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side effects of RT
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11/24/2012 12:43
11/24/2012 12:43
side effects of RT

Has anyone noticed any aching of hands and/or joint stiffness after Radiotherapy? My RT finished 3 months ago. The treatment extended to the first knuckle joints and I am beginning to experience this problem particularly in the little fingers. Could be coincidence I suppose?


11/24/2012 15:07
11/24/2012 15:07
Re: side effects of RT

Just had my first round. I have felt nothing, zero side effects so far.

11/24/2012 17:21
11/24/2012 17:21
Re: side effects of RT

Hi Aryan

My feet took a few months to settle down after the 2nd round of RT......

11/24/2012 17:50
11/24/2012 17:50

Re: side effects of RT

Just finished the second treatment 3 weeks ago. I do feel aching and fatigue in the hand like i did before but beleive it is the disease rather than the treatment. Having nodules glueing the tissues inside the hands must have a mechanical effect and compensation effect.

11/25/2012 01:06
11/25/2012 01:06
Re: side effects of RT

Has anyone noticed any aching of hands and/or joint stiffness after Radiotherapy? My RT finished 3 months ago. The treatment extended to the first knuckle joints and I am beginning to experience this problem particularly in the little fingers. Could be coincidence I suppose?

I notice that my fingers are very stiff first thing in the morning. I'm unable to make a tight fist until I've exercised them for a bit. My RT was also about 3 months ago. I'm not sure if the stiffness is due to fluid retention in the fingers, stiff joints or maybe a little of both.

11/25/2012 12:54
11/25/2012 12:54
Re: side effects of RT

I can confirm some "stiffness" in my first finger joints (MCP = meta-carpo-phalngeal joints) after my 2nd course of RT but it faded away over time; on the other hand I am suffering from arthritis of the middle (PIP) and distal (DIP) finger joints independently from my Dupuytren Disease (my mother had severe problems with "polyarthritis").

As polyarthritis is much more often than DD, I assume that there are a couple of patients around with DD and polyarthritis and RT has nothing to do with such "stiffness".

Its always good to have another hand as "Comparitor" ! All the best, Larry

11/25/2012 12:59
11/25/2012 12:59
Re: side effects of RT

If anyone has had this stiffness and has noticed it get better, I'd really love to hear - it would be so encouraging!

I'm a potter and have given up throwing on the wheel entirely, because of this aching and stiffness and the strain it was putting on my hands and also the intolerable dryness.

I know from reading all the info on this amazingly informative website that radiotherapy is the number 1 option for most people with early onset DD but I'm feeling very negative about RT at the moment and wish I'd gone more thoroughly into the pros and cons before making a decision.

11/25/2012 13:03
11/25/2012 13:03
Re: side effects of RT

Just read you comment Larry. Arthritis is the other possibility of course. Time will tell I suppose. Its so good to have other people's input.

11/25/2012 18:46


11/25/2012 18:46


Re: side effects of RT

My radiated hand aches and is sore *all the time*, but no signs of stiffness. There is no sign of progression, or regression, of the nodules and cords that were treated 1 year ago, but there are signs of (maybe, just possibly) new nodules in the radiated area :-( However, I am still happy with the decision I made.

Edited 11/25/12 20:49

11/25/2012 23:54
11/25/2012 23:54
Re: side effects of RT

If anyone has had this stiffness and has noticed it get better, I'd really love to hear - it would be so encouraging!

I'm a potter and have given up throwing on the wheel entirely, because of this aching and stiffness and the strain it was putting on my hands and also the intolerable dryness.

Hi Aryan,

Iwas very concerned for the first 4 months after RT......my feet were significantly more grumpy than I had anticipated......however......Prof S. Told me that RT was not a quick fix and to evaluate my condition over a 6 month and annual timeframe.......

The condition will never be cured but I can confirm that in my case my feet are feeling much better than they have for many years......I hope this is the same for you...

I will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you.......patience is the key...


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uncomfortable   significantly   independently   encouragement   compensation   polyarthritis   Radiotherapy   Radiotherapist   effects   stiffness   intolerable   Dupuytren   particularly   treatment   fingers   independent   side-effects   SIDE-EFFECT   Physiotherapist   meta-carpo-phalngeal