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electrical fields
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09/24/2009 08:33
09/24/2009 08:33
electrical fields

I have often thought that my dupuytrens contacture was
brought on by holding my cordless telephone during long conversations. The lumps formed where they were in contact with the telephone.

Just recently I saw this on the internet:-
"Physical forces, such as electrical fields, seem to be indicated by some research in causing Dupuytren's contracture.
Electrical fields have had bad press in many areas, also including cancer.7"
7. Annales de Surgery Chirugie de la Main et du Membre Superieur 11(5):355-61;1992
Has anyone any info on this?

09/24/2009 18:53
09/24/2009 18:53
Re: electrical fields

I have no more info, but after I read that I quit using a cordless mouse and my hand feels better. However it could be the shape of the mouse made me grip it harder.

09/24/2009 19:35
09/24/2009 19:35
Re: electrical fields

From an electrical engineer.....

Note that the date on the "electric fields" reference in your link is 1992. Claims and theories regarding adverse affects from electric fields on human tissue have been thoroughly debunked since then. Also, electric fields are not "physical forces" as they act only on charged matter. Cordless phones and wireless mice operate on very low power RF signals. If these signals were dangerous, we'd all be in deep trouble because our bodies are bombarded with RF energy every second of every day.

The act of holding the phone (or a mouse) for long periods of time is a repetitive stress hazard however. That is the more likely cause of your symptoms and also explains why they subside when you stop.

09/24/2009 20:02
09/24/2009 20:02
Re: electrical fields

Thank you for your comments and information.
I did find another reference to electrical fields but didn't check the date. Perhaps it is a form of RSI.

What about tumours in the head caused by cell phone use- have they been debunked as well.?

I have noticed that the lumps have increased and lessened around my left hand but never go completely away and are drawing my hand across. Now particularly around the smallest finger.

I am surprised that this disease is such a mystery.

09/25/2009 13:47
09/25/2009 13:47
Re: electrical fields

To: gillianp
It is a mysterious disease. I have donated some to Dupuytren Society especially to support their research conference in Florida. It is going to take we who are affected to support research.

From this website:
Though more than 175 years have passed since 1832 when Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (1777-1835) presented his findings in Paris on the disease that acquired his name, the root causes still remain unknown.

Obviously it hasn't been given much research $ for 175 years.

Thank you, Miss My Guitars, for clearing up the rumors and myths about electrical fields.

09/25/2009 22:28
09/25/2009 22:28
Re: electrical fields


I am sure that some will continue to publish negative assumptions about "electric fields". Some people just have a unique ability to ignore the facts.

Tumors from cell phone use are highly unlikely. Cell phones have been around sine the 1980's now which means that the statistical sample population is absolutely huge, in the hundreds of millions, so short and medium term effects don't appear likely. Can we say with certainty that using your cell phone every day for 35 years is absolutely safe? No, but there certainly are enough heavy cell phone users out there that any link between short to medium term exposure and brain tumors would have been statistically obvious by now.

Putting opinion aside however, there have in fact been several very large and very well controlled studies that show there is no correlation between cell phone use and brain tumors. In fact, there is a team of scientists in Denmark who have been tracking 420,000 cell phone users for the past 22 years and they have seen no increase in the incidence of brain tumors. That's pretty solid data.

09/25/2009 23:48
09/25/2009 23:48
Re: electrical fields

Dear Missmyguitars,

Thank you for your feedback. I saw the Danish study which may or may not be conclusive. as some cancers, as the study says, may be slow growing.

A 2003 govt/pubmed article says that some people may be more affected by cell phones than others.

I realize that Dupuytrens may be caused by a variety of causes particularly free radicals and injury and inherited genes.

09/26/2009 00:07
09/26/2009 00:07
Re: electrical fields

OK, but remember that it is logically impossible to prove a negative. Hence logically speaking, proving the statement "cell phones never cause cancer" is technically impossible so no matter how much data is accumulated, someone can always say that the study is "inconclusive".

This is similar to a little logical play on words that people like defense attorneys and vitamin salesmen use all the time to fool people. For example, the defense attorneys in the OJ Simpson case easily fooled the jury by posing the question "can you PROVE that the DNA you recovered at the crime scene belongs to OJ Simpson?". Technically, the answer is no because there is a 1 in 10 Million or so chance that someone else could match, just like fingerprints. But does that represent reasonable doubt? Hardly. You can't be more than 10 million to 1 sure about anything!!!

09/26/2009 04:24
09/26/2009 04:24
Re: electrical fields

Agreed that one can't prove a negative and thanks for your analogy.. So you are saying that there is the remotest possibility that electomagnetic fields can cause Dupuytrens.

However The Danish scientific study is disputed.
The study was sponsored in part by Denmark's largest phone company, Tele Danmark A/S, and the second largest mobile phone service in Denmark, Sonofon A/S.

"Dr. George Carlo, former chief scientist of the Wireless Technology Research (WTR) program funded by the wireless industry, dismisses the latest study conducted by a group of scientists in Denmark that shows there is no link between cell phone use and cancer. Dr. Carlo, being an industry insider himself for years, knows the principals involved in the study and where their funding comes from. Dr. Carlo makes strong allegations, but he backs them up with facts and is speaking out in the interest of public health. "Where are Woodward and Bernstein when you need them?" he laments. Read Dr. Carlo's letter now. "

. "Industry-funded studies in many cases now produce industry-desired outcomes. By tampering with the integrity of scientists, scientific systems and public information steps over the lines of propriety that are appropriate for protecting business interests especially when the casualty of the interference is public health and safety."


09/26/2009 09:04
09/26/2009 09:04
Re: electrical fields

Two more possible clues.

Goldsworthy, 2007: Mobile phone radaition caused calcium-ion efflux in cells which significantly alters the intracellular calcium concentrations. This makes the cell membrane porous, resulting in DNA- and chromosome damages
- The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields (PDF)

Karinen et al, 2008: Human skin exposed to radiation from a mobile phone altered the protein
- Mobile phone radiation might alter protein expression in human skin

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electomagnetic   Industry-funded   correspondingly   research   scientific   psychologists   reports-drcarlo-danishstudy   oxfordjournals   electrical   significant   concentrations   significantly   Missmyguitars   dr-george-carlo   disease   industry-desired   Electromagnetic   streetdirectory   proliferation   cordlessPhonesBrainTumours