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Itching and pain after NA and RT
11/12/2009 02:01

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11/12/2009 02:01

not registered

Itching and pain after NA and RT

I had extensive NA on 4 fingers and my palm 3 weeks ago. One week later I had RT for 5 days. Everything seemed to be going fine until a couple days I'm also having pain upon doing the stretching exercises I was given. I've tried topical cortisone in .05 and .1 strengths, aloe vera and oral Benadryl. For nasal allergies I'm already taking Allegra, Nasarel and Astelin--a fairly potent anti-histimine. The topical stuff doesn't seem to work at all, the oral stuff works for 4-6 hours but I'm going nuts during the night and can't sleep. I'm probably one of the few on the board that has had this sequence and this quickly but I'd welcome any and all comments. Last time I had NA on the other hand/palm I had PT and they used ultrasound and I'm wondering if that might have made the difference???

11/12/2009 03:09
11/12/2009 03:09
Re: Itching and pain after NA and RT

I had only mild contracture that NA mostly released, but my thumb, pinkie and all across my palm was tight. After RT, I felt discomfort when I stretched it because of the pulling. Little by little it became less tight and did not pull much when I stretched it. The results of the RT continued to show improvement in the span and flexibility of my hand for at least 6 weeks, maybe longer.

NOTE: I didn't have RT to make it better, only to stop the Dups from progressing further. That it showed improvement was way more than I ever anticipated. I would have been happy if it had only stopped the progression. That's still the best part, it isn't progressing. At least, not so far.

Your contracture was more severe and that might be what is causing the most problem. Maybe others can describe their discomfort/pain after NA for severe contracture.

11/12/2009 15:52
11/12/2009 15:52
Re: Itching and pain after NA and RT

I have no contracture but had RT to stop the progression. It appears to have stopped it and it has improved the mobility and use of my hand.

After the RT I also had a little pain when stretching. Dr. Crimaldi said that I possibly could have pain during and after the RT because the RT irritates the Dupuytren's. Finished the RT in August and I can stretch my palm out flat just like my other hand with no pain. I am pleased that I received this extra bonus.

I do use a topical cream when I over do it and get a little pain. Try Aspercream (for arthritis) it works.


anticipated   progressing   stretched   Itching   anti-histimine   flexibility   stretching   ultrasound   improvement   Everything   discomfort   contracture   continued   Aspercream   progression   difference   topical   irritates   cortisone   Astelin--a