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side effects of RT
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11/27/2012 09:27
11/27/2012 09:27
Re: side effects of RT

Thanks for the encouragement Gary - I'll try to be patient!

I see my consultant next week for a 3 month check up, so I'll report back.

01/02/2013 05:20
01/02/2013 05:20
Re: side effects of RT

Joint stiffness and stiff muscle are common side effects of radio therapy. There also may be some uncomfortable swelling in that affected area.Regular exercise of your joints and muscles can help prevent stiffness. If the stiffness still persists than ask your Radiotherapist to recommend a Physiotherapist.

01/02/2013 12:18
01/02/2013 12:18

Joint stiffness and stiff muscle are common side effects of radio therapy. There also may be some uncomfortable swelling in that affected area.Regular exercise of your joints and muscles can help prevent stiffness. If the stiffness still persists than ask your Radiotherapist to recommend a Physiotherapist.

THis statement is NONSENSE !

(1) There is no published data available on this statement:
the largest studies on RT for Dupuytren or Ledderhose have never stated this aspect as side-effect;

(2) Stiffness of finger and hand joints is an independent disorder:
most people are older and may have independent from Dupuytren "polyarthritis" of the finger joints (about 20 - 25% of the Western population will develop this disorder at an age beyond 60 years!)

(3) Radiation therapy fields do not cover the finger joints:
unless the fingers are involved with nodules or cords no well planned RT field will cover the finger joints; i.e. the "side-effects" cannot arise from radiation; poorly planned RT techniques may involve the proximal joints

An experienced patient and physician who has learnt his lession by several treatments on feet and one hand,

All the best for the NEW YEAR,Larry

Edited 01/02/13 14:19

01/02/2013 15:31
01/02/2013 15:31
Re: side effects of RT

I have had zero side effects from RT. My first thoughts (the two weeks after RT) were that they were shooting "blanks" at my hand. I did not notice anything. At about six weeks everything that I noticed was positive. It seemed like the nodule was going inactive and not causing any discomfort. I did notice a small change in a couple of "dermal pits" which had been dormant for about 12 years. These two pits appear to be diminishing as they have moved closer to the surface. This has been the most significant change that I didn't expect. The comments I have made are interesting to me. I have been skeptical that I would notice any effects this soon from RT. Naturally, the success, or failure, of this RT will be determined by the future activity of the Dupuytren's. I start my second round of RT next week.

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independently   Physiotherapist   uncomfortable   Radiotherapy   fingers   stiffness   side-effects   polyarthritis   intolerable   significantly   encouragement   SIDE-EFFECT   independent   Radiotherapist   particularly   compensation   effects   treatment   Dupuytren   meta-carpo-phalngeal