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Radiotherpy in Exeter
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07/13/2010 16:21
07/13/2010 16:21
Radiotherpy in Exeter

I am having 5 days of RT on my hands in Exeter.... followed by another 5 six weeks later its worth pressing your GP for this treatment, I have seen the mess surgery can make of your hand, 2 friends have had this done. If RT can help in the developing stages of dups it should be available. I will post on here my progress !

07/13/2010 20:20
07/13/2010 20:20

Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

I am having 5 days of RT on my hands in Exeter.... followed by another 5 six weeks later its worth pressing your GP for this treatment, I have seen the mess surgery can make of your hand, 2 friends have had this done. If RT can help in the developing stages of dups it should be available. I will post on here my progress !

Sounds good, the message is spreading


Cambidgeshire, UK.

07/14/2010 03:25


07/14/2010 03:25


Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

Who is doing your RT? Maybe an addition to our (very short) list for the UK?


I am having 5 days of RT on my hands in Exeter.... followed by another 5 six weeks later its worth pressing your GP for this treatment, I have seen the mess surgery can make of your hand, 2 friends have had this done. If RT can help in the developing stages of dups it should be available. I will post on here my progress !

08/01/2010 18:35
08/01/2010 18:35
Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

Its Dr Andrew Goodman (AGG): Lead Clinician Clinical Oncologist, Exeter RD&E. I don't think he has much experience of the treatment but at least was prepared to give it a go for me.

08/01/2010 18:38
08/01/2010 18:38
Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

I am having 5 days of RT on my hands in Exeter.... followed by another 5 six weeks later its worth pressing your GP for this treatment, I have seen the mess surgery can make of your hand, 2 friends have had this done. If RT can help in the developing stages of dups it should be available. I will post on here my progress !

Sounds good, the message is spreading


Cambidgeshire, UK.

Ta Trevor.... have had one 5 day treatment next 5 days at end of August, will report if any good after then

08/22/2010 06:50

not registered

08/22/2010 06:50

not registered

Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

How is the treatment going so far?

08/22/2010 10:07
08/22/2010 10:07
Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

I am back in for my second 5 day batch end of this week. Have noticed the skin is peeling off my fingers, I think this is a reaction to the radiotherpy to be expected. Not painful or anything like that, bit of e45 cream sorts it.
I don't know at this stage if the treatment is going to help... the progression feels less but this could just be in my head, will report back after the second 5 day batch.

09/20/2010 08:01

not registered

09/20/2010 08:01

not registered

Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

Any updates yet on your treatment? I have just finished my second 5 day course in London. Nodules seem a bit smaller and softer and having fewer sensory symptoms in the palm. Skin sl pink and itchy and a bit dry So no dramatic reversal of the disease so far but as long as it stops progression I will be happy.

09/20/2010 10:00
09/20/2010 10:00
Re: Radiotherpy in Exeter

Yes my experience is the same, I have no idea if this treatment will make a blind bit of difference but in the absence of anything else I felt it was worth a go. Its 2 weeks or so since I finished my 2nd 5 day dose, have felt a bit tired since but this could be cause I akm a lazy bastard looking for an excuse ! The consultant wants to see me Feb 2011 to evaluate the treatment.
I can still play the guitar and that is my aim with this. My mobile phone number is 07720 345996 I am happy to talk to anyone about this.... Dave

09/20/2010 16:32
09/20/2010 16:32
Being the "Guinea Pig" ?!

I would not like to be the "guinea pig" for an unexperienced doctor and his first treatment !

What could go wrong:

- The field of radiation does not match the disease: does your doctor detect all disease in your hand ??
Does he has experuience in palpation, observation and appropriate documentation for long-
term observation ?

- The radiation dose is wrong or may be to weak or strong ??
Does the doctor have someone who checks his machine ? HOw about shielding or protection
of uninvolved areas ??? with which energy is the treatment done.
Where is the radiation dose calculated to be 100% ? Surface ? 3mm or 5mm beneeth skin surface ??

- The follow-up examination is inappropriate or lacking sufficient expertise ?
Decisions are made under wrong base-line examinations ?

I would always rely on the expertise of an experience doctor; he may give advice to lesser experienced
doctors ! I think, there is a huge difference in skills and knowledge about Dupuytren's Disease.

I am opting for the expert !

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examination   disease   difference   progression   expertise   documentation   inappropriate   experuience   developing   experience   Radiotherpy   available   unexperienced   observation   radiation   treatment   examinations   Cambidgeshire   experienced   appropriate