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Pain with onset of Dupuytren's
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11/03/2017 15:16
11/03/2017 15:16
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I have had dupetryn's for close to 2 years now. I do not have the contracture yet but I do have several nodules and cysts in my left hand. I have had both throbbing and sharp pain in my hand and one of the cysts has cause carpal tunnel. After a recent trip to the acute center for pain, I was put on gambapenten. This helps great with the throbbing in my hand although I still do have some of the sharp pains. The pain used to keep me up at night but this medicine knocks me out and I've been sleeping better than I ever had in these last 2 years. I have truly been struggling with this disease and it is nice to get some relief although pain still exists.

02/18/2018 16:51
02/18/2018 16:51
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I’m new to the issue. I have Dupuytrens in both hands but no contracture. I’ve had radiotherapy on both hands but now have a new nodule developing and currently going down the massage route. I’m curious about the pain question. I have pains in both hands aon the base of the thumb and little pads. From time to time it feels like cramp around the little finger areas but the pain never goes. I’m also getting pain in the forearm and the upper arm muscle area. Initially in the left arm but now the right one. Can this arm pain be linked to Dupuytrens as I was going to see a physio on the basis it’s a strain from golf. Your thoughts?

02/18/2018 18:42


02/18/2018 18:42


Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I’m new to the issue. I have Dupuytrens in both hands but no contracture. I’ve had radiotherapy on both hands but now have a new nodule developing and currently going down the massage route. I’m curious about the pain question. I have pains in both hands aon the base of the thumb and little pads. From time to time it feels like cramp around the little finger areas but the pain never goes. I’m also getting pain in the forearm and the upper arm muscle area. Initially in the left arm but now the right one. Can this arm pain be linked to Dupuytrens as I was going to see a physio on the basis it’s a strain from golf. Your thoughts?
I’ve had soreness from nodules, also aches, a bit like cramps in the palms that I can attribute to DD. I’ve also had strange unexplained forearm and biceps area pain; but I play tennis and piano and suffer from overuse type muscle or tendon injuries as a result. One thing to be aware of is the potential for frozen shoulder, and any shoulder pain makes me hyper vigilant! I think there is always the potential for DD to subltly change the way you use your hands and upper body with sports, and that may lead to symptoms not previously felt. YMMV!

02/19/2018 15:44
02/19/2018 15:44
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hi, I have agressive Dupuytren's diathesis, with large nodules and severe rapid contracture in my little finger pip joints (unfortunately). I'm 42 now and it started (though was misdiagnosed for many years) in my late twenties with extremely painful knuckle nodule growths. I had my first right hand fasciectomy last year but the contracture is already returning, and my left hand finger is now at 45 degrees. I too experience quite a lot of pain, including that strange cramp you describe. My hands ache a great deal, particularly in cold weather. I also have the large nodules on almost every knuckle which cause awful pain when knocked. For those doctors who insist that this is a painless disease and merely an inconvenience...well, you can imagine what my reply would be!

02/19/2018 18:37
02/19/2018 18:37
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

Hard to believe it's been 9 years since I posted to this forum on this subject.
Currently the right hand is still holding steady - RT worked like magic for me with that hand, very little nodule growth and near zero contraction.
The left hand's failure makes up for the right hand's success. In chronological order
1. N.A. (worked well for a spell)
2. R.T. both hands - Left hand laughed it off.
3. Attempted a repeat N.A. - the doctor stopped midway saying it was hopeless.
4. Fasciatiomy which failed almost immediately followed by
5. Fusion of the PIP joint by an arrogant surgeon who fused it at too sharp of an angle and also managed to cut the nerves.

During a follow up I asked why she didn't set it at a 35-degree angle instead of the 45 degrees I was left with and she answered it would have been paramount to malpractice. Nice of that to be brought up after the surgery.

So pain - yes still, with cramping, still related to what position my arm and hand are placed in. Cold weather aching is common but I don't think that's odd considering the trauma experienced by that hand. I wrote in an old post that the docs suggested the pain was caused by my back and I started to believe it - I don't believe it now.
There are also some posts regarding Voltarin - my wife got a script for it to help with some arthritis in her hands - she swears by it.

02/19/2018 18:54
02/19/2018 18:54
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I’m early doors on this with initial diagnosis early last year with one lump. Now I have a 4 on each hand and thickening cords. RT seemed successful but then my left hand decided to pop out another and I suspect my right is doing the same in the same location. The real strange pain is at the wrist end of the thumb an little finger. The sensation of pain that’s like cramp. I thought initially I did something to aggravate it. But I suspect it’s part of the disease. I don’t have contracture but my little and wrong finger are always sore. Playing golf in the cold may not help, the UK doesn’t warm up for a couple of months. Generally I always have some hand pain. Trying paraffin baths just to ease pain but unsure how that reacts with RT. The problem in the UK is there’s no real guidance in the subject. Just got to keep upbeat about it all.

02/19/2018 21:14


02/19/2018 21:14


Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I’m early doors on this with initial diagnosis early last year with one lump. Now I have a 4 on each hand and thickening cords. RT seemed successful but then my left hand decided to pop out another and I suspect my right is doing the same in the same location. The real strange pain is at the wrist end of the thumb an little finger. The sensation of pain that’s like cramp. I thought initially I did something to aggravate it. But I suspect it’s part of the disease. I don’t have contracture but my little and wrong finger are always sore. Playing golf in the cold may not help, the UK doesn’t warm up for a couple of months. Generally I always have some hand pain. Trying paraffin baths just to ease pain but unsure how that reacts with RT. The problem in the UK is there’s no real guidance in the subject. Just got to keep upbeat about it all.
Just in case you are not aware, there is the BDS http://dupuytrens-society.org.uk. As well as the website they have a their own Facebook group and are active elsewhere on social media. Probably worth ruling out BJA for the thumb. I’m in the UK and my hands feel worse in the winter months. I often soak them in very hot water first thing in the morning.

02/20/2018 18:28
02/20/2018 18:28
Re: Pain with onset of Dupuytren's

I had a lot of pain when I was first diagnosed (after having a knuckle pad removed (which the doctor thought was just a cyst) and had 3 more knuckle pads pop up in less than 2 months. In addition, I had paid when the nodule on the palm of my right had formed. I made my own ice bag with 1/2 rubbing alcohol and 1/2 water. I keep a bag at home in the freezer and a bag in the work freezer for when the pain starts up. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories sometimes help but the ice helps the most. The pain I have has become intermittent and not disabling. I highly recommend ice for your pain!

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