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After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery
07/30/2015 11:26
07/30/2015 11:26
After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

All the above procedures have been in last 4 years in both hands and it just keeps coming back so I bit the bullet and tried surgery. I've changed doctors and really like my surgeon, Dr. Kirkpatrick, in Atlanta. Surgery was a piece of cake and I'm 48 hours out now. No swelling or pain so far and I'm in a kind of soft cast to keep my palm immobile and will get that removed tomorrow to see how stitches are doing. I believe she opened my palm and worked on 3 of my fingers. I'm moving them around as much as I can. My mid finger seems a little numb but I can move it. Can't wait to get this bandage off and see what it looks like. I will know more tomorrow. I've been using this site for the last 4 years to get information on the different procedures and it has been invaluable for me. Linda, 65 yr. old female, avid horse woman, who is hoping to be back riding in about two weeks. My doctors describe my Dupreytren's as very aggressive. Lucky me!

07/30/2015 18:12


07/30/2015 18:12


Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

Hi Linda, did they do skin graft too? An experienced hand therapist who knows how to work with scars, adhesions, DD of course and possible recurrence, seems an essential part of recovery. Let's hope it's a good outcome for you but be prepared to patient (again!).

07/30/2015 20:03
07/30/2015 20:03
Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

No skin grafts, just lots of stitches. I see the doctor and a hand therapist tomorrow to start therapy and get a splint. So far no swelling or pain so that's good unless that is coming in the future. Time will tell. Last winter when I had my last NA procedure I just wanted to be able to wear gloves to ride in, now I'm getting more ambitious and want to open jars. I was under for 2 hours for the surgery and this is my first experience with Medicare insurance but so far I've only been asked for $200. for the surgery center. I can't wait for tomorrow to actually see what my hand looks like and what my therapy will entail.

07/31/2015 03:48
07/31/2015 03:48

Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

Hi Linda
While reading your post I couldn't help but feel your excitement and anxiety all rolled together. It's like so much hope and emotion that thinking this time it's gonna be the fix & your hand will be better finally. You have encountered all the usual recommended treatments. As I and so many have. Some treatments help others not so much.

I too am a avid horsewoman . My hands have never stopped that relationship as well as hip replacements. It's in your soul. Horses have been there for me thru it all, as they will be there for you too! And it's cheap therapy. They are such a special relationship.

Many healing blessings sent your way. I hope this will all work out for you for the best. It's really been a long road and it's a nice surprise to finally have use of our hands again. Give it time. Keep me posted.

Kind Regards

Edited 07/31/15 06:50

08/11/2015 14:47
08/11/2015 14:47
Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

A quick note, it has been 13 1/2 years since my surgery. My finger (90 degrees contracture prior to surgery) remains perfect with zero signs of Dupuytren's

08/11/2015 18:33
08/11/2015 18:33
Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

That's really good to hear. The experiences on this site prepare you for everything but I hope that since my case has already flared and I've already tried NA and Xiaflex, without any kind of lasting outcomes, that I made the right decision with surgery. Only time will tell. I'm doing great, minimal swelling, which is gone now, and I never experienced any pain. I was surprised when the bandages came off that the surgery only involved my palm and ring finger. My other two fingers were straight, this is such a weird disease. I'm more than ready to get it done to my other hand. I'm two weeks out and pretty much back to normal and love seeing a flat hand. The hand therapist okayed me using my Fixxglove instead of the hand splint and I'm happy about that as it's much more comfortable. Only problem I've had so far is a slight numbness in my finger but it's fully functional so I'll take that over a contracture any day.

08/11/2015 21:21
08/11/2015 21:21

Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

A quick note, it has been 13 1/2 years since my surgery. My finger (90 degrees contracture prior to surgery) remains perfect with zero signs of Dupuytren's

Great to hear positive results....

08/11/2015 21:24
08/11/2015 21:24

Re: After 4 NA procedures, 4 Xiaflex injections, I tried surgery

That's really good to hear. The experiences on this site prepare you for everything but I hope that since my case has already flared and I've already tried NA and Xiaflex, without any kind of lasting outcomes, that I made the right decision with surgery. Only time will tell. I'm doing great, minimal swelling, which is gone now, and I never experienced any pain. I was surprised when the bandages came off that the surgery only involved my palm and ring finger. My other two fingers were straight, this is such a weird disease. I'm more than ready to get it done to my other hand. I'm two weeks out and pretty much back to normal and love seeing a flat hand. The hand therapist okayed me using my Fixxglove instead of the hand splint and I'm happy about that as it's much more comfortable. Only problem I've had so far is a slight numbness in my finger but it's fully functional so I'll take that over a contracture any day.

It's so nice to hear success stories! I've gotta get a Fixxglove.

surgery   therapist   Fixxglove   experienced   treatments   relationship   encountered   contracture   swelling   injections   replacements   experiences   Kirkpatrick   functional   information   everything   procedures   tomorrow   comfortable   Xiaflex