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Trigger finger
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08/07/2008 12:01

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08/07/2008 12:01

not registered

Trigger finger

Has anyone also developed trigger finger? I have had dup's about 1-1/2 years (female, age 64) and now have developed a trigger finger. It is worse in the mornings. In fact, my hands are stiff in the mornings. I don't have contricture yet, but both palms are fully involved with nodules and cords. The trigger finger has a tightness at the base.

08/10/2008 05:12
08/10/2008 05:12

Re: Trigger finger

Hi Australia Calling
I developed 'trigger finger' to the middle finger after one of my surgeries. Some days it is worse than others. I exercise both by stretching and making a closed fist. When I make the fist I relax the hand with the t/f and with the other hand I exert long constant pressure on all of the fingers forcing them gently towards the palm. When finished I move all the fingers like playing the piano to increase the flexability. Have you thought about radiotherapy for the dups . It works best on the nodules in the early stage when you have no contraction.
I looked on 'you tube-dupuytren 'and scrolled down to trigger finger where I saw a German doctor Reimerhoffman using the procedure similiar to NA to correct Trigger Finger. Most Interesting.

08/11/2008 21:35
08/11/2008 21:35
Re: Trigger finger

Can you please tell me what trigger finger feels like? I have a clicking in my right thumb when I straighten it. Is that it? When I google "trigger finger" it shows me thumbs sort of frozen into position. Mine doesn't do that; it just clicks if I haven't bent it for a while.

08/12/2008 05:50
08/12/2008 05:50

Re: Trigger finger

Pixi- Hi ,Australia Calling. Simply Trigger Finger is when one makes a closed fist and when opening the hand ,one of the fingers stays closed and hopefully springs open again to the straight position. Generally affects women more than men( 40 to 60 Yr ) in the ring, middle ,index and to a lesser extent the thumb. The tendon gets stuck on the entrance to the tendon sheath then releases. Stretching exercise helps. There is a suggestion that rheumatoid arthritis can be assosiated . Hope this makes sense.

08/13/2008 13:54
08/13/2008 13:54
Re: Trigger finger

thanks, newman. i guess i don't have it then. which brings me back to my original theory: text messaging!

08/28/2008 12:20
08/28/2008 12:20
Re: Trigger finger

Hi, I'm female age 64 and recently diagnosed as DC. It started 5 months ago with trigger finger in the middle finger and there was a nodule where the finger met the palm but I dont think it was what I've read describing the bumps that go with DC. At any rate I saw a Naturpathic physcian after one month of dealing with it and it was getting more painful. No help and he thought I might have to have cortisone injections which I was dead set against. I waited another two months because I had to go through a bunch of rigamarole to start with a new Dr. and she said it was trigger finger and had xrays done which showed mild arthritis. She also sent blood to Mayo to check for Rhuematoid arthritis which came back negative. Meantime the pain is getting worse and the ring finger starts with doing the trigger thing and the middle finger can no longer be bent to the palm. I can straigten it up but it's very painful when trying to make a fist plus its very swollen in the 3rd joint. I asked for a referal to a bone specialist which took another month and he felt the palm and said "It's DC and I can fix ya up with a surgery" He did ask me to make a fist before he suggested surgery. I agreed but have since canceled the surgery after reading online explanations of what
it is. I still have trigger finger in the ring finger and I am making sure I flex that finger so it doesnt become like
the middle finger. No pads or nodules with that finger but I have the cords with both fingers. A couple of years ago I also had a frozen shoulder which was treated with physical therapy successfully. From reading this forum each and every person has different circumstances but there's some common threads that run through. It's too bad I didnt know back at the shoulder stage what was going on. I had days when my arms would pain me especially in the forearms and not know what was causing that and it would go away. It was all DC but it hadnt manifested into the problems I'm having now with the hand and I've started with tingling in the left hand and am wondering if thats the beginnings of DC in that hand. I'm very appreciative that this forum is here. I've been reading all the postings a bit at a time and trying to absorb it all. Now that I've had time to think about it I'm really disappointed with what the bone specialist said and did. No information, a cursory explanation but boy he was quick to set me up with a surgery and PT for after. He said just a 5min procedure for the ring finger and 10 min for the middle finger and he's been doing this for 15 years, blah,blah, blah. Right. I live in a rural area and I doubt he's seen 15 people in 15 years that have had DC. He did get the DC right though. So yes, trigger finger can go with DC. Even says so on the Mayo site. This site is better information though and you get to talk with people who are going through the same things you are. Which helps immensley.

02/09/2009 00:10

not registered

02/09/2009 00:10

not registered

Re: Trigger finger

I just found this forum and it has already answered many questions! In addition to DC in both hands, I also have trigger finger - right hand, middle finger. I've had two cortisone shots to 'cure' the trigger finger, but the shots did nothing at all. I have to be very careful not to close the finger or it will lock and stay that way for hours.

It's interesting that there seems to be a link between DC and trigger finger.

My finger will remain the way it is for a while as I am self employed with a very high deductible on my health insurance (which costs me a small fortune every month).

02/09/2009 12:35
02/09/2009 12:35
Re: Trigger finger

You have my sympathies seeing as how I've been there. I'll tell you what helped me. I quit taking Glucosamine Chondroitin. I read that some of the people who have Dupuytren's thought there might be a connection between taking the supplement and then having problems with Duypuytrens. In my case it didnt start until I'd been on the Glusamine for a time. I quit taking it and the pain quit plus the ring finger trigger problem, which had just started lessened. At this point I only have the middle finger which is stiff and cant be bent far. I can live with that. My fingers are stiff when I get up in the morning but they loosen up after I've been up for awhile. The great thing to me was that the pain stopped.

02/09/2009 14:10

not registered

02/09/2009 14:10

not registered

Re: Trigger finger

Fran, thanks for the warning, but I don't take glucosamine. Darn it anyway - I would like an easy answer.

Does your finger lock? Mine always locked when I peeled veggies with a paring knife or potato peeler but my sister gave me a square peeler that fits on my palm so I can use it with my fingers extended.
It really helps.

03/29/2010 16:53

not registered

03/29/2010 16:53

not registered

Re: Trigger finger

I also have Dupuytren's and Trigger fingers in both hands. I have 3 Trigger fingers and they are very painful. As some of the others have stated, my hands are stiff when I sleep and wake up in the morning, but loosen when I start using them. I recently had Cortisone injections and it has helped. I don't know how long they will last, hopefully forever . I also would like to avoid surgery.

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