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How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?
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10/23/2009 14:44
10/23/2009 14:44
Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

My RT using e-beams caused almost no side effects, only slight peeling after 3 weeks, gone in about 5 days and only in the thin area of tissue on the outside of my palm at the web between thumb and forefinger. My dosage was low - 1.8g x 5 for two weeks in a row.
The results are beyond expectation - nodules shrank, remnants of cords loosened, increased span across palm from thumb to little finger, significantly reduced tightness in my palm, and the biggie - NO INDICATION OF ACTIVE DUPS! I hope it never shows up active again. Time will tell, but it looks good now.

10/23/2009 23:14

not registered

10/23/2009 23:14

not registered

Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

I have knuckle pad and was diagnosed with DC (which surprised my doctor since I'm a 35-yo asian female). Three knuckle pad were removed via surgery and I have a new one growing on my pinkie. My doc injected it with cortisone earlier this year which helped tremendously. The injection slowed the progression and alleviated the pain. Unfortunately within the last few weeks it has come back and now my pinkie hurts and the lump has grown tremendously. I am going back to my doc and will see if we can do another cortisone or else it may be another round of surgery to remove. As for the others that were removed surgically, they have not returned.

11/09/2009 15:18

not registered

11/09/2009 15:18

not registered

Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

I recently had duputren surgery on my left little finger. I also had a knuckle pad removed. After the lab results came back, the surgeon told me it was dupuytren's on my knuckle and bottom of finger. He said he has never seen this before. I am going through therapy to rehab finger but it is still curved. I am disappointed with surgery becuase I thought the finger would straighten. My knuckle is even more swollen. It looks worse than when I started.

11/11/2009 18:04
11/11/2009 18:04
Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

You poor thing. Did the surgeon say why it hadn't straightened?

I am not an expert, just someone with early DD and pads on my fingers and I haven't had any treatment yet.

Have you looked at the Needle aponevretomy part of this website. Perhaps it's something that could be considered when you're completely healed.

Good luck anyhow!

12/28/2009 19:04
12/28/2009 19:04
Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

Hi, Claire,
I've been reading this thread with great interest. I have the exact same knuckle pad symptoms as you on two fingers (one side of the knuckle looks elevated when I bend my finger, but normal when straight). Your pictures could have been taken of my knuckles! I do not yet have any other signs of DD, but my mother's father had it pretty bad, and my dad has it in one of his hands, so I've been double-cursed with the genetic disposition. I had cortisone shots done about 7 months ago, and that helped tremendously until the past month, when the pain has started to come back. The cortisone shots were horribly painful, however, so I'm not sure if I can bear to go that route again. Needless to say, I've been very anxious about the recurrence and am resigned to the fact that I will likely get DS. Please keep posting, because I'd love to know how things are going for you. If I have any great advice, I'll do the same. Thanks!


12/30/2009 17:46
12/30/2009 17:46
Re: How do the knuckle pads relate to the DPS?

Thanks Rob, wow a double heriditary whammy! My parents aren't alive sadly but to my knowledge neither of them had Dupuytren's and I don't remember any of the grandparents having it.

I've reached a bit of an impasse really. I keep checking for signs of more nodes etc. but it's all pretty much static so radiation wouldn't be an option yet if I decided to go that route.

I work around the pads problem, using a light touch felt-tip type pen to write with rather than a biro and getting other people to do things like slicing vegetables. I find when I'm at work I forget about it so that's good. I mainly notice the aching when I wake up.

I was taking high dosage Vitamin E as I'd read that could help but then I developed tinitis and found that Vit E can cause that so have stopped.

Good luck with yours and I will certainly post any inspirational ideas!

Claire :-)

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