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Just got the news of Ledderhose.
04/03/2010 03:39
04/03/2010 03:39
Just got the news of Ledderhose.

Am new to this forum and so glad that I found it.

Received the news a few days ago that I have Ledderhose in my left foot and quite frankly, am still in shock. I am doing as much research online that I can muster before my appointment with Dr. Herman of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in OKC, OK for RT. I do feel quite fortunate that I have found an Oncology treatment center so close to my new home here in Tulsa. I have just moved back to the mainland from the Hawai'ian Islands.

As many of you probably have, I have made a page of notes to discuss with Dr. Herman on next Tuesday and made special notes of anything in my past that could have contributed to my getting this disease.

I am a fifty-four year old female, post menopausal. Couple of drinks a week, smoke cigarettes, no history of epilepsy, no diabetes, know nothing of liver disease - never been checked and suppose I would know something was up with that. BUT, my father's younger brother did have Ledderhose and became quite crippled with it and died in that form in the late 1980s.

I am of Shawnee and English descent on my maternal side and my father was Irish, Cherokee and African American.

Lengthy summation, I know. But, would welcome any comments and so very glad to have found you all.

04/03/2010 09:21


04/03/2010 09:21


Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.

Hi paradise, no need to be in shock. Ledderhose typically develops slowly, I have had it for 10 years now, untreated, and can still walk without problems. But sometimes the nodules grow fast and radiotherapy is a good means to stop them and relieve pain.

PS: don't blame it on the couple of drinks per week or the cigarettes. It's probably inherited.

04/03/2010 13:18
04/03/2010 13:18
Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.


I've had Ledderhose for over ten years also...two nodules, the size of marbles, in the middle of my left arch...since my arches are high the nodules, fortunately, have never bothered me for walking.

Last November I had RT on my left foot at Scripps Hospital in LaJolla,CA. The nodules have shrunk considerably and what remains is very soft. I am thrilled with the results. By the way...I also have Dupuytrens in my left hand which was also treated with RT...all the nodules of the left hand have softened and the progression of the DD has stopped for now.

On my right hand I have DD on small finger which I have treated twice with NA (Needle Aponeurotomy)...but that's a separate story...

Good luck with your RT treatment for your Ledderhose...keep us posted.
This IS a wonderful forum...


04/03/2010 14:36
04/03/2010 14:36
Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.

Thank you both for your taking the time to post. I do appreciate it. With the vision of my uncle in mind, I am a bit nervous that this disease will be aggressive in form? I am anxious to know just how long it may have been dormant or what the rate of growth will be.

I am a designer by trade and spent many years in corporate retail - which may have been a contributing factor? I have quite high arches, also.

I went to a foot specialist here in Tulsa first. A total of ten minutes spent with me. He confirmed what I thought the tumor was and immediately tells me that we should do surgery. Drew a quick sketch on the bottom of my foot where the tumor is located and then, with a low and off hand tone - says that it would probably reoccur after surgery.

Thank goodness and even in my blank state - I immediately went home and spent eight hours online, researching the disease.

It appears that like those that carry malignant tumors, that every patient with this disease is affected differently. Varying therapies work differently in each patient. After tossing it all around, I did make the decision to have RT done and the hospital in OKC got me in immediately.

Has anyone had experience with RT and had the physicians radiate both feet and hands? As a precautionary measure?

04/04/2010 16:38
04/04/2010 16:38
Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.

Hi all

Thought I would share some investigative data that I came across that seems to be a common denominator for some arrestment of this disease?

Came across a personal story that a gentleman had posted about his radiation therapy. In it, he says that he took massive amounts of vitamin E following his RT. Also, a woman that over a seven month period, used vitamin E and Vicks (of all things?) on the tumor in her foot. Wrapped the vitamin and Vicks and used heat for hours, daily over this period of seven months.

Her tumor diminished.

I am quite aware that all patients are different with this disease. But, thought it was an interesting common denominator with the vitamin E application and oral taking of.

I plan on giving it a try. But, heat in lieu of cold packs?

Any thoughts?

04/04/2010 16:40
04/04/2010 16:40
Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.

I have had RT on both hands and both feet. Dr. T. at Scripps is only willing to treat 2 at at time. So last year in February, I had my left hand and left foot treated. Left foot had been a small nodule for about 6 years. Left hand had been a small nodule for less than a year. Within the course of 3 months, but the foot and hand became very active.

Based upon the results (good in both the hand and foot). I returned May of last year for RT on my right hand and right foot.

I had a check-up last December, and Dr. T. did not find any progression in the treated areas.

Having RT for me, was the best decision since mine because vary active for whatever reason.

04/05/2010 02:34

not registered

04/05/2010 02:34

not registered

Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.


I know what you are going through. I've surgery on both feet, and my left twice. The second time being 8 weeks ago. I'm still on crutches and in pain! DO NOT do surgery!! I am going to try radiation on my right foot once I'm healed from the surgery. I wish I had not done this latest surgery. I hope you and others are spared from this surgery. It is not pleasant at all! Best of luck to you; please post your resutls. I will be doing the same.

04/05/2010 04:30


04/05/2010 04:30


Re: Just got the news of Ledderhose.

Hi paradise,

don't expect too much from taking vitamin E. Many people are taking it and occasionally one will report that his Dupuytren's got better but there is no proof that this is due to the vitamins. Rather there is evidence that Vitamin E does not help and is even unhealthy. You might have a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_anecdotal.html which cites according publications.


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