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Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed
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04/06/2017 13:43
04/06/2017 13:43
Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed


I am looking at getting RT on my left foot. Since Dr. S is ill, I am going to an American doctor who mostly has experience with hands and not feet. I am concerned about the treatment radius being too small. Here's a photo of the area that was drawn (smaller circle is nodule, larger circle is treatment region):


If you've had RT for Ledderhose, please share your experience or any documentation you have on the region that was treated. Does mine look comparable, or smaller to the area you had done?


Edited 04/06/17 16:50

07/12/2017 20:59
07/12/2017 20:59
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Hi, that looks similar to the extra area my son had treated by Prof S although I don't have photos of it. I can't find it now but I read about the additional radius that should be treated - it is a balance between treating the smallest area possible (to minisie risk) and successfully zapping all of the ledderhose.
Edit: there is a pic from the clinic half way down this page, showing a border of approx 1cm around a lump: http://www.dupuytren-online.info/radiation_therapy.html

Edited 07/13/17 00:58

07/13/2017 08:07
07/13/2017 08:07
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed


I wish my lumps were that small, mine are the size of your outer circle in both feet

Cheers, John

07/13/2017 08:11
07/13/2017 08:11
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

My 7 year old son's lump is even bigger (4.5 x 3.5cm as measured by Prof S).
Last night I found a tiny lump on my daughter's foot :-( Need to work out what RT options there are if Prof S is not currently treating patients.

08/22/2017 16:16
08/22/2017 16:16
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

I was diagnosed with Ledderhose in June. I was told I was going to have to have surgery by the VA and an outside ortho specialist. Thanks to the Ledderhose Blog, I researched radiation therapy and I am on my second round. So far, so good. Just a little tingling and dryness. According to the radiation specialist, my areas have decreased! I let you know more as time passes.
Good luck!

04/01/2019 06:44
04/01/2019 06:44
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Soy María123 me gustaría saber de tu experiencia resultados de la radioterapia estoy pronto a solicitar RT y probar antes de volver a operar ....diagnósticada y operada de ledderhose gracias un saludo...

04/01/2019 07:25
04/01/2019 07:25
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Hi - the RT on my son's lump seems to have stopped it developing. It has definitely slowed it down massively if it isn't completed stopped. Before RT the lump was developing rapidly. It doesn't work for everyone, but it generally seems to have very positive results for a condition that has few other treatment options. I think it is worth trying before having the lump removed.

04/01/2019 08:09


04/01/2019 08:09


Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Soy María123 me gustaría saber de tu experiencia resultados de la radioterapia estoy pronto a solicitar RT y probar antes de volver a operar ....diagnósticada y operada de ledderhose gracias un saludo...
http://ledderhose.blogspot.com/2012/03/r...erhose-and.html is the most comprehensive resource for LD. The person who writes the blog went from walking with a stick to running marathons after RT for LD. Most people have a good outcome.

Did you see there is a Spanish forum https://www.dupuytren-online.info/forum_es/

04/01/2019 13:49
04/01/2019 13:49
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Gracias por el testimonio y pronta respuesta

04/11/2019 18:19
04/11/2019 18:19
Re: Radius/Area of treatment for RT - your experience needed

Necesito información sobre algún posible médico en España para hacerme la radioterapia por favor ..

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radiotherapy   experience   Verdaderamente   diagnósticada   Ledderhose   radioterapia   documentation   España   conocimientos   treatment   comprehensive   gracias   comprendiendo   información   dupuytren-online   3NvR3jU2Jq31nckL8   intervención   international   economicamente   experiencia