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Specialist in Brisbane
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03/29/2012 13:53
03/29/2012 13:53
Re: Specialist in Brisbane


I had similar symptoms after my RT. A little aching and twinging. When I asked the doctor about it, he said that it sometimes happens because the RT attacks the DD, and for lack of a better description, the DD doesn't like it and sometimes you get those feelings. I had and still have a little dry skin in that area. I know I was using a drill and sander for a couple of hours this weekend and my hand still aches. My aches and twinges went away. The only time they come back is when I over use my hand.


08/27/2012 05:14
08/27/2012 05:14
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

It is now about 12 months since I had radiotherapy so I thought it was time to provide an update even though there has been little noticeable change in the last 6 months. The nodules are still quite flat but can be felt upon palpation. I barely notice them at all now. I still protect the palm while cycling, rowing or in the gym. I think that I can safely say that progression has stopped which is a big improvement over where it was this time last year. The skin in the irradiated area is still a little dry. Overall, a good outcome for me so far.

12/04/2012 04:46
12/04/2012 04:46
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

Hello everyone, it has been some time since I posted. With Dr Eaton now retired, I am reviewing my options and was wondering if anyone has had any updates for Brisbane or Australia?

I have Dups in both hands, one hand has had 5 NA releases, the other 4 between 18 -24 months apart, mainly by Dr Eaton but also once by Dr David Hunter-Smith. I also have Lederhose on both feet which are now starting to become problematic after 15 years of very slow growth.

Ideally I was considering NA here in Aus (anyone aware of any new Drs actually practising NA?) or if I had to say France(catch up with friends and family in UK that way!) and then follow up with RT on the hands which I think I can get done locally either in Brisbane or the Gold Coast. Bit concerned that my hands may be beyond RT as I think I am getting some scar tissue developing on one hand, but I guess I need to get an opinion on this. I think my feet will be good candidates for RT.

So kind people if anyone has any ideas on my approach or can point me in the direction of anyone in Australia to seek advice I will be very grateful. Like most I want to avoid the open hand surgery and I am certainly against any cutting of the feet based on what I have researched!!

Kind regards

12/04/2012 08:24
12/04/2012 08:24

Re: Specialist in Brisbane

Hi 'Johngels' on the forum reported having had PNF or NA in Adelaide by Dr Griffin .Send him a message through the Private Message system. I believe he was satisfied. Dr Borg also in Adelaide(Adelaide Radiology ) carries out RT using Prof Seegenschmiedt's protocol. He is listed on the Dupuytrens site.
I have just returned from Germany where I met Prof Staub www.neurochirurgie-dossenheim.de near Heidelberg ,who works closely with Dr Mienel from Wurzberg. Read Personal experience Jonns story. Regards.

Edited 12/04/12 10:25

12/04/2012 22:59
12/04/2012 22:59
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

Hi 'Johngels' on the forum reported having had PNF or NA in Adelaide by Dr Griffin .Send him a message through the Private Message system. I believe he was satisfied. Dr Borg also in Adelaide(Adelaide Radiology ) carries out RT using Prof Seegenschmiedt's protocol. He is listed on the Dupuytrens site.
I have just returned from Germany where I met Prof Staub www.neurochirurgie-dossenheim.de near Heidelberg ,who works closely with Dr Mienel from Wurzberg. Read Personal experience Jonns story. Regards.
Thanks newman, I will follow up. Regards,

12/05/2012 02:01
12/05/2012 02:01
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

I had NA with Dr Griffin in June this year and am delighted at the result. My GP gave me a referral. I had a two month wait for the first consultation and had the operation two weeks later. Previously I had surgery on both hands which was very painful, so dreaded the thought of surgery for my thumb. In contrast NA was painless and took less than 30 minutes - most of which time was waiting for the local anesthetic to act. Dr Griffin is now registered on this website

12/05/2012 02:11
12/05/2012 02:11
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

Thanks Johngels, I will contact Dr. Griffin and ask for an appointment, then I will need to condier follow up wiht RT either Adelaide or Brisbane. Kind Regards,

04/03/2013 00:41
04/03/2013 00:41
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

David Christie on the Gold Coast and David Schlect at the Wesley in Brisbane have both experience in RT (hands and feet) with an increasing number of patients.

04/03/2013 00:57
04/03/2013 00:57
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

I will follow up re David Schlect at the Wesley as I am having a release on my left hand by Dr. Green also at the Wesley in two weeks time. (The fourth release in 10 years 3 by Dr. Eaton & 1 by Dr. David Hunter-Smith in Victoria)

Interestingly Dr. Green is not in favour of RT for Dups. In her opiniion it "mushes up" the cords/tissue and makes it very difficult to seperate the cords from surrounding tissue shoud the need for the open hand fasciectomy operation be required. Dr. Green sees no issues in RT for Ledderhose as surgery is rarely recommended and hence the need to disect the diseased tissue away from surrounding tissue in negated.

04/03/2013 18:14
04/03/2013 18:14
Re: Specialist in Brisbane

It is now about 12 months since I had radiotherapy so I thought it was time to provide an update even though there has been little noticeable change in the last 6 months. The nodules are still quite flat but can be felt upon palpation. I barely notice them at all now. I still protect the palm while cycling, rowing or in the gym. I think that I can safely say that progression has stopped which is a big improvement over where it was this time last year. The skin in the irradiated area is still a little dry. Overall, a good outcome for me so far.

Congratulations, who did the RT in Australia and which RT concept did they apply ?

Edited 04/03/13 21:15

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treatments   Australia   treated   neurochirurgie-dossenheim   Radiotherapy   Hyperproliferative   progression   interested   Adelaide   Specialist   Brisbane   experience   Regards   nodules   Seegenschmiedt   radiation   Germany   disease   surgery   treatment