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MRI before Radiation?
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05/22/2009 16:41
05/22/2009 16:41
MRI before Radiation?

Hi. I was wondering if anyone else out there has had a doctor recommend an MRI before radiation. Lori's doctor in North Carolina is doing this and it seems like a great idea.


05/22/2009 20:17
05/22/2009 20:17
Re: MRI before Radiation?


Dr T. at Scripps did an MRI of my left hand and left foot before starting the radiation treatment back in January. The MRI caused him to increase the area being treated on my foot. This time in May, he did not have an MRI done on my right hand and right foot.

If I recall correctly, the MRI was a good part of the cost for the first round of treatments.


05/22/2009 23:32
05/22/2009 23:32
Re: MRI before Radiation?

I am following this with great interest since I have my planning appointment with Dr. T at Scripps on June 11th.
After reading the comments about an MRI, I made an appointment with my GP and saw him just today. I asked him what he thought about the need for an MRI and what I should be prepared to ask Dr. T. My GP didn't think the MRI would show much more, if anything, than the physical examination since the nodules and cords are near the surface in the hand. They can be felt more easily than in areas of deep tissue.
In 3 weeks, I will know what Dr. T thinks about my hand and whether he thinks an MRI is needed to determine the area to do RT. I'll let you know.


05/24/2009 18:22
05/24/2009 18:22
Re: MRI before Radiation?


I had the MRI on Wednesday. It took 1.5 hours. I also had them burn me a CD of the MRI that I took home. Lots of pictures and real interesting. I know I am looking at my hand, and can see the DC. I will meet with Dr. C. as soon as he gets the report and am taking the CD with me to have him explain the 105+ pictures. I hope to be able to pick out one that shows the DC and put it on this site. I am glad I did it because I have a base line record of my hand and can take it with me wherever I go for treatment next.

You are right it is expensive. I paid $1300 for it. Dr. C. I hope will explain and show me with my pictures why it is better than an x-ray. It went towards my deductible and I figured if I am going to blow through my $2500 deductible with or without it, I might as well get something indepth. I hope to not use my deductible next year and figured that I would get everything I could possibly need or use this year.

Flora, I am interested in what your doctor will say about it. It could be overkill, I have to say I was stunned at the amout of pictures. It is fascinating looking at your hand, fingers, wrist, etc.. from all different directions. $1300 worth of fascinating? Not sure....


05/26/2009 15:24
05/26/2009 15:24
Re: MRI before Radiation?

Lori - based upon your description, I don't think I had an MRI done, it was some other type of imaging. Still it allowed him to determine he needed to expand the treatment area of my left foot.

Flojo - the room where the planning session is done has the imaging machine. Dr. T. will determine as part of the planning session if images are needed.

05/27/2009 12:18
05/27/2009 12:18
Re: MRI before Radiation?

Since you don't think you had an MRI, I'm wondering if it was ultrasound that Dr. T did. I've seen ultrasound machines but can't remember what they looked like. I've seen posts somewhere, probably on this site, that ultrasound was used for Dups. Seems like that would show outlines and locations of soft tissue.

05/27/2009 19:14
05/27/2009 19:14
Re: MRI before Radiation?


I don't know, it was a large half circle (think of a lifesaver cut in half). The inside of the half circle is large enough to handle a table holding a person.

For what ever reason I did not think to ask at either planning session, and the insurance info I have does not provide any details on the types of services provided.

Maybe you can let us know after your planning session.


05/27/2009 22:22
05/27/2009 22:22
Re: MRI before Radiation?

I'll have my list of things to ask. That will be one of them. I'll report on all I find out, but it is still 2 weeks away.


05/28/2009 11:50
05/28/2009 11:50
Re: MRI before Radiation?

Flora and Gweneth,

Gweneth, that sound like an MRI. Did you hear a lot of noise like bricks slapping together or a knocking sound? The only reason I know about the amount of pictures was because of the CD, otherwise I would have assumed they had taken 4-5 or something like that.

Flora, I will be interested in what your doctor says in 2 weeks. Knowing that radiation is ahead of me, it will be helpful to compare notes.


05/28/2009 13:57
05/28/2009 13:57
Re: MRI before Radiation?


I really don't recall if I heard sounds like that. It was back in January, and I was slightly stressed from everything going on. However, I don't recall the entire planning session including the imaging lasted more than 1/2 hour.


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