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Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice
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10/10/2012 04:01
10/10/2012 04:01
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I was not treated by Dr. Eaton, but he was a pioneer for us. Thank you, Dr. Eaton!

Dr. Denkler in the San Francisco/Marin County treated my Dupuytren's with NA. He has also been a pioneer in treating DD. In my opinion from my own and others' experience, he is comparable to Dr. Eaton but on the West Coast. I highly recommend him.

It's that dedication and commitment to working with this disease that sets doctors apart. I'm sure there are others besides these two. The many many clinics and doctors who are listed on this website are ahead of time. Just as Luba said, 4 years ago, there were about 6 in the whole country. Patients contacted qualified doctors who live near them and the doctors stepped up to do this for us all.

10/10/2012 18:28
10/10/2012 18:28
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Dear Dr. Eaton,

Thank you for the great book with SPRINGER Publishers


which you organized and brought all specialists to join in this effort !

This helps to change the mind of many doctors, keep on working with us,


10/11/2012 19:15
10/11/2012 19:15
NA Docs to Replace Dr. Eaton?

I am a patient of Dr. Eaton's as well (fly there from the DC metropolitan area), and share the distress that his practice is closing. However, I also wanted to echo the thanks expressed here for all he has done (and hopefully will continue to do!) to move treatment of Dupuytren's forward. He really exemplifies what medical practice should be, but too often is not.

Now to specifics -- I learned that his practice was closing just a few minutes ago, when I called his office to schedule an NA procedure. So now I need a new doctor! I had an NA procedure with Dr. Denkler once and was happy with him, but he is too far for me to travel (I saw him only because I happened to be visiting in the SF Bay Area anyway).

So -- does anyone know of an excellent CHS who is very experienced with NA and who is located either on the East Coast, mid-west, or at least in the eastern half of the country? I am willing to fly to see a really good, experienced doc (these are my hands, after all!), but would like to find someone who is not more than a 2-3 hour flight.

And yes, I have looked at the list on this website -- but I would really like to get a personal recommendation from someone who has seen the doctor, or at least knows others who have.

Thanks for any help you can provide!


10/11/2012 19:44
10/11/2012 19:44
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Hi Maddie,

You might check out Dr. Pess. I don't know of him other than what I've read. Trained with the same French doctor as Eaton. Very impressive work with NA in New Jersey. You can research him on this link. http://www.centraljerseyhand.com/dupuytr...ure-surgery.htm

He is listed on our board as well. http://www.dupuytren-online.info/NA_list_North_America.html

10/12/2012 04:32
10/12/2012 04:32
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Hi Maddie,

You might check out Dr. Pess. I don't know of him other than what I've read. Trained with the same French doctor as Eaton. Very impressive work with NA in New Jersey. You can research him on this link. http://www.centraljerseyhand.com/dupuytr...ure-surgery.htm

Thanks for your quick response. His name has popped up in a couple of places, so I will definitely give him a call. If anyone on this forum has had an NA procedure with him, I'd love to hear about it (you can PM me if you want to keep it confidential).

Also, I'd love to collect a few more names in case Dr. Pess doesn't work out for me.



10/12/2012 12:03
10/12/2012 12:03
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice - and Dr Pess

First let me say that I was one of Dr. Eaton's first NA patients way back when - and considered him my savior from open hand surgery. He is truly one of the most wonderful doctors I have ever encountered. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the work you have done for all of us with this wacky disease. You truly have changed lives.

Maddie - I have had NA (and Xiaflex) with Dr Pess. He is made from the same mold as Dr. Eaton. Caring, knowledgable and capable.

10/12/2012 23:24
10/12/2012 23:24
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

First let me say that I was one of Dr. Eaton's first NA patients way back when - and considered him my savior from open hand surgery. He is truly one of the most wonderful doctors I have ever encountered. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the work you have done for all of us with this wacky disease. You truly have changed lives.

Maddie - I have had NA (and Xiaflex) with Dr Pess. He is made from the same mold as Dr. Eaton. Caring, knowledgable and capable.


Would please share your experience with Xiaflex? Any comparisons regarding outcomes between NA & Xiaflex? Dr. Eaton did NA in 2009 and I need it again. Local doc said one of my hands would be good Xiaflex candidate and other NA. Thank you kindly!

10/14/2012 15:50
10/14/2012 15:50
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

I just had needle aponeurotomy with Dr. Pess a few days ago with better-than-expected results. He has done thousands of these and is very responsive by e-mail for preparation and followup.

10/15/2012 17:54
10/15/2012 17:54
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Flnative - You asked "Would please share your experience with Xiaflex? Any comparisons regarding outcomes between NA & Xiaflex? Dr. Eaton did NA in 2009 and I need it again. Local doc said one of my hands would be good Xiaflex candidate and other NA. Thank you kindly!"

I'm really not a great person to ask about Xiaflex. I didn't have a great outcome with it, and had some significant side effects. I posted here about my journey with it. I think if you look under my user name, you should find it.

For now, I'll stick with the NA, and go for tuneups every 50,000 miles or so :)

Edited 10/15/12 20:55

10/16/2012 21:55
10/16/2012 21:55
Re: Dr. Eaton Closing His Practice

Maddie - I have had NA (and Xiaflex) with Dr Pess. He is made from the same mold as Dr. Eaton. Caring, knowledgable and capable.

Thanks very much for everyone who posted with recommendations about Dr. Pess. I have contacted his office and will be sending photos. I'll keep you posted on how it goes.

I am SO grateful this forum exists! Thanks again to the moderators and participants.


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