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Newly diagnosed but
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10/09/2009 23:18
10/09/2009 23:18
Newly diagnosed but

is it DC or just a scar?

I had trigger finger surgery. Before that, in hindsight, the palm of my hand was tender. After work, I'd put my hand on the hot dash board to feel better. I also noticed that using a stapler was painful. Shortly after all this, the middle finger started to lock. My ortho did the TFR and I thought that would be it.

The key moment I believe is the PAIN I had when the stitch was removed. I had to bend my palm upward in order for the nurse to not cut my hand. I yanked my hand away from her; it hurt so much. I had the stitch for 7 days; it was bandaged for 4 days. From day 1, I wiggled my fingers and tried to move my hand as best as I could.

I would say within a week of having the stitch out, my finger bent and the tendon was (and still is) tight. There's also a bump near the incision. With my palm up, it's hard to put my finger down all the way. I cannot make a tight fist.

My ortho says it's DC. I've been in PT for 3 weeks 3 times a week. So long as I have therapy of some kind (at home too), I'm ok. When I don't stretch (Play Doh, sqeeze ball, etc), my finger bends. The cord is there but not as pronounced. The bump is there. I've got 4 more weeks of PT authorized, but the therapist doesn't think it's DC. He thinks the bump is scar tissue from the TFR surgery.

What do you think?

10/13/2009 12:29
10/13/2009 12:29
Re: Newly diagnosed but

I'll comment to my own post. PT continues but the finger always ends up curled as if it's looking for an underground water source.

10/13/2009 13:07
10/13/2009 13:07
Re: Newly diagnosed but


I think you need to get a biopsy to determine whether it is DD or not. Why prolong the doubt and treatment? I went for PT and it did not help a bit. I did not have contracture but it was starting to tighten, dimple and pucker and I felt like contracture was just around the corner. I just finished my last RT and the results are great. If you look at my hand under my pictures from MRI to now you can get an idea of what my hand looked like. My hand has improved since the lst picture and you can hardly see the nodule and cord. I am amazed and hope it does not start up again.

Keep us posted as to what is going on with you.


10/13/2009 21:28
10/13/2009 21:28
Re: Newly diagnosed but

I haven't read where a biopsy would be the determining diagnosis. My doctor probably wouldn't go for that,and my insurance probably wouldn't cover it. I will ask at my next visit. Thanks.

10/14/2009 13:58
10/14/2009 13:58
Re: Newly diagnosed but

I read about the biopsy on this forum. If you use the search with the keyword biopsy you should be able to read about this procedure. I would think a doctor would biopsy it as they would for a suspicious mole to better determine treatment.

Keep us posted.


10/22/2009 00:47
10/22/2009 00:47

Re: Newly diagnosed but

I discovered the bump (L hand) near the beginning of this year. Didn't worry about it, just thought it was curious. My ex happened through town and told me it was Dupuytren's. He knew because he had just visited an old friend, whose fingers were all curled up. So I looked it up on the Web, and meanwhile I began to get cords, and I also have a semi-hard egg-shaped "pad" at the base of my index finger about an inch long and 1/2" wide.

One of the cords looks like it's headed for my little finger, but the cord isn't hard and when I bend the little finger back, I don't feel a stretch.

The bump (which is shaped like a boomerang -- Hello Aussies!) is in my "travel line" below my ring finger. If I bend that finger back, a cord that isn't otherwise apparent becomes prominent, but it's softer than the boomerang. While bending the finger back, the soft tissue over the first bone (nearest the hand) feels overly stretched. And if I press on the palm side of the metacarpal just below the finger, it hurts.

Apparently the end of the boomerang is growing a cord up into my middle finger. When I bend that finger back, the cord becomes very prominent & is hard.

I also feel that there's something "going on" in the first bone (nearest the hand) of the index finger. If I press on the inside (next to the middle finger) of that bone, it hurts.

So I went to see the only hand surgeon in Washington (state) who does APN. He agreed with my ex's diagnosis (I really hate to give my ex credit for knowing what it is, but if he hadn't told me, I would have gone longer before treatment), but because I can lay my fingers down straight on a table, and can even bend them back, both with my other hand & using the muscles on the back of the affected hand, he said come back when one of my fingers is bent 30 degrees. I feel it's better to nip the thing in the bud, do APN or radiotherapy NOW.

I'd like to hear how it went for people who got treatment (and what kind) early. Did it stop DC in its tracks? Did it come back? And for people who didn't have APN done till one or more of their fingers was trapped in a bent position -- how long has it been since your treatment, and are your fingers still straight?

And another question: I've been bending my fingers back as far as I can using my other hand, at least twice a day. And bending them back using my metacarpal muscles (I figure they need to be strong to counteract the pull of the Monster Fascia). Has anyone had a bad reaction to stretching their fingers back? Did it seem to stop the progression of DC, or make it worse?

Thanks to everyone who responds.

11/04/2009 18:03
11/04/2009 18:03
Re: Newly diagnosed but

At the early stages of Dupuytren's X-ray treatment is more beneficial at slowing the progression of the disease. Waiting is the worst thing you can do. I had to pay for the CAT scan before getting XRT in San Francisco as my Blue Cross coverage excludes any and all diagnostic testing (isn't privatized health care wonderful?).

I would weigh the cost of the loss of the full use of your hands against the cost of any diagnostic procedure and treatment. Consider also that the cost of the diagnostic procedure and treatment is not going to be any less a year from now and whatever treatment you receive at that time will be less effective.

11/05/2009 17:30

not registered

11/05/2009 17:30

not registered

Re: Newly diagnosed but

I had surgery two weeks ago to remove a lump at the side of my little finger which was causing me pain. It seems that the gristly growth had attached itself to the main nerve in my finger and had to be ever so carefully cut away without damaging the nerve.
At the time of surgery the surgeon took a biopsy as he suspected DD and yesterday I had my sutures removed and a confirmed diagnosis.
I have hunted everywhere for information on this as I have NO nodules on my palms or any other symptoms. I have one small lump on my middle knuckle but this has never bothered me. I can't find any information at all on my kind of DD.

My lump will grow back more than likely I'm told but unless it is troublesome I will leave it.
I have numbness now for three quarters of my finger, limited movement (which I hope will get better over time) and increased sensitivity at the tip, very tingly.
I apologise if I have not put this in right place. Is my first time here and am not familiar with it

11/05/2009 17:33

not registered

11/05/2009 17:33

not registered

Re: Newly diagnosed but

I should have added that it was thought to be scar tissue following a dislocation I had two years ago. It seems that occasionaly a trauma can trigger it if you already have the disease. It is hereditary so ask your family if they have similar problems

11/06/2009 07:29


11/06/2009 07:29


Re: Newly diagnosed but

Hi babyfoot, regarding trauma and DD you find literature on http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...ure_trauma.html.

I have DD, i.e. an aggressively growing nodule, on the outer side of my little finger. It is close to the PIP and started to contract my finger. I did radiotherapy on this finger (for info see menu on the left side) and I am wearing a night splint on this finger. The nodule is now stable and doesn't bother me anymore.



I should have added that it was thought to be scar tissue following a dislocation I had two years ago. It seems that occasionaly a trauma can trigger it if you already have the disease. It is hereditary so ask your family if they have similar problems

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troublesome   aggressively   procedure   underground   fingers   metacarpal   treatment   diagnosis   determining   dupuytren-online   dislocation   boomerang   diagnostic   progression   radiotherapy   contracture   diagnosed   sensitivity   information   occasionaly