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Xiaflex recovery time
04/18/2016 11:11
04/18/2016 11:11
Xiaflex recovery time

I'm scheduled for a Xiaflex injection in July with manipulation 7 days later. I fly airplanes for a living. I'm wondering how long to expect to be off work. Could I fly 2 or 3 days after injection or should I take the entire week off. Also how long to expect to be off after manipulation?

04/18/2016 11:17


04/18/2016 11:17


Re: Xiaflex recovery time

Hi Glenn, it is fairly unpredictable how your hand will look like. My own hand was swollen considerably and had bruises. I would not have driven a car for maybe a week. But your hand may come out better or worse.


Edited 04/18/16 14:17

04/18/2016 13:38
04/18/2016 13:38
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

Each person is going to react differently and I suspect skill of the practitioner has something to do with it also. My Xiaflex injection was done 2 years ago, 24 hours between injection and snapping the cord. I had full use of my hand within days, there was little swelling, some moderate bruising, some pain, mostly due to my hand now able to stretch in ways it had not been able to for years. Your doc will probably want you to wear a night time splint and rehab exercises for some period of time. I was driving the next day. I am very pleased with the results after two years BTW!

Edited 04/18/16 16:39

04/18/2016 15:28
04/18/2016 15:28
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

Each person is going to react differently and I suspect skill of the practitioner has something to do with it also. My Xiaflex injection was done 2 years ago, 24 hours between injection and snapping the cord. I had full use of my hand within days, there was little swelling, some moderate bruising, some pain, mostly due to my hand now able to stretch in ways it had not been able to for years. Your doc will probably want you to wear a night time splint and rehab exercises for some period of time. I was driving the next day. I am very pleased with the results after two years BTW!

Same here. I had to keep the hand at rest until the manipulation. The Xiaflex needs time to break up the collagen tissue & carring anything, or using the hand is a no, no. I would take the time off. I was happy to have my fingers open again as well as the scar tissue from surgery gone as well. It took several months to regain normal use. Always remember to wear a splint at night and there is usually psio therapy needed to build up strength in the hand & fingers again.
This may be a better question to ask ur doc since every situation is different.

04/19/2016 19:45
04/19/2016 19:45
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

Thanks for the input. I will ask the doctor soon.

07/20/2016 12:17
07/20/2016 12:17
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

An update
I had the injection one week ago. It was about 6 points into my palm. Quite painful.
Manipulation yesterday and quite successful, hand is now straight. Could feel the tendons sliding inside my hand. Hand was frozen first.
Now I have a splint.

Edited 07/20/16 15:21

09/14/2016 21:38
09/14/2016 21:38
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

Just back from UCLA this morning. Had Xiaflex on Friday five days ago. I'm trying to do without OxyContin. I'll have PT for up to six weeks. Dr. Blenheim said the procedure was very successful. Certainly all my fingers were straight. Slight tissue tear. I'll report more once some recovery has occurred. I had a NA on my right hand about two years ago. That hand got pretty bloodied but within reason has been successful.

My only additional comment is to say not to underestimate the fact that this is surgery! I had 14 moderately painful injections last Friday and today was no walk in the park. The numbing injections were also moderately painful but once established, the rest was fine. But, I certainly don't want to do this again tomorrow.

09/27/2016 22:24
09/27/2016 22:24
Re: Xiaflex recovery time

It's now been about two weeks post surgery. The hand tear is healing. I also had a quite large hematoma that is now getting reabsorbed. I go to PT twice a week. Fingers still basically straight but even after this period of time my hand and two fingers have swelling. I can use that hand much more now but still couldn't hold a fishing rod or tennis racquet. I'm guessing that about a month post surgery is what I'll need to really be back.

I'm glad to have it done but would not want to repeat it every year. Here's hoping.

practitioner   reabsorbed   unpredictable   straight   differently   underestimate   successful   recovery   fingers   established   Certainly   injections   manipulation   considerably   Xiaflex   something   surgery   injection   exercises   moderately