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Pain and Dupuytren's
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08/11/2008 10:17

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08/11/2008 10:17

not registered

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Hi,I'm a bit of a techno phobe but here I go,
I'm 53 and was diagnosed about 3 years ago in one hand,now I have it in both.The growth has been very aggressive although as yet no constructure,but masses in my palms.The worst thing is the pain and loss of hand movement,continuous drawing motion,which runs up both my arms,throbbing, pumping sensation,resricting, as if i have surgical stockings on my hands,I only imagine this as i've never worn them!! this is much worse at night so is effecting my sleep.My GP and everything I read about DC says no pain,so I am now feeling as if I'm going mad and would love someone out there to have experienced similar symptons.I feel this desease constantly and know its moving aggressively in me,I have seen one hospital Dr,appt lasted 5 minutes,he said nothing can be done until my fingers construct.I'm a positive person but feel I just can't sit back and wait so am hoping this forum will help me,I'm really not a moany minnie but really fed up,as you need to know what your dealing with in life and so far the medical proffession have been useless.I have privately had nerve tests but they came back negative,so perhaps I'm just going mad!!

08/11/2008 15:58
08/11/2008 15:58

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

No doubt the disease seems aggressive to you but If you were diagnosed 3 years ago and still don't have a contraction that is not all that aggressive. I went from Zero to 45 degrees in about a year, so things could be worse.

Your pain is another matter. I didn't have *any* pain with my first hand but I do on my other hand. I have talked to people who had full surgery just to stop the pain. It can be significant. The literature that GPs read is just wrong.

Your best bet is to find a doc who will do Cortisone shots. A lot of them. This will slow the disease and give you some relief. Don't wait.

Newman: Contact Dr. Kline's office on dosage.

08/11/2008 16:21
08/11/2008 16:21
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

To inject nodules:
It will take 1/2 cc of lidocaine and 1 cc of kenalog 40. Then directly inject into the nodule.

08/11/2008 20:01
08/11/2008 20:01
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Thanks for the information.It's the pain and weakness in both my hands and arms that is getting worse that concerns me.I'm trying to build a picture of this desease,but get confusing results,it's all the unknown,having never heard of this condition and reading people's experiences,I see that there is not a typical path that DC takes.I feel it's aggressive as the mass in my right palm grew in a matter of 12 weeks,I actually felt it growing,which is strange, but yes I'm lucky not to have contracture yet!!Been to my GP today and she's refering me to hand surgeon,hopefully the injections will be discussed and also radiation therapy,read somewhere that this can help too.I'm aware of similar sensations in my lower legs now,but have no lumps in my feet,so am trying to ignore this,I tryed this method with my hands as well but alas here I am.

08/12/2008 00:32
08/12/2008 00:32
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

quote: "hopefully the injections will be discussed and also radiation therapy"

I don't mean to be negative, but my advice would be to not be surprised if the hand surgeon won't discuss radiation with you. It appears that many hand surgeons are not aware that radiation is being used as a treatment for Dupuytren's. There are only a few places in the US that are currently offering radiation as a treatment for this. You might want to check out the folder "Radiation in the US." Another word of warning: neither of the two hand surgeons I saw mentioned steroid injections to me, either. I have found I've had to be my own advocate....not a bad lesson to learn, though.


08/12/2008 05:26
08/12/2008 05:26

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's


You are doing the right thing in seeking early medical treatment. And like everyone else you have been referred to a Certified Hand Surgeon (CHS). The good news for you is that unlike most you will find a wealth of info. here and through our links. Correct, this disease is unpredictable and different for everyone.

As you will soon learn, the only thing that 90% of CHS will recommend is full Open Surgery. Because of the riggers and expense they like to wait until you have a contraction of about 45 degrees. Meanwhile, you will be told to do *nothing* but wait for the Knife.

Don't do any such thing. Been there. Done that. Explore and exhaust your options.

08/12/2008 06:42


08/12/2008 06:42


Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Just in case you haven't done that yet: have a look at www.dupuytren-online.info .


08/19/2008 14:06

not registered

08/19/2008 14:06

not registered

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Dear Susan,

I am very much at the beginning of what you talk about but can sympathise. I got nodules in my right hand and at the same time had a burning/tingling sensation in both hands. The sensation went up my arms, my neck and shoulders, even my face (!). I did not have much luck with doctors here in the UK. I saw a hand surgeon and am now on my second rheumatologist. I was the one who diagnosed myself with DC, the doctors kept dismissing it as nothing to worry about. This with pain at night, stiffness in the hands in the morning, aggressive growing nodules etc. Quite unbelievable. I did find that drinking 2-3 litres of cold mineral water over the course of a day made significant difference to the pain in my arms and neck. The hands are still sensitive and feel dry and 'thick'(?). I have not had any treatment yet but am starting anti-inflammatory pills tonight after seeing the rheumatologist. I am going for blood tests tomorrow morning checking for inflammatory signs as the pain is not supposed to be associated with DP. The worst is not having this diagnosed and yet knowing its happening and feeling it happen day by day. Try the water, it helped me.

08/19/2008 17:25
08/19/2008 17:25
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Thanks for that,I will try the water.
I saw a rheumatologist last year,basically told me nothing wrong with me,apart from lumpy palms,DC,which could not be cause of my pain,this was again a private consultation,as NHS so preoccupied with accute condition,but I feel so frustrated about this,although I have no contracture,this is effecting my thumbs and grip,I'm unable to use both my hands efficiently,having to compromise in everything I do,which I feel stinks,to be just left alone to deal with it,apart from the fact I fear this condition is spreading in me,arms,neck,feet,It scares me the thought of not being able to use both hands,pain I shall deal with.This is exactly what I told my GP this week,I,m waiting to hear, after leaving her with the information I've been given from the good people of this forum,injections!!,radiation!! I'm willing to do,go anywhere to find out whats going on,and then, like we have to in life, deal with it,it's all this nonchallance that's driving me mad,about the medical people I've seen so far, in helping me,and scarily even the ones that I've paid well,nonchalant.
I wish you good luck,hopefully things will improve.

08/20/2008 08:19

not registered

08/20/2008 08:19

not registered

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

I know exactly what you mean. I feel that one can deal with most things once one has fully defined the problem. The challenge here is that no doctors want to actually diagnose it as DC, they come up with things like "this swelling is not outside the norm". This may be but relative to a hand that was completely nodule free 4 months ago, this is well outside the norm! This DC (if that is what it is seeing as nobody will categorically state that what I have is definitely DC) is such a confusing syndrome as it does not have a defined course and there does not seem to be a test that definitively identifies it. They seem to diagnose from the symptoms but then again there are many other syndromes that produce similar symptoms so you begin to feel uncertain as to what it is you are dealing with which makes it so difficult to deal with....because its the unknown!

I had more blood tests today and the results take about 10 days due to the type of things they are testing for. I was advised by the rheumatologist to leave the nodules alone as manipulating them and pushing and prodding them may cause inflammation and that could be the reason for the pain. I have done this since yesterday and the pain has been better. Incidentally, I tried holding an ice pack last night for about 20 minutes and that calmed down the pain quite a bit too. I was able to sleep the whole night through which was good. I did not take my anti inflammatory pill last night (first of 14) as I read it may interfere with blood test results. I am going to start tonight and will let you know any results.

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