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Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?
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03/15/2010 17:00
03/15/2010 17:00
Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?


I mentioned in a previous post that I had a palmar fasciectomy on my left hand 2 months ago. I am still doing lots of physio and I'm wearing a splint at night. My recent post asked about swelling. Now my hand is experiencing incredible pain during the night, but oddly enough, not every night and it only seems to be really painful at night. I went to my family Dr and she said my hand looks really good other than fingers are still a bit swollen. When I experience the pain it will radiate right up my wrist and into my arm. If I get up and move around a bit the pain starts to go away. The fingers affected with the pain are the ring finger, the middle finger and the baby finger. I have been taking Aleve for pain but even that didn't work last night. I had surgery on the ring finger and the thumb and the thumb is 100% OK. I have attached some pictures that were taken on February 24; the swelling seen at the base of the fingers is now gone.

My friend said she thought I should stop doing exercises for a few days and let my hand rest. She also said I should try icing it 4 or 5 times a day for a couple days. After a couple of days she said I should apply a little heat and start exercising again but only during the day. She said I should give my hand a rest before going to bed.

What are your thoughts? Do you think I should try what my friend suggested?

Thanks for you advice,


03/15/2010 19:22
03/15/2010 19:22
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

Have you ruled out that you might be creating a problem by how you are sleeping? Laying on the hand, or letting the hand droop over the edge of the bed?

The PT that I did was mostly stretching and tightening into a fist trying to do a little more each day. I always felt that the movement was important throughout the day. Make sure that you have lotion on your hand 24/7. You never want the wound to dry. I always had lotion with me all day long and in the splint all night.

Your hand looks terrific! You should see continuous progress.

Edited 03/15/10 21:24

03/16/2010 20:13
03/16/2010 20:13
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

Thank you Callie.

I decided that I'm going to see a physiotherapist; maybe he'll have suggestions for why I'm all of a sudden inconsistently experiencing pain during the night.


03/16/2010 22:48
03/16/2010 22:48
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

Sorry to hear about the pain Leona. I hope it gets better soon.


03/19/2010 17:31
03/19/2010 17:31
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

I have found your posting very interesting. I had surgery Nov. 18th to correct a bent little finger. Seemed very minor surgery, we were in a out of the hospital in one hour. Before the surgery I did not have any cords, just nodules in my palm and the lump on my small finger. Incision took 4 weeks to fully heal and my little finger would not flex properly. About 2 months after the surgery my hand was very stiff in the mornings, but not noticeably swollen. I started to develop cords very rapidly and now have 3 significant cords into by fingers, the ring finger is contracting. The pain started at about 6 weeks post surgery and continued to get worse for about a month, at times it would be sharp pain shooting up into my wrist. Because of the pain I was not able to use my hand properly, I have lost a lot of use of my hand. Right now at 4 months the pain is better but if I do anything strenuous (like pruning roses) it returns for a day or two. My index finger and middle finger now are slightly numb at times. I was in physiotherapy twice a week for 3 months post surgery, very good therapists but my hand continued to deteriorate. I will never have surgery again, and I'm on a wait list for NA but don't expect to see the that surgeon until the fall. My family doctor has asked my to return to the surgeon who operated on my little finger and my appointment is this coming week, I will try to get an explanation of what has happened and why my fingers are numb.
Please let me know how you make out and if you get any treatment that improves your pain.

03/19/2010 18:37
03/19/2010 18:37
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?


Did you have a surgeon who had a great deal of experience for Dupuytren's? Many people make the mistake of using surgeons who aren't qualified. Surgery for Duputren's is not "a simple surgery".

03/19/2010 21:25
03/19/2010 21:25
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

Callie, Yes I had an experienced plastic surgeon. The surgery actually went well and in the end I had very little scaring at the incision. From what I have researched it appears that I have had a bad flare reaction. One paper defined a flare as a reaction out of proportion to the surgery performed, which is certainly what I have had. Paper's have the complication rates for surgery at over 20%, and higher for women, and higher if there are other factors like knuckle pads or family history. Unfortunately I didn't fully research my options until after surgery, when I realized something had gone wrong.

03/19/2010 22:22
03/19/2010 22:22
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?


I shutter every time I hear that a plastic surgeon does surgery for Dupuytren's. That is a problem. Dupuytren's should (in almost all cases) only be done by a hand surgeon who has had extensive experience in Dupuytren's. Obviously all of the diseased tissue wasn't removed from your hand.

03/19/2010 23:49
03/19/2010 23:49
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

I only had surgery on my pinkie finger because there were no cords, no pain and certainly contracture except on my pip joint of the pinkie. The were only a few small nodules on the palm of my hand. There are many references to flare reactions such as I experienced, especially after surgery on women, unfortunately using lotion, avoiding sleeping on the hand or other simple solutions do not help. With a 20% complication rate, surgery should be a last resort.

03/20/2010 16:23
03/20/2010 16:23
Re: Hand Experiencing Lots of Pain at Night but not Every Night?

Hello ladies,

I'm thinking that I am experiencing a flare up as well. It was a plastic surgeon who did my surgery as well, but he is very well known and well respected. He has performed surgery on many dupuytrens patients (according to my family doctor). Unfortunatley he is 6 hours drive from where I live so it's a pain to go back to see him; I might have to though.

I did go see a physiotherapist and he didn't offer any suggestions to alleviate the pain. I wasn't impressed with him but maybe I was expecting to much.

The other day I decided to try some Tylenol for Arthritis and believe it or not it seems to be helping to cope with the pain (Tylenol with Codiene didn't help nor did Aleve). I actually got more than 4 hrs. sleep last night. I hope eventually the pain will settle down so I won't have to take anything. I'll let you know how it goes.

I have noticed a couple of new cords on my surgery hand and I have cords on my right hand as well. I'll be trying NA before I have surgery again.


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