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Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice
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10/05/2012 23:00
10/05/2012 23:00
Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

My husband got a call this morning that Dr. Eaton is closing his practice. He has an appointment for the first week of December. This would be his third visit with Dr. Eaton. We live in Arizona and would like any input on doctors that have done many successful N/A procedures. Dr. Eaton was truly the best and we are both sick that he will no longer be practicing. Would love to hear from someone that has seen Dr. Eaton and has seen another doctor, too, and how they compare to Dr. Eaton. I am sure there will be many people sad to hear this news, too.

10/05/2012 23:58
10/05/2012 23:58
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I'm shocked. Saw another post just this week that he was booked up thru the end of the year.

He carried the torch for Dupuytren's in the USA. And he had several wonderfully informative websites for patients. That would be a big loss for the disease in this country. Need someone to fill those shoes.

10/06/2012 01:54
10/06/2012 01:54
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Dr. Zidel used to practice with Eaton in south Florida. Since moved to Phoenix.
He would be who I saw if I lived in Arizona.
http://www.handcenter.org/Zidel_Paul.htm with Dr. Eaton
He went back with Eaton to train in France on the NA technique

10/06/2012 05:45


10/06/2012 05:45


Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I am sure Charles Eaton won't completely vanish from the scene. He will stop practicing but I trust he will continue heading the Dupuytren Foundation http://www.dupuytrenfoundation.org/ and he already indicated that in the future he will devote more time to the International Dupuytren Society where he is one of the chairmen, too. I am sure his great web sites will continue spreading new information about our strange disease. He has been the pioneer of NA in the USA and closing his clinic is a huge loss for us patients. But Charles Eaton will continue fighting this diseae on another level and that's great!


I'm shocked. Saw another post just this week that he was booked up thru the end of the year.

He carried the torch for Dupuytren's in the USA. And he had several wonderfully informative websites for patients. That would be a big loss for the disease in this country. Need someone to fill those shoes.

10/06/2012 10:05
10/06/2012 10:05
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

It is 7:00 AM ...and I am sick over reading that Dr. Eaton is closing his practice.....tell me it is not true.

He is the best Doctor I have EVER been to in my life, and his staff is wonderful.

I have made trips from New York just to be treated by him for Dups !

We CANNOT let him stop his fine work....

Please Doctor Eaton do not leave us. Sounds selfish, I know, but that is the way I feel.

10/08/2012 18:37
10/08/2012 18:37
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

It is indeed very sad to hear that Dr. Eaton is closing his practice. He is wonderful, and I hope that he continues his involvement with Dupuytren's.

I had my first NA in 2006 with Dr. Denkler (in Laskpur, near San Francisco), My second NA (on same finger) was with Dr. Eaton in 2010. I found both doctors to be wonderful and very experienced. Dr. Eaton was the pioneer who brought NA to this country and back in 2006 there was only six doctors listed on this Forum that did NA, and Dr. Denkler was one of them... I wouldn't hesitate to go back to him when needed.

10/08/2012 21:25
10/08/2012 21:25
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I am closing my practice, a very tough decision, but the right one. There were many factors involved, and that I see this as an opportunity to really concentrate on Dupuytren Foundation and Dupuytren Society efforts. I will remain connected to the Dupuytren community. There is so much to do!

I'd like to express my sincere appreciation to the Dupuytren Society and members of this forum who changed my life by introducing me to the technique of needle aponeurotomy and encouraged and supported my journey to know Dupuytren's and the people whose lives it affects.

I am grateful in particular to Wolfgang Wach, who remains a friend and true inspiration, and with whom I plan to continue the journey to find better options for those affected by Dupuytren's and related conditions.

Again, there is so much to do!

Thank you so much -

Charlie Eaton

10/08/2012 23:28
10/08/2012 23:28
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Thank you Dr. Eaton for all you have done on behalf of Dupuytren's patients !!!! I had the pleasure of meeting you when I had my second NA in 2010. Glad to hear that you will continue to be involved and looking forward to successful discoveries you will make in the future !

Luba M.

10/08/2012 23:38

not registered

10/08/2012 23:38

not registered

Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I had NA with Dr. Eaton over 7 years ago, the first and last time I have had my Dupuytren's treated. I only wish that all of the people I have encountered in the medical field were practicing at the level of Dr. Eaton, in terms of professionalism, concern for the patient, and the willingness to take the risk to develop a treatment that was scoffed at by much of the hand surgeon community in the United States, but turned out to be safe, effective and inexpensive.


Steve Abrams, Madison, Wisconsin

10/09/2012 00:58
10/09/2012 00:58
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

A big thank you to Dr. Eaton for all that you've done and the work you've yet to do. I'm encouraged by your post. Thanks for sharing the news.

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