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Women with Dupuytren's
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07/21/2016 17:41
07/21/2016 17:41
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hi my name is Cynthia and my first nodule appeared at about age 35. I am now 49 and have started menopause I am wondering if this will accelerate the condition. If anyone has info please let me know. Thank you

07/21/2016 18:42
07/21/2016 18:42
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hi Cynthia,

I noticed a nodule in my hand, for the first time, when I started menopause. Within two months, I developed a cord. My Dupuytrens was very active and painful to the touch. I did radio therapy through Virginia Mason Hospital in Seattle, WA. RT stopped the progression of my disease completely. The nodule is barely noticeable, but the cord remains in my hand. I guess this is normal after radiation treatment. It's been quite a few years (2012), and I've had no sign of contracture.

I wish you the best,

Lori D.
Redmond, WA

07/22/2016 06:08


07/22/2016 06:08


Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hi Cynthia,

as you probably have seen there are quite a few comments on menopause in this thread. But it is still unclear whether there is any relation with Dupuytren's and cases reported might just be coincidal.

According to our recent survey of patients with Dupuytren's http://www.dupuytren-online.info/patient_survey.html the average age of onset for women is about 50 (yours started earlier) and thus a coincidence might be happen frequently. Still not undertstood is why on an average women develop this disease later than men; hormons might have some influence.

Will the menopause results in more aggressive Dupuytren's? Probably not. Degreef and Smet have analyzed prevalence and age dependence of Dupuytren's in the Netherlands and for e.g. stage 2, they find that the percentage of women with this stage does not increase with age (it does for men though) http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...stribution.html.

No need to worry I would think.


03/17/2018 10:01
03/17/2018 10:01
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

My 2 cents:

41 y, still on my periods (like there is no tomorrow! so I use the Mirena) and in early and painful stage of DD for 2 months.
In my case I rather suspect the wrist trauma and/or the wrist splint for months there after. Barely some weeks out of the splint, I noticed 1 pea size nodule (now 3 nodules and 3 cords).

05/02/2018 15:44
05/02/2018 15:44
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

My name is Anastasia, I'm 31. I got a nodule in my left's hand little finger about 3 years ago. It started to bother me as my finger got numb at times, so I went to a doctor in Helsinki, Finland (I now live in Montreal, Canada). The doctor has recommended a hand surgery as he thought it was a cyst. The x-ray didn't show anything special, so we proceeded with the surgery. It's been 1,5 years now I've had the operation.
After the surgery, my little finger has gone worse and worse and it's quite banded at the moment. I have also developed a small cord between my thumb and the index finger. My right hand doesn't have any signs of Dupuytren's yet.

Recently I have also discovered that my grandmother got Dupuytren's when she was 60.

If anyone could recommend me anything or direct me in any way I'd be very grateful.


05/02/2018 16:58


05/02/2018 16:58


Re: Women with Dupuytren's

My name is Anastasia, I'm 31. I got a nodule in my left's hand little finger about 3 years ago. It started to bother me as my finger got numb at times, so I went to a doctor in Helsinki, Finland (I now live in Montreal, Canada). The doctor has recommended a hand surgery as he thought it was a cyst. The x-ray didn't show anything special, so we proceeded with the surgery. It's been 1,5 years now I've had the operation.
After the surgery, my little finger has gone worse and worse and it's quite banded at the moment. I have also developed a small cord between my thumb and the index finger. My right hand doesn't have any signs of Dupuytren's yet.

Recently I have also discovered that my grandmother got Dupuytren's when she was 60.

If anyone could recommend me anything or direct me in any way I'd be very grateful.

Sorry to hear your story Anastasia. Unfortunately we hear time and time again of DD appearing after hand or wrist surgery. If you have a contracture from the cords and bands then you should look into NA or Xiaflex to restore your fingers. After that if the condition continues to progress look into RT. Did you know there is a Canadian Dupuytren’s Society? http://www.dupuytrencanada.ca
Best wishes SB

05/02/2018 23:06
05/02/2018 23:06
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Hi Anastasia,
I’m sorry to hear that your Dupuytren’s has progressed. I don’t have any experience with the injections. When my nodule increased in size and the cord surfaced, I immediately contacted a doctor who practiced in both Idaho and Oregon. He in turn, sent me to Virginia Mason (in Seattle) for RT.
Duyputren’s runs in my family- (two relatives with the disease). I was unaware of this, until I heard about their ongoing surgeries.
Radiation put my disease into remission. It’s been 6 years and I’ve had no issues. If you don’t have any contracture, I would highly recommend RT.
Best of luck to you,

05/03/2018 13:57
05/03/2018 13:57
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Thank you, Lori and spanishbuddha!
Do you happen to know if RT is okay for those who are trying to get pregnant?


05/03/2018 14:18
05/03/2018 14:18
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Thank you, Lori and spanishbuddha!
Do you happen to know if RT is okay for those who are trying to get pregnant?

I would definitely postpone RT.
Especially because RT is not done anyway with patients under age of 40 because of health risks if the patient is young(er). (In my country).

Even regardless about plans for trying to conceive.

But do talk about it with your GP.

05/03/2018 14:30
05/03/2018 14:30
Re: Women with Dupuytren's

Makes sense. Thanks!

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