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07/25/2015 07:48
07/25/2015 07:48


Hi all , I have just received notification for treatment for Dupuytren on my right hand , consisting of Xiapex injections on Wednesday followed by manipulation on Friday . The cords are across the palm of my hand , resulting in my fingers being pulled inwards . I just get on with my daily activities ( gardening , fishing etc ) without much trouble . On reading all the additional information on Xiapex , and the side effects etc , I am in two minds as to go ahead with this procedure .

I had extensive surgery ( fasciectomy ) on my left hand for the same condition ( ring , middle and index finger , also the thumb to index finger span ) about 18 months ago . Although my hand /fingers are fairly straight , I have been left with a lot of scar tissue , and slight numbness in the index and middle finger .

After this surgery I was determined not to have anything done to my right hand .

I have holidays coming up , with a fair amount of driving etc , and I gather that recovery from Xiapex ( possible skin splitting , splints etc ) will mean that this will not be possible ,

I realise that everyone has different recovery time scales , but after this treatment how long before I am likely to be back to some normality ? As I manage to get on with my daily activities at the moment , is it worth postponing this treatment until it is really required ?

07/25/2015 08:21
07/25/2015 08:21

Re: Xiapex

I wouldn't do it if I didn't feel it was required. Have you considered NA, and - just a thought, others may have a more informed opinion - some Xiapex on your left hand to get rid of the scar tissue?

07/25/2015 14:03
07/25/2015 14:03
Re: Xiapex

I had Xiaflex (US) performed on my left hand over a year ago after deciding not to have a fasciectomy some years ago. I'm glad I decided on the injection, I am quite pleased with the results and was able to resume all activities the next day. My doc had me wear the splint at night and for short periods during the day when practical. I wouldn't hesitate to have it done on my right hand if the nodules develop into cords. I am able to hyperextend my left hand by about 30 degrees, much better than the 40 degree contraction prior to the procedure.

07/25/2015 18:06


07/25/2015 18:06


Re: Xiapex

When do you have holidays? As a rough average reported on here you can expect residual swelling and soreness for 4-6 weeks. However people have reported ongoing recovery 3 months after the procedure. But of course everyone is different so YMMV.

07/27/2015 08:49
07/27/2015 08:49

Re: Xiapex

Try NA first .The treating of Cords in the hand are easy . Leave the collegense as a later option. In Germany the health funds will not pay as like in Australia it is too expensive.

07/27/2015 14:50
07/27/2015 14:50

Re: Xiapex

I have postponed my Xiapex treatment and I am having another consultation appointment booked , to discus the issues with my left hand ( post operation ) and treatment ( NA , Xiapex ) on my right hand . My concerns are , after my first operation ( left hand) I have lost some dexterity ( mainly due to excessive scar tissue ) , if I have similar issues on my right hand , then I would find it difficult to continue my hobbies ( fly-fishing and fly-tying) .

When I first noticed a nodule in the palm of my left hand . nearly twenty years ago , I had no idea of the debilitating consequences of Dupuytren !!

Many thanks to those fellow sufferers who pass on their experiences on this website forum .

My younger brother is also now showing symptoms ( nodules etc ) , and my grandmother had Dupuytrens . I only hope that I have not passed it on to my children/grandchildren although, all the literature on the subject it seems likely .

07/29/2015 18:30
07/29/2015 18:30

Re: Xiapex

I have postponed my Xiapex treatment and I am having another consultation appointment booked , to discus the issues with my left hand ( post operation ) and treatment ( NA , Xiapex ) on my right hand . My concerns are , after my first operation ( left hand) I have lost some dexterity ( mainly due to excessive scar tissue ) , if I have similar issues on my right hand , then I would find it difficult to continue my hobbies ( fly-fishing and fly-tying) .

When I first noticed a nodule in the palm of my left hand . nearly twenty years ago , I had no idea of the debilitating consequences of Dupuytren !!

Many thanks to those fellow sufferers who pass on their experiences on this website forum .

My younger brother is also now showing symptoms ( nodules etc ) , and my grandmother had Dupuytrens . I only hope that I have not passed it on to my children/grandchildren although, all the literature on the subject it seems likely .

Wish you well.. Many of us have tried it all with some success and others with little. This is such a fickle disease.
I had NA, surgery. Surgery caused all my fingers to flair. Then the pinky totally closed. Xiaflex was done and after two weeks went back to dr. he opened the pinky. Thats my experience so far. As I must always wear a night splint and spring splint. See pics I posted.

Many healing well wishes sent your way. Sometimes things get so complicated. Hope you can sort things out soon.

Kind Regards,

07/29/2015 21:32
07/29/2015 21:32

Re: Xiapex

I have postponed my Xiapex treatment and I am having another consultation appointment booked , to discus the issues with my left hand ( post operation ) and treatment ( NA , Xiapex ) on my right hand . My concerns are , after my first operation ( left hand) I have lost some dexterity ( mainly due to excessive scar tissue ) , if I have similar issues on my right hand , then I would find it difficult to continue my hobbies ( fly-fishing and fly-tying) .

When I first noticed a nodule in the palm of my left hand . nearly twenty years ago , I had no idea of the debilitating consequences of Dupuytren !!

Many thanks to those fellow sufferers who pass on their experiences on this website forum .

My younger brother is also now showing symptoms ( nodules etc ) , and my grandmother had Dupuytrens . I only hope that I have not passed it on to my children/grandchildren although, all the literature on the subject it seems likely .

Wish you well.. Many of us have tried it all with some success and others with little. This is such a fickle disease.
I had NA, surgery. Surgery caused all my fingers to flair. Then the pinky totally closed. Xiaflex was done and after two weeks went back to dr. he opened the pinky. Thats my experience so far. As I must always wear a night splint and spring splint. See pics I posted.

Many healing well wishes sent your way. Sometimes things get so complicated. Hope you can sort things out soon.

Kind Regards,

The Xiaflex also Eliminated all the excessive scar tissue from my DD surgery. Which also in my case contributed to the finger curve. Also the injection straightened my finger at the same time. The nodes on hands/ fingers are made up of collagen. Also scar tissue is made up of the same collagen.
Xiaflex/ Xiaplex is in another clinical study to remove excessive scar tissue at this time. My dr is doing the clinical studies as he also did the clinical studies on dupytrens and Xiaflex.

Check with ur dr who has performed the Xiaplex/ Xiaflex injections they will help confirm that the enzyme does dissolve scar tissue and the same for DD treatments.

Kind Regards

literature   grandmother   manipulation   Dupuytren   notification   surgery   activities   appointment   fasciectomy   operation   flyfisher66   grandchildren   Xiaflex   debilitating   experiences   treatment   consultation   consequences   fly-fishing   excessive