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Not just Celtic
07/07/2004 23:46

not registered

07/07/2004 23:46

not registered

Not just Celtic

Through some reading and resurch, I have found, this disease is Not just from the Viking background. It goes Way Back before that. I found this, on the Eaton sight. It goes to prehistoric. So, that would explane people that have it, and say " I am not of Northern Europeon background" This is something that goes way back further than we knew.
As far as drugs, either causing it, or helping it...it does not matter. If you have this disease, it is not from what you take, or do, it is BECAUSE OF YOUR CHEMICAL MAKEUP AND YOUR DNA. Not, from any thing else. You either have it, or , you don't. No vitimans, or chemicals have caused this, or change it. It comes down to this... it is in, your chemical makeup of your body, in your dna, in your system. Just like my asthma is.. It is no different. All the drugs, and vitimns in the world, will not change it. You have it, and you have to live with it. Hey, lots worse things could happen to you.

07/08/2004 23:39
Ian Wider

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07/08/2004 23:39
Ian Wider

not registered

Patty~sq~s asthmatic pedisposition

Hi, Patty. Are you aware of any "triggers" for asthma symptoms, or do attacks "just happen" because of DNA?
Do pollutants, exercise, allergens, emotions, etc. have
any efect on the incidence of occurrence; or does a random,
senseless pattern exist? Does a nebulizer help, or is it a
waste of time and money? Just what do you do to ameliorate
symptoms if you are genetically programed for asthma?
Would you like a reliable, if temporary, treatment for
controlling attacks? Think DD and think NA; that is the
analogy. Imagine two to four years of no asthma symptoms
despite your genetic predisposition. Priceless!

07/08/2004 23:56

not registered

07/08/2004 23:56

not registered

patty~sq~s point of dna

Sorry to inform you Patti, but you don't know what you are babbling about.

You obviously have learned nothing from these forum postings or have your own agenda providing REMEDIES, like SNAKE OIL.

Go back to sleep.

07/08/2004 23:44
jas of 20yrs of dc

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07/08/2004 23:44
jas of 20yrs of dc

not registered

patty~sq~s point of dna

to think patty missed a point i don't think so she didn't say much more than having a predisposed dna is about 99% of a persons chance of having a mad chance of aquiring a disease. i think all you who attacked her might go back to bed and wake up rested a rethink it. i'm sure many diseases are helped and even made more comfortable with medical help etc. that doesn't mean its gone or the few things around you did no more than exasarbate what already is. whats the snake oil thing?

07/08/2004 23:59
Randy H.

not registered

07/08/2004 23:59
Randy H.

not registered

The Data?

OK, who's got the "Identical Twins With Dups" studies showing the relationship between Heredity and Environment? Sean, if anyone, surely **you** must!

background   something   relationship   controlling   genetically   nebulizer   symptoms   programed   comfortable   Environment   Patty~sq~s   pedisposition   exasarbate   predisposition   predisposed   prehistoric   pollutants   occurrence   ameliorate   senseless