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Side-effects of radiation
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05/26/2012 20:51
05/26/2012 20:51
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi All,

It's a done deal - for three months anyway - had my last radiation treatment yesterday. No side effects that I can tell. Maybe that activated charcoal in the salve I'm using deactivated all the radiation. At first, I was so worried about side effects, now I'm worried that I don't have any.

At any rate, I'd have to say that radiation in Germany was a good experience. I'll be going back for the second course of treatment in September.


05/26/2012 21:48
05/26/2012 21:48
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Congratulations! Keep us posted on the effects.

I didn't have many side effects either. But I did make one mistake -the day after my second RT series, I went to a really good comedy show and was applauding wildly - that is, until I started feeling a burning sensation in my palms. Then I realized that if you've just had radiation on your palms, probably banging them together over and over is not a good idea! :-)


05/28/2012 04:56
05/28/2012 04:56
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi All,

It's a done deal - for three months anyway - had my last radiation treatment yesterday. No side effects that I can tell. Maybe that activated charcoal in the salve I'm using deactivated all the radiation. At first, I was so worried about side effects, now I'm worried that I don't have any.

At any rate, I'd have to say that radiation in Germany was a good experience. I'll be going back for the second course of treatment in September.


NO GLOWING HANDS ? No concerns about ionizing radiation anymore ?

Sounds like HAMBURG vacation time mitigated all your worries. How did you come along with Prof. Seegenschmiedt and his staff ... What type of touristic activities did you undertake and what do you plan for the next time ? May be you have time to write a longer report ? Good luck, for the second round, Larry

05/28/2012 06:43
05/28/2012 06:43
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi All,

It's a done deal - for three months anyway - had my last radiation treatment yesterday. No side effects that I can tell. Maybe that activated charcoal in the salve I'm using deactivated all the radiation. At first, I was so worried about side effects, now I'm worried that I don't have any.

At any rate, I'd have to say that radiation in Germany was a good experience. I'll be going back for the second course of treatment in September.


Way to go Sharon!!!
It's been a month now and my hands are still connected to my arms.

I haven't experienced any remarkable results or side effects. My case is a very mils one but i have felt some intermittent pain in my palm but it's not intense or debilitating. I just atfribute it to the healing process. Also just a slight bit of dry skin but again nothing disconcerting.

The only observable side effect that i have worth mentioning is that i don't obsess over my condition anymore. Knowing that i did the best i can with a pro active affirmative step towards treating it relieved me of all the fear and worry abut what could happen. Acceptance is the answer to all my problems and coming to accept the things i can't change and having the courage to change the things i can and doing what i can to know the difference provides the needed serenity. I've come to terms with it and accepted it.

So i saw the light and now it's out of my hands.

It looks like i may be back to Hamburg for session #2in the end of Sept too. My 12 weeks actually ends in in Aug. but I have a show to work on and it may keep me here till Sept 23. I need to find out if it's ok to wait a few more weeks.

I hope you are more at ease now


05/28/2012 07:31
05/28/2012 07:31
Re: Side-effects of radiation

NO GLOWING HANDS ? No concerns about ionizing radiation anymore ?

Sounds like HAMBURG vacation time mitigated all your worries. How did you come along with Prof. Seegenschmiedt and his staff ... What type of touristic activities did you undertake and what do you plan for the next time ? May be you have time to write a longer report ? Good luck, for the second round, Larry
No glowing hands still using my nightlight. I did all my worrying beforehand - now what's done is done. Yes, I should write a longer report - maybe later today. I'm in Ireland presently; will be flying back to Hamburg on Wednesday morning and then back home on Thursday.

At this point in time, the nodules on my hands feel harder, not softer - as some have reported. I'll keep you updated on any changes - positive or negative.

05/28/2012 17:03
05/28/2012 17:03
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Since 2008 I've had 2 NAs-one Zilaflex (spelling?) and radiation in right hand. Far as I can tell none really worked--radiation did nothing at all, but I had no side effects from it either.
This month I had surgery on left hand---cut out the cartlidge-about a 2 3/4" cut and 9 stitches..---now in pain and thinking that this damn thing in both hands will never go away. Considering the pain, the money, the loss of activities everytime, and driving across the state I'm now of the mind to quit trying. I know that many of us take to treatment in various ways, but shouldnt we expect more study of this incideous disease??
The MDs will keep trying of course,$$$ but has anyone seen any intelligent study of Dupytrens that can give patients a reasonable understanding of our chances for each proceedure.??
Incidentally, my MDs say some of my pain and tingling is from Carpal Tunnel and now they want me to test for that. Anybody ever heard of that as a part of or sympton of Dupytrens???

05/28/2012 17:22
05/28/2012 17:22

Re: Side-effects of radiation

Patients with dupuytrens often suffer from Carpal Tunnel. I've had many surgeries and after some of the surgeries I had numness and tingling in my thumbs. There is a special test using electronic sensors where the speed of the current is recorded as it travels down the arm to each of the fingers. I waited 6 months and gradually the numness disappeared. You can test yourself for carpal tunnel Regards.

Edited 05/28/12 20:23

05/28/2012 17:36
05/28/2012 17:36
Re: Side-effects of radiation

Hi Eastwind,

I hope there will more studies/research on results of NA, Xiaflex, and RT as well as the different protocols used for RT. There is much anecdotal information on this site which helps us in making decisions, but we need to have all who have been treated in a research study that meets the gold standard of research. That would help immensely with getting insurance/Medicare coverage standardized as well as giving us measurable evidence of results as we consider treatment options.

Personally, I believe it will be gene therapy that will finally get us close to defeating this disease and that's a long way off. In the meantime NA, Xiaflex, RT, and surgery are our options. I had excellent results with RT and NA.

You must have a very aggressive case. Hang in there. Thinking of you and hope your DD will lighten up a little.

05/28/2012 18:34
05/28/2012 18:34
Re: Side-effects of radiation

NEWMAN: I assume you are referring to the EMG nerve test, when you say"you can test yourself for Carpal Tunnel"?? or is there some kind personal test??

05/28/2012 20:19
05/28/2012 20:19

Re: Side-effects of radiation

I am pretty sure there is a connection with carpal tunnel and DD. My right hand will go numb and tingle at night if I don't use my night-splint. I bought one at our local drugstore and it works fine. It is one for carpal tunnel. Seems lots of people talk about carpal tunnel. I realy wish we could just start some research, so much info here with all of us. I read peoples stories and most of the time I don't know the outcome. I posted on my profile that I had RT and that it worked so far. I guess that could be a start, just a thought.


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patients   Germany   contracture   Hamburg   Dupuytren   fingers   radiation   decision   progression   Side-effects   surgery   experience   effects   Seegenschmiedt   because   disease   insurance   treatment   nodules   switcombe