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Infection post-NA
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01/02/2014 02:47
01/02/2014 02:47
Infection post-NA

Hello all, I am new here.....just had an NA procedure (needle aponeurotomy) on 12/19/13 and my suspicion is now confirmed. I have an abcess/infection in on of the nodules. I was just now massaging the nodule, trying to decide if there was an infection in there, when some pus came oozing out....anyone had this before?

01/02/2014 03:05
01/02/2014 03:05

Re: Infection post-NA

Hello all, I am new here.....just had an NA procedure (needle aponeurotomy) on 12/19/13 and my suspicion is now confirmed. I have an abcess/infection in on of the nodules. I was just now massaging the nodule, trying to decide if there was an infection in there, when some pus came oozing out....anyone had this before?

I've had NA done 5 times and never encountered anything like that.

How long did you keep your hand bandaged before exposing in the the environment? To prevent infection the two doctors I have seen both asked for the hand to be kept dry and clean with bandages on for 3 days.

In any event I think you should see a doctor.

01/02/2014 03:15
01/02/2014 03:15
Re: Infection post-NA

Hello all, I am new here.....just had an NA procedure (needle aponeurotomy) on 12/19/13 and my suspicion is now confirmed. I have an abcess/infection in on of the nodules. I was just now massaging the nodule, trying to decide if there was an infection in there, when some pus came oozing out....anyone had this before?

I've had NA done 5 times and never encountered anything like that.

How long did you keep your hand bandaged before exposing in the the environment? To prevent infection the two doctors I have seen both asked for the hand to be kept dry and clean with bandages on for 3 days.

In any event I think you should see a doctor.

Hmmmm.....I didn't have any incisions, just needle-puncture holes....he didn't give me any instructions on when to remove bandage.....I removed it a few hours later.....mine was an impromptu procedure done in the office sort of as an afterthought, just to see if it would help, and possibly prevent me from having to have surgery.

01/02/2014 03:23
01/02/2014 03:23

Re: Infection post-NA

All mine were just puncture holes too. But lots of them. And in my case all procedures done in the doctors rooms with no nurse or other staff just the doctor (But in Paris).

Both Dr Badois and Dr Manet-Chopin emphasized that infection was a risk. You keep the hand dry and banges on until the holes properly seal which in probably only 24 hrs but they advise 3 days to be safe.

01/02/2014 03:32
01/02/2014 03:32

Re: Infection post-NA

Also NA can be effective and can be repeated as often as you need but in needs to be someone experienced who believes in the procedure. No point just having an experimental poke around. You want to hear the cords snapping.

01/02/2014 11:31
01/02/2014 11:31
Re: Infection post-NA

My doctor is experienced, he operated on my other hand twice in the last 15 years. He was talking about my options, one of them being NA, which he initially implied it is done in a controlled, operation-room environment. Then, he just said I'll tell you what, lets go ahead and do it right here, in the exam room, see how it helps, we won't charge any extra, just the cost of the office visit. His nurse was present, and she is the one who drew the lidocaine up in the syringes. She washed my hand with Hibiclens, which was the only cleaning done prior to procedure. I did not witness her drawing up the lidocaine, so I don't know how good her aseptic technique was. I am thinking maybe they were a little cavalier in terms of infection precaution.....I did hear cords snapping by the way, I could see him popping them, and the procedure improved my range of motion by 25% right off the bat. I am calling him as soon as they open, hope to get on an antibiotic ASAP.

01/02/2014 11:32
01/02/2014 11:32
Re: Infection post-NA

Thank you for your feedback by the way!!!

01/02/2014 12:22
01/02/2014 12:22
Re: Infection post-NA

was this doc a hand surgeon ? Anyway from what you have stated you are lucky to just have an infection...could have severed a nerve or worse .... poking around in ones finger .. just to see what happens ..is not good..

As I have staed for years .. { you only get ten fingers ...and you are not going to grow a new one } if something goes wrong.

01/02/2014 13:34


01/02/2014 13:34


Re: Infection post-NA

NA in an office environment is quite common, the surgical room rather an exception. But, of course, the anti-septic procedure must be done carefully.


01/02/2014 17:37
01/02/2014 17:37

Re: Infection post-NA

Of course you also need to consider infection from your own hands. The doctors that I have seen have had me wash the hand in Betadyn before each procedure and have swabbed down with addition Betadyn solution from time to time during the procedure. Not rinsed off until bandages removed.

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Sulfamethoxazole   encountered   procedure   needle-puncture   post-NA   instruction   instructions   antibiotic   environment   Manet-Chopin   Infection   massaging   operation-room   anti-septic   experimental   aponeurotomy   afterthought   improvement   experienced   anything