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Started Young
09/27/2009 05:15
09/27/2009 05:15
Started Young

Hey! I'm new... and I've had a question about Dupuytren's - as far as the average age it is usually detected. My father was diagnosed just two years ago, at age 54. I started feeling pain in my palm at age 19. At first, we thought it was a cyst, but later realized what it was. It is supposed to be rare in women and even more rare at such a young age. I still feel very strong pain - especially when grasping things like doorknobs. How unusual is my pain combined with the young age?

09/27/2009 19:09
09/27/2009 19:09
Re: Started Young

Hi there,

I am a woman and got it at age 53. My relatives (all female who have DD) got it when they were in their late 70's. Mine started with pain or a soreness in the palm of my hand, then I had a nodule and my entire arm ached. It hurt to use the computer, play tennis or golf, etc.. It used to keep me up at night. I just finished my RT last month and do not have much pain unless I over do it or accidentially hit the cord or nodule.

From what I have read in this forum there are some young men (I don't know if they were 19) who have had DD.

Hope this helps you.


09/29/2009 00:41
09/29/2009 00:41
Re: Started Young

I first noticed a painful nodule in my palm when I was 21 years old. I have since been diagnosed with dupuytren's diathesis and also have garrod's pads (knuckle pads) on all fingers.

I have no family history (although both my grandfathers died in their early 50's so may have had the disease but it had not presented yet), no precursers to the disease like epilepsy, alcoholism or diabetes and I am a woman. I do have insulin resistance though which I control with diet and I believe it may slow the progression of my dupuytrens. I am heavily into heath and fitness and hope this will also help.

I am now 25 years old and the nodule is quite large, I have developed a cord and have some contracture but can still place my hand flat. Unfortunately a nerve in my hand has been caught up in the nodule so I experience tingling/pins and needles in my two affected fingers. This is just unlucky.

I hope your experience is very slow to progress. From what information I have gathered, it can be very upsetting when you present at such an abnormally early age as the prognosis is somewhat bleak. Best of luck to you :)

09/29/2009 11:30
09/29/2009 11:30

Re: Started Young

Hosenfeld Hi Aussie calling.Statistically your father at 54 fits the norm. When I was in Essen Germany in 07 they treated a 12 yr old girl for Ledderhose along with her father.A few weeks ago I returned and the Dr mentioned they were examining a 16 yr old male with the option of Radiotherapy. In my case I was diagnosed at 35 yr and no surgery until I was 50 . Generally it is quoted that this disease progresses slowly. I would suggest recording the nodles at this time. Simply have someone to palputate the surface of the hand and with a marker identify any nodules. Place your hand on the Photocopier cover with a towel and record the image for the future.
I was told the younger one developes MD the more chance of it becoming aggressive. (Knuckle pads/ ledderhose are also indicators.) Look after you hands wearing gloves for any work. I am of the belief that slow stretching exercises will increase the mobility of the hand and maybe delay the time before treatment is needed. Finally enjoy life .Regards.

Edited 09/29/09 14:37

09/29/2009 11:30
09/29/2009 11:30
Re: Started Young


Not to take away from his original question, but have you looked into radiation? I have a nodule and cord w/o contracture, but do have pulling, puckering and dimpling. I just finished my radiation and my hand looks and feels great.


09/29/2009 23:58
09/29/2009 23:58
Re: Started Young

I agree with Lori. It sounds like you are in the early stage where RT would work for your Dups. I'd suggest looking into RT.


10/01/2009 06:54
10/01/2009 06:54
Re: Started Young

Thankyou for the advice :)

I have my next appointment in July 2010 and I will discuss radiotherapy but as it stands I am reluctant to go down that path.

10/01/2009 13:15
10/01/2009 13:15
Re: Started Young

From now until July 2010 for an appointment is a long time for Dupuytren's. I'm sure you're watching it, but you may need to go before then.

10/01/2009 18:13

not registered

10/01/2009 18:13

not registered

Re: Started Young

I also got it at a young age

Im currently a 24 year old male and I think I first showed signs midway between 22 and 23 (I say think because I dismissed the nodules and contracture as something that would go away at first)

Mine developed fairly rapidly im told leading to me having surgery on January 28th this year

Problem is while from what iv read and experienced it is generally more aggressive the younger you are that is only a general trend and it is really quite random

experience   developed   Unfortunately   aggressive   grandfathers   contracture   appointment   Radiotherapy   accidentially   progression   experienced   Photocopier   Ledderhose   progresses   Started   information   alcoholism   Statistically   Dupuytren   diagnosed