is no contracture yet. There is a cord going to my right thumb.

Can anyone give me their thoughts ? Would you wait until there is contracture, or should I fly to see someone like Dr Eaton in Florida to prevent the disease developing further. I live alone and could never manage with the open hand surgery, anyway it seems old fashioned now and N/A or possible Collaganese is the way to go.

Personally I'd try to avoid any invasive procedure until it's the only option left. I had similar concerns about my situation which made waiting for probable contracture a bad option. I took the radiotherapy route (with useful looking results so far ), is that something you'd consider

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited 06/15/09 23:51

06/16/2009 06:55


06/16/2009 06:55


Re: Appears I am developing Dupuytren's and would like to hear from others

Katherine, Dupuytren's disease originates in the tissue just below the skin, so it might still fall in the dermatologist regime as well. You might wonder whether a dermatologist has enough knowledge of the hand to perform NA but the procedure itself was first introduced in France by rheumatologists, is there still freuqently practised by them, and they are no hand surgeons either (which maybe one of the reasons why some surgeons are reluctant about NA).



It would worry me to see a dermatologist, even though The London Clinic is one of our very top hospitals. I will continue with my research and anything interesting I will post here.

Thanks for taking an interest.


Edited 06/16/09 09:56

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