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Repeat of RT?
02/08/2013 17:17
02/08/2013 17:17
Repeat of RT?

Can anyone tell me if RT can be done more than once on the same site?

02/08/2013 17:40


02/08/2013 17:40


Re: Repeat of RT?

Can anyone tell me if RT can be done more than once on the same site?
I asked ProfS this, after I developed signs of new nodules and skin changes after having RT. He told me that RT is not normally repeated, but in exceptional cases one half of the normal treatment, that is just 5 x 3Gy, could be repeated in exceptional circumstances. He did not say what those circumstances are, but indicated he would make the decision based on examination and history.

Edited 02/08/13 19:41

02/08/2013 18:10
02/08/2013 18:10

Re: Repeat of RT?

Mary, how many times was RT done on you? Both my hands and feet had RT done twice ( 3x5gys x 2). Agree with Spanish, Prof. S told me, should a new nodules appear on my foot, it could be done again, just the nodule, not the whole area as with previous RT.


02/08/2013 18:24
02/08/2013 18:24
Re: Repeat of RT?

Repeat treatment is not mentioned in either of the two papers I've read that reported long-term results after RT.

One paper was by Prof. S (the 2012 book chapter available on this site), the other was a 2010 paper "Radiotherapy in Early-Stage Dupuytren’s Contracture Long-Term Results After 13 Years" by Nicolas Betz et al. (the group in Erlangen Germany).

The latter paper mentioned that
In case of disease progression after radiotherapy, a “salvage” operation is still feasible but nothing in the paper elaborates on that, so I'm guessing it refers to surgery, and not repeat RT.

02/08/2013 18:58
02/08/2013 18:58
Re: Repeat of RT?

I asked that specific question to my Dr. who just finished treating my Dupuytren's. I had RT on basically my entire palm and up to the DIP (the top joint) joint on all of my fingers. I asked if this could be repeated next year if nodules appeared. The answer was, "Yes". I asked if it would be a problem if I needed surgery in this area later on. The answer was "no". She said that this was such a low dose at shallow depth that there would not be problems for repeat procedures.

Edited 02/08/13 20:59

02/18/2013 15:25
02/18/2013 15:25
Re: Repeat of RT?

thanks all

02/19/2013 18:39
02/19/2013 18:39
Re: Repeat of RT?

But does this mean that the RT wasn't successful and is some small cases. When do we as suffers know when not to put ourselves through this. I have just had RT and yet to have my second phase. I certainly hope that I will not be needing to go back for more within years and years.

I wish you well.

02/19/2013 19:35


02/19/2013 19:35


Re: Repeat of RT?

Yes, RT does not work in all cases. In the UK we quote figures of 80% with no recurrence after 5 years. I would have hoped your doctor would have informed you of this, and risks, and side effects?

Edited 02/19/13 21:37

repeated   nodules   Dupuytren’s   circumstances   long-term   Early-Stage   mentioned   examination   “salvage”   exceptional   recurrence   Contracture   treatment   procedures   Radiotherapy   progression   developed   basically   successful   elaborates