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Expertise in Sweden.
12/13/2006 15:47
12/13/2006 15:47

Expertise in Sweden.


I am irish, but currently living in Sweden (since 2002). I am 36 and had developed dupuytrens first 10 years ago, then I had two surgeries (normal and skin graft) on my little finger left hand - crooked but stable since.

Now I got the signs of a nodule on my right hand and I wondered if anyone is aware of some good doctors or treatment centres in Sweden. Interesting to hear of radiation therapy for example, this was not an option previously, otherwise a trip to Paris for some needle work might be on the cards if the condition worsens. Appreciate any input.

For those that wonder about relationships with other conditions (arthritis, inflammatory diseases...) I would be interested in hearing about your thoughts. I also played handball (the squash without a racquet version as opposed to the olympic version) for a few years when I was young and that certainly battered the bejaysus out of both hands at the time, so there may be a link to trauma and later development of the illness as is suggested sometimes.

Also interested in hearing about diet or nutritional deficencies and if people think that these can be a problem. Generally I look after myself quite well, but you never know maybe there is something missing from the diet.

Bit long winded, I guess it serves as a bit of an introduction of who I am as I have not been active on a dup forum for a few years. Main question though is about resources or support in Sweden.

All the best.


12/14/2006 11:18

not registered

12/14/2006 11:18

not registered

Re: Expertise in Sweden.

Unfortunately I am not aware of support in Sweden but I am pretty sure that there are doctors having experience with Dupuytren. Must be. Should you find a good one, please post his name and it will be included on the web page as well.

If you want to slow down progression, you might consider radiation therapy. Again, it ought to be available in Sweden but you will probably have to look yourself for an appropriately equipped hospital. Often university hospitals have this equipment. Dupuytren e.V. can provide literature, just send an e-mail there.

Nutrition has been discussed a lot in various forums but with not much results so far. It makes sense to avoid too much alcohol (also for other reasons ...). It might be that antioxidant ingredients help slowing down progression, like lycopene in tomatoes. Have a look at the Other therapies board on this forum. Another option might be medication like NAC, it affects a tumor growth factor (NAC is mentioned on the web site under "Other therapies").

Good luck to you and let us know when you found a good doctor!


01/18/2007 09:47
01/18/2007 09:47

Re: Expertise in Sweden.


I have been digging around a bit since my first post and it seems that there was some research being done at Uppsala univerisity a few years ago.



progression   antioxidant   development   relationships   Unfortunately   ingredients   experience   inflammatory   appropriately   conditions   publications   Interesting   deficencies   nutritional   n=91-554-5262-0   introduction   Dupuytren   Expertise   univerisity   interested