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RT or nothing?
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02/17/2010 09:33
02/17/2010 09:33
Re: RT or nothing?

Thank you for all the thoughtful insights. I saw Dr. T today & he helped me through my indecision, saying much of what you all have covered in this thread.

Dr. T and his team have helped many people- I was his 4th Dupuytren's patient today! So onward & upward - it seems there really is no other answer at this time.

02/17/2010 15:03
02/17/2010 15:03
Re: RT or nothing?

Thanks everyone for the advice and everything that you said. It helped me a lot in every way. I sit reading all of your post last night and i know now i am heading toward rt. I feel much better so again i thank you for all your kind words. What a great forum. My appointment is this Friday at 8:15 so the doctor can draw on my hand and then they are going to put me on a machine to fix something for both hands. If all goes good i can choose when to start so i'm looking at the first of March. I'm nervous but excited. I will get 10 treatments and then i guess i'm done. Take care

02/17/2010 16:05
02/17/2010 16:05
Re: RT or nothing?

To PAG and Cindy850...

Go for it and best of luck! I also had my RT treatment with Dr. T.
Its an amazing team and so far the results are very good.

I'm going back March 21 to do RT with Dr. T. on my (other) right hand after I get back from doing NA on that hand with Dr. Eaton in Florida.


02/17/2010 16:37
02/17/2010 16:37
Re: RT or nothing?

To PAG and Cindy850

Good luck and keep us posted as to how it goes. TAKE before, during and after pictures. You won't regret the photo's. It is a good documentation of the procedure.



02/17/2010 20:07
02/17/2010 20:07
Re: RT or nothing?

Just some food for thought. There is certainly a risk of getting cancer from RT although lesser the older you get. My DR said mine was 1 to 2% per hand based on the age which was 42 at the time of treatment a little bit over a year ago. She did say that it wouldn't show up for 20 years.

What needs to be considered is that there is almost a 100% risk of some type of complication resulting from hand surgery, scarring, nerve damage, infection and reoccurance of contraction (possibly worse as a result of the surgery) as well as possible amputation not to mention the long period of recovery time as the wound heals. It of course can take much longer to heal if you have diabetes!

In my mind, the issue is quality of life and for me, surgery was much more invasive and scarier to me than the radiation. Maybe I would fell differently if I came down with cancer but at this point I feel I made the right choice having RT. It has made a huge difference for me.

Everyone should way the risk and benefits for themselves. I know someone who had the hand surgery and she is doing well so far and thats great so it might be a good option for you.


02/19/2010 16:11
02/19/2010 16:11
Re: RT or nothing?

I just got back from my doctors appointment and it went well. I ask a few more questions and then he got his pen out and started to mark his map. Then he sent me to another room where they put my hands in some type of molding clay and did some drawing on a glass plate and got tattoos on hands. Doctor come in a few times to check on everything and told me i might have a very slight chance of loosing my thumbnails but they would grow back. And you know what i don't care as long as this works. I feel so much better knowing i have started this. My treatments start march 1 for 10 days. And i learned something today that i had cords in my thumbs. So every finger has a cord except my 2 index fingers. If any of this sounds strange compared what you have went through please let me know. Thanks everybody for the info and the support. Take care

02/19/2010 17:13
02/19/2010 17:13
Re: RT or nothing?


Nothing sounds strange when it comes to DD...
everyone's problem/success rate is so different...

I assume that if he said you could possibly loose your nails that they are treating the entire fingers???... my RT was only in the palm area, extending a bit past the first (MCP) joint and only on one finger also the (PIP) joint....

I had no side effects at all...most of the nodules shrunk and/or got softer and I can open my hand much wider..

Are you having the treatment in LaJolla with Dr. T.?

Good luck to you...keep us posted...

02/19/2010 17:54
02/19/2010 17:54
Re: RT or nothing?

They are treating palm and all fingers except the index fingers and the fingers would get treated to the middle joint. And he told me very slight chance of loosing just the thumbnails. But your right nothing sound strange with this. The nurses and the staff that was helping today were all looking at their own hands. The doctors name is Dr. Cozad and he is in Liberty Missouri. I'm about 15 minutes away. I live in Independence Missouri. I feel very lucky to have found him.

02/24/2010 22:45
02/24/2010 22:45

Re: RT or nothing?


In my mind, the issue is quality of life and for me, surgery was much more invasive and scarier to me than the radiation.

I agree. I didn't want anything doing, much less discussing the only very negligible downside of RT, but a decision had to be made and it was. It was the right one and long long long may that continue to be the case.

Cambridgeshire, UK.

02/25/2010 01:41
02/25/2010 01:41

Re: RT or nothing?

Hi Australia Calling, This disease is like a Pandora's box . Some have had one surgery and never again. Others like myself have a ticking time bomb. One thing I now know that the younger one has the disease the stronger the indicator is, that once having had surgery you will require more surgery. The time lapse will increase and the result will not be as good. I've had 15 surgeries including 4 skin Grafts. In 07 I had a repeat surgery and within weeks developed numerous nodules adjacent to the fingers that had surgery. I went to Germany and had Radiotherapy under Prof. Seegenschmiedt supervision. It stopped the progression. I was told I might loose a thumb nail but all that happened was I developed a moon shading in the nail as it grew . During my visit I stubbed my toe on the stairs in the hotel and did loose the nail and that was more painfull than any treatment. It is important that one investigates which ever option one chooses and ask questions. My practitioners have told me most patients do not want to know anything about the treatment - only fix the problem. I wonder why ?

Edited 02/25/10 03:43

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Cambridgeshire   nothing   Seegenschmiedt   radiation   skin-tethering   nodules   progression   something   contracture   contractions   surgery   billing--used   treatment   Unfortunately   progression--not   ittle-research   facility--which   disconcerting   treatments   medicalconsumers