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11/13/2006 23:00

not registered

11/13/2006 23:00

not registered

NA Cost

Hi, I'm trying to estimate my medical expenses for next year to properly fund a flex spending account. Can anybody give an estimate of what NA costs with either Dr. Denkler or Dr. Benhaim? I've tried emailing and gotten no answers. Also if anybody has any experience with insurance companies and what percentage they pay, that would be usefull too.


    11/13/2006 23:24
    Mike S

    not registered

    11/13/2006 23:24
    Mike S

    not registered

    NA Cost

    Dr. Denkler charges approximately $800-900 all-up for one- finger NA. He does not accept any insurance (except possibly Medicare) but will fill out a detailed services form that you may be able to use to file a claim with your insurance company.

      11/13/2006 23:37
      Mark D.

      not registered

      11/13/2006 23:37
      Mark D.

      not registered

      N.A. Cost: Drs. Denkler & Benhaim


      I believe that Dr. Denkler is not a "Preferred Provider" for any insurance company.

      I know for sure that Dr. D is not a "Preferred Provider" for Blue Shield of CA.

      I think I know the reason for that: Dr. D is a Plastic Surgeon. Many Plastic Surgeons don't sign up with insurance companies because the insurance companies generally don't cover cosmetic surgery.

      On the other hand, Dr. Benhaim only does hand surgery. Therefore, it does make sense for Dr. B to become a "Preferred Provider" with various insurance companies.

      I know for sure that Dr. Benhaim is a "Preferred Provider" for Blue Shield of California (because that’s what I have). I also know that UCLA Hospital (with which Dr. B. is affiliated) is a Blue Shield of CA "Preferred Provider".

      Be aware that each insurance company has its own pre-arranged payment schedule for procedures (such as N.A.).

      The insurance companies are generally pretty secretive about what they will pay for a given procedure. Sometimes they refuse to pay at all, on the pretext that a given procedure is "experimental", etc.

      So, if you go to someone like Dr. Denkler (who is not a Preferred Provider with any plan), you will pay the difference between what your insurance company sets as its pre-arranged payment & what Dr. Denkler wants to charge you.

      If you're considering either Dr. Benhaim, I suggest you call his assistant & ask about pricing. She can also tell you whether your insurance company will cover all or part of Dr. B’s fees.

      Sorry the above info is confusing, but that’s the nature of health insurance.

      The good news is that both Dr. Denkler & Dr. Benhaim are great guys. I know that because they are both my docs -- I live in Orange County (near Benhaim), but go to Truckee (near Denkler) each summer. Therefore, I’m blessed to be treated by both of these wonderful doctors.

      So, don't be shy. Dr. D & Dr. B are there to help us all!

      Hope this helps.


        11/13/2006 23:37
        Mark D.

        not registered

        11/13/2006 23:37
        Mark D.

        not registered

        N.A. Cost: Drs. Denkler & Benhaim


        I believe that Dr. Denkler is not a "Preferred Provider" for any insurance company.

        I know for sure that Dr. D is not a "Preferred Provider" for Blue Shield of CA.

        I think I know the reason for that: Dr. D is a Plastic Surgeon. Many Plastic Surgeons don't sign up with insurance companies because the insurance companies generally don't cover cosmetic surgery.

        On the other hand, Dr. Benhaim only does hand surgery. Therefore, it does make sense for Dr. B to become a "Preferred Provider" with various insurance companies.

        I know for sure that Dr. Benhaim is a "Preferred Provider" for Blue Shield of California (because that’s what I have). I also know that UCLA Hospital (with which Dr. B. is affiliated) is a Blue Shield of CA "Preferred Provider".

        Be aware that each insurance company has its own pre-arranged payment schedule for procedures (such as N.A.).

        The insurance companies are generally pretty secretive about what they will pay for a given procedure. Sometimes they refuse to pay at all, on the pretext that a given procedure is "experimental", etc.

        So, if you go to someone like Dr. Denkler (who is not a Preferred Provider with any plan), you will pay the difference between what your insurance company sets as its pre-arranged payment & what Dr. Denkler wants to charge you.

        If you're considering either Dr. Benhaim, I suggest you call his assistant & ask about pricing. She can also tell you whether your insurance company will cover all or part of Dr. B’s fees.

        Sorry the above info is confusing, but that’s the nature of health insurance.

        The good news is that both Dr. Denkler & Dr. Benhaim are great guys. I know that because they are both my docs -- I live in Orange County (near Benhaim), but go to Truckee (near Denkler) each summer. Therefore, I’m blessed to be treated by both of these wonderful doctors.

        So, don't be shy. Dr. D & Dr. B are there to help us all!

        Hope this helps.


          12/27/2006 23:50
          12/27/2006 23:50

          We are lucky ideed to have these two great hand docs in California

            01/01/2007 23:44
            Mark D.

            not registered

            01/01/2007 23:44
            Mark D.

            not registered

            Drs. Benhaim & Denkler


            Yes, we Californians are indeed lucky to have Drs. Benhaim & Denkler there for us.

            I'm looking at my straight fingers just now, and again am thinking of how much I have benefited from seeing both Behhaim & Denkler.


              01/02/2007 23:28
              Robert B.

              not registered

              01/02/2007 23:28
              Robert B.

              not registered

              Dr. Denkler's NA Surgical Skills

              Unfortunately, I have Dupretren's in both hands and both feet. After many years of reading the forum feedback, I sent images of my Dupretren’s to three of the US Physicians performing NA. The feedback I got from Dr. Denkler interested me the most and I made the trip just before Christmas… especially since he is really a hand surgeon who also teaches and does cosmetic procedures too.

              Flew up in the morning (two hour flight and an hour by car), had the all of the NA procedures done, and flew back in the afternoon. I also drove myself safely back to the airport... took turns switching between driving with one hand and keeping the other elevated above my heart… feet never swelled, no pain, and feeling in both feet and hands... had no problem walking through airport either.

              I elected to have Dr. Denkler perform NA on both hands and both feet during the same visit. As far as I know Dr. Denkler is the only one performing the NA procedure on feet in the US. Yes there was some initial pain from the initial numbing pain injections, but after the numbing began, I could no longer feel the rest of the numbing injections. Had I gone elsewhere, I most likely could not have had both hands done on the same day (hour), let alone feet too.

              The end result was that my fingers in both hands are now straight, the cords to my toes of both feet have been relived and I can walk without problems. I had only slight swelling in my ring fingers and some bruising in my feet. The Novacane took about three days to totally where off in my two ringer finger tips and with in 24 hours elsewhere. Although Dr. Denkler included some stronger pain pills, I never needed to take them nor any OTC pain medications.

              While I was there, I witness the results of a woman’s hand with stage 4 Dupretren’s … Dr. Denkler was able to straighten the fingers and I was surprised to find out from the patient that she was referred to Dr. Denkler by another NA Doctor who knew Dr. Denkler could do what he could not.

              Although Dr. Denkler doesn’t accept insurance, he gives you the forms to submit. Even if insurance doesn’t reimburse me, it was worth it to get my hands and feet functional noramlly again just like before Dupretren’s impacted my life.

              I am a delighted and surprised patient… my expectations were less than the excellent surgical skills of Dr. Denkler.

              Edited at 08/14/07 12:32

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                double-confirmed   Because   Benhaim   procedure   Randy-Wolfgang-Mark   company   pre-arranged   Provider   information---   dupuytren-online   Self-diagnosed   companies   Dupretren’s   Preferred   recommendation   insurance   procedures   Denkler   California   appointment