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So over Fibroidmatosis
04/02/2014 21:07
04/02/2014 21:07
So over Fibroidmatosis

So.... here is my story. I am currently 35, a manager for Olive Garden (the number one ranked manager at that), a mother of 4 kids and a wife. When I was 21 years old I noticed a small lump in the arch of my right foot. I got sent to a sports medicine doctor and they took it out in the fear that it was cancer. After they took it out, they said it was a desmoid tumor. Before the stitches even came out it was back, and bigger. They sent me to Schands hospital in Gainesville Florida and they pretty much told me to live with it. So I did. I know its there but rarely causes problems. 15 years later (about 5 months ago) I felt a pain in my left foot (a pain I know all to well). It is funny how you can remember a pain from that long ago. I then noticed two small lumps on the arch of my left foot. I made an appointment with a new podietrist in town and he gave me the gel, naproxen, and a boot for my foot. NONE of the above worked. I had a terrible reaction to steroids when I was younger so that is something I could not take. I went back and he said he wanted to do an MRI so he could do surgery and see what he is up against. When I told my mom, she freaked out because of the previous surgery, and begged me to go to a family friend who is also one of the best sports med doctors in this side of the US. He has one in his hand! So that made me feel better. I know that he would emphasize and he has. His last resort was surgery. So he did a Plasma Protein Platelet Injection (Plasma Injection). Unfortunatly, two weeks after having it and one week after being at work (he took me out of work for 3 weeks before, and 2 weeks this time), it started getting bigger, and my toes have started curling under. I went and he said we are going to give the plasma treatment two more weeks and if that does not work surgery will be our option. I have very good disability with my company, however I do not have time to search for other methods. I know the dangers of the surgery, however this pain is unbearable. I can no longer take NSAIDS because they messed up the lining of my stomach, and the narcotic pain releivers make me VERY sick and really do not work. Not to mention I do not want to have to take them long term. Any advice will be helpful. I am so glad I have found this site! This is so rare and it is hard to find people who understand.

04/02/2014 22:28
04/02/2014 22:28

Re: So over Fibroidmatosis

michele; It surprises me that doctors still seem to have difficulty diagnosing this disease. The first part of your experience sounds very similar to mine. In my early teens I developed a lump in the arch of one foot and it was painful. The doctors didn't know what it was so operated to remove it. In short order the lump returned in the same place but with a larger mass. A few years later a lump appeared in the arch of my other foot. But that was 40 years ago.

I did not find out what I had until I was about 35 when I was trying to find out what was happening to my hands (I also have DD both hands).

This is a complicated disease but the good news is that it is not life threatening. Unfortunately with LD it seems that the more you interfere the worse it is likely to get. One doctor that I have seen told me that even a biopsy can spread the disease. In your case I wonder if the Plasma Injections are causing the extra activity.

In my case I have learned to live with it. When I think back there was a fair bit of pain when the lumps first appeared. Difficulty walking first thing in the morning and when starting to run. I still get bad pins and needles when I run for more than 10-15 minutes without a break. I developed blisters on the lumps caused by them rubbing on the bottom of my shoes.

I do not wear special shoes or give any extra protection at all. I did a lot of calf raisers when I was younger to stretch the tendons through the lumps (At least that is my mental picture of what I was doing). Over time the pain went away and the lumps are now leathery like the balls of my feet.

In short I am suggesting that you slow down with the treatment. Try and give it some time and see what happens. I understand the issue about pain by it might go away once the growth spurt of the LD settles down.

04/03/2014 17:36
04/03/2014 17:36
Re: So over Fibroidmatosis

Hi Michelle,

Sorry to hear your story. Im quite new here, but some people will be along and offer advice. Ill throw mine in if you like.

I can see you're obvisouly a very busy person, but (this is just my opinion) you need to find time and you need to research alot. I started research months and months ago, and just now have i started RT for Ledderhose. From what i have found this isnt something many (if any) doctors will know about, you must put the hours in and read read and read some more. This forum is amazing and there are some great people here who will help.

You need to read as much of this site as poss, also other areas you think might not concern you, as i said ive looked over various options and i made the choice to Visit Germany for RT. There are other options of course. I still research now and i read things i didnt know. You wont ever know it all but have a very good idea and you are at a good start.

The problem is, this wont be something many know of, so not many people (except maybe on here) can advise you what to do, and even then, its such a tricky diesease , you will find the decissions stressful and hard to make (at least i did) will it work? What a lot of money? What if i just leave it? Maybe try orthotics? I need to act fast if i want RT? Are my Fibromas active? etc etc.

My choice to visit Germany didnt come lightly, and after round 1 nearly over...i still think, even if this doesnt work 100% im glad i came, ive tried the best i can and ive mett Prof S who is so nice and knowledgeable, its a breath of fresh air to speak to someone who knows more about the condition than i do!

I also looked at Seph's option, i loved the idea of leaving it and i know others that have done the same and been fine, every case it different.

This might not help much but all i advise is to read and ask lots of questions.

I wish you luck and hope you find some answers and relief.

04/03/2014 20:19


04/03/2014 20:19


Re: So over Fibroidmatosis

Welcome Michelle

There is a lot of good info on this site and forum, but for Ledderhose there are few proven treatment choices. Surgery is usually a last resort when other options have been tried and failed, and itself may make things worse. To summarise the main choices are: conservative treatment with orthotics, steroid injections, Radiotherapy, Cryosurgery and only then if you really must: surgery. In addition there have been discussions of some success with off label use with Xiaflex, and more recently success with Hyaluronidase injections from one specific practitioner. You will find other discussions for other options, but none are convincing. Since you state you have time to do some research, I recommend the Ledderhose blog http://ledderhose.blogspot.co.uk/ which probably covers LD in more depth. The blog writer was in similar position to you with pain making mobility difficult, and he underwent RT with amazing result, but the blog investigates and covers just about every option.

Best wishes

practitioner   understand   Ledderhose   Hyaluronidase   conservative   surgery   threatening   discussions   knowledgeable   Cryosurgery   Unfortunately   Unfortunatly   treatment   investigates   Radiotherapy   Fibroidmatosis   research   complicated   Injections   something