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splint wanted
11/09/2015 12:25
11/09/2015 12:25
splint wanted

I'm not sure I need splints yet, but this might be a good time to start wearing something at night as a preventative measure. Is there a splint out there that just holds the entire hand flat? Please provide recommendations! I think I'm ready to buy something.

I find frequently that I'll wake up at night after holding my hands in the fisted position and they feel temporarily contracted. They are achy trying to flatten them out, but do so quickly and I still easily pass the table top test and can lift all fingers. Seems like it might be better to sleep with flat hands rather than fisted ones.

11/09/2015 13:01


11/09/2015 13:01


Re: splint wanted

The Fixxglove seems popular. I have one (but don't wear it). http://www.dupuytrensche-kontraktur.de/index_fixxglove.htm

11/09/2015 13:31
11/09/2015 13:31
Re: splint wanted

Much thanks! Why don't you wear it? Also I wonder why the index finger isn't splinted.

11/09/2015 14:09


11/09/2015 14:09


Re: splint wanted

The Fixxglove is supporting those fingers that are typically affected, These are the ring finger, the little finger and occasionally the ring finger. The index finger and the thumb are less often affected https://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001233.htm.


11/09/2015 14:26
11/09/2015 14:26
Re: splint wanted

I had a custom splint made by a rehab clinic after my Xiaflex procedure but it wasn't very comfortable and was pretty flimsy. I ended up making my own to keep my hand flat at night. I bought some sturdy gloves at my local hardware store, cut the thumb. index and little fingers off and hot glued a piece of stiff plastic onto the middle fingers and down the back of the glove. Much more support and much more comfort and no cheesy velcro straps. I tossed the expensive custom made splint out after the third night....

11/09/2015 14:27


11/09/2015 14:27


Re: splint wanted

In another thread Wolfgang mentioned the stiffness that is experienced in the joints in the morning. This usually eases quite quickly within 10 minutes or so. But as a (amateur) piano player I found it disturbing. It can be eased by adjusting the Fixxglove so there is more of a natural curve of the hand and fingers; but then I felt the hypothetical benefit as a prevention was being eroded. That along with the just plain uncomfortable-ness of it, and also the unresolved question of the benefit post treatment, means I decided to stop wearing it. Just IMHO and YMMV.

preventative   disturbing   recommendations   supporting   prevention   fingers   Wolfgang   Fixxglove   uncomfortable-ness   medlineplus   something   experienced   unresolved   occasionally   temporarily   dupuytrensche-kontraktur   frequently   contracted   hypothetical   comfortable