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How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture
09/27/2009 18:30
09/27/2009 18:30
How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

Hello all

I started having "odd sensations" on both my hands a couple of weeks ago and have noticed a few "bumps" appearing on both my hands. Two are firm and definitely nodules and the rest is soft so I am not sure if it is my imagination since I look at my hands very frequently.

I also notice a tightening of my palms on mornings when I awake so I think that in my case, it is not just the fascia that is involved, it is the entire palm. Somehow I feel there is something different with my palms. Off course my stress level is off the charts these days since I have also been diagnosed with Ledderhose a few days before I started feeling the odd sensation on my hands. I only noticed my ledderhose nodules about a year ago but I would say that they must have been there before that. I only saw an orthopedic surgeon early Sept.

I need some advice - I know that RT is most effective before the fingers start to bend, but since my dupuytren is only two weeks old : -

Should I give it some more time for all the nodules to appear properly so that if RT is done it can be done on all and not just a few?

The "odd" sensation is not as frequent as before, would 3mths be a safe margin of time to wait?

Could contracture start before then?

Need help. thank you

Than you

09/28/2009 01:37
09/28/2009 01:37
Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

Wait about six months, and then write back to us.

09/28/2009 03:01
09/28/2009 03:01
Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

I think you have time. If tightness with dimpling begins, I think that suggests contracture beginning and I'd suggest getting RT. It took 1-1 1/2 years for mine to contract to 10-15 degrees. I didn't know about RT at the time. I had NA & I had RT 3 months later because I didn't have time on my personal schedule to have it sooner. NA was effective and RT has been effective.

Remember, everybody and every hand is different. You need to watch your own progress. Ideally, I think, as long as you get RT before you need NA, you're fine. I don't know of anyone saying that they woke up one day and they had contracture overnight. I know I had a fixation about Dups; paranoia or hypochondriac attacks was more like what I had. I am pleased to say that after RT, I don't fixate on Dups anymore. I still check this site to learn more and more though.

09/29/2009 16:29
09/29/2009 16:29
Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

I first noticed a small lump in my left palm back in Feburary 2008. It remained a small lump until around October 2008, where it started to grow. My GP dignosted it as a gangloin cyst, and referred me to a hand surgeon. The hand surgeon was not able to see me until mid December 2008, at which point in time he stated it was Dupuytren's. In that month wait time, the nodule doubled in size, and a second nodule started. I self referred to Dr. T at Scripps in mid January, and he told me I had Dupytren's in both hands and Lederhosen in both feet. By the time Dr. T started my RT in Feburary of this year, my left hand had several visible nodules, the main nodules had doubled in size again from December 2008, and cords had started. I also had the beginnings of contracture.

09/29/2009 17:49
09/29/2009 17:49
Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

Thank you everyone for the info. It is comforting to know how your dupuytren/ledderhose progressed but it is also frightening that each progression is different and that the progression never really stops bec you never know which day, another nodule may appear.

It has been a month now since my diagnosis of ledderhose (present for over a year before seeing the orthopedic surgeon) and then dupuytren soon after. I am trying desperately to come to terms with the fact that I have this incurable life long disease that can impact negatively on my ability to walk and use my hands. Sorry to be so negative but none of my family have this disease so I wanted to share this fear with you all in the hope that I can learn some coping skills from members of the Forum

From everyone's imput I think it will be safe for me to wait 3mths before making an appt for RT (thinking of Scripps as Dr T seems to be the most experienced of the US Drs) .

Have anyone of you all had any skin problems, pain or more nodules appear after RT?
I am confused as to the relationship between the nodules and the cords - is it the nodules send out cords which in turn causes the contracture?
Can you predict which finger would contract depending on the location of your nodules?
Who on this forum have had RT the longest? any progression of the disease since RT?

Again thank you everyone for being so willing to share your info and experience


09/30/2009 07:09


09/30/2009 07:09


Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

Hi Anne, comments below ***



I am confused as to the relationship between the nodules and the cords - is it the nodules send out cords which in turn causes the contracture?
*** yes that's at least one way the disease progresses. I would say that's the typical case. Eventually the cords hinder stretching of the affected finger. It might also be that you develop cords without a recognizable prior nodule and it might be that a nodule, positioned in the right place (e.g. the middle joint=PIP), causes contracture without developing a cord. And there are lucky cases where the nodule is located in a static part of the palm without developing cords and without causing contracture (unfortunately that's rather an exception).

Can you predict which finger would contract depending on the location of your nodules?
*** the cords usually devlop along pulling forces of the finger and fingers pull along tendons. For example if your nodule is located in your palm below the ring finger it will most likely be the ring finger that later contracts.

Who on this forum have had RT the longest? any progression of the disease since RT?
*** I had my first RT 25 years ago. Since then I had nodules & contraction elsewhere but not on the radiated finger which is pretty much like 25 years ago.

Again thank you everyone for being so willing to share your info and experience


Edited 09/30/09 10:11

10/02/2009 02:55
10/02/2009 02:55
Re: How fast can dupuytren progress to contracture

hi anne,

i am also struggling with this new condition. i think my issue is also that i never know when more things will happen. the sensations i feel could be all anxiety or things popping up. i'm seeing two doctors in the next week. i haven't seen any up to this point. it all started in july. tomorrow is my first appt and i'm fightened. its all become quite real. as of now, i have no contracture. i just want to know what to look for and if my hand shows any propensity toward one thing or the next. i also have ledderhose in one foot. i am interested in the french style NA treatment. my dups proceeded from funny senstions in july, pitting in august ad then quickly one nodue and then the another. all in my left hand. i also have sensitivity in all of the affected areas.
i am very for the forum. i will keep everyone nformed on what i learn this week.

thank you all, susan

experience   everyone   relationship   orthopedic   dupuytren   progress   progression   sensations   started   experienced   Ledderhose   frightening   recognizable   unfortunately   desperately   nodules   hypochondriac   disease   effective   contracture