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need info about going on disability..
08/19/2009 04:02

not registered

08/19/2009 04:02

not registered

need info about going on disability..

Hello. I'm new to this forum but unfortunately not new to LD or DD. I've been suffering with both for the past 16yrs. I'm now 37 and in constant pain. I have 4 to 5 nodules in both feet with bands. (seem to have actually lost a shoe size) Nodules and bands, along with nuckle pads in both hands. Pinky and index fingers on left hand are at stage 3. I am a HVAC tech and am at the point with the pain that it's hard to walk and hands will draw up and kill me if I over-use them. I've had to work all my life and don't know how not to. I guess I would like to know several things...
1. How many suffer from depression because of these diseases and how do you cope with it?
2. How many have filed for dissability? (I'm a male from Texas btw)
3. What can I do to help with the pain at night so I can sleep alittle more?

Right now I take Darvocet at night to help take the edge off. (barely) I can't take pain meds during the day due to my job but pain is terrible because of my job. Between pain, depression, and lack of sleep, I'm loosing the battle it would seem. I would like input on filing for dissability. I need to do something but am scared because even if I file, I still have to provide for my family somehow during the process. Anyway, thanks for listening to me ramble. Thanks for any input you can provide.

08/19/2009 05:25
08/19/2009 05:25
Re: need info about going on disability..

Don't lose the battle, Willett! Your family is so lucky to have you. I hope you are under medical care. If so you should seek treatment for depression. The antidepressant medications can work wonders but most of them take some time to work. They are also highly individual. Some work for some people and some for others. You also need counselling. You are confronting some really tough problems but they can be dealt with.

The only thing I know about disability is Social Security disability which it sounds like you are eligible for. You would contact Social Security. Here is their website: http://www.ssa.gov/applyfordisability/

I have a friend who successfully applied for Social Security disability, and the process took some time so it would be good to get started early. Some people actually find a lawyer to help them get through the application process but I don't know whether that is necessary.

I wish you strength and courage and the ability to finally get a good night's sleep. Hang in there.

08/20/2009 00:41
08/20/2009 00:41
Re: need info about going on disability..

what part of texas are you in? I may be able to help you get a job working at a ac company but not as a tech. Contact me at brucergoldberg at gmail.com if you are in dallas.

08/26/2009 03:12

not registered

08/26/2009 03:12

not registered

Re: need info about going on disability..

Thanks ya'll. Thanks BRUCERGOLDBURG for the offer, I live close to Brownwood. I talked to the owners and got a position in the office. That will help, and give me time to figure out what to do. Anyway, Thanks again.

08/26/2009 03:58
08/26/2009 03:58
Re: need info about going on disability..

This website has made a community possible for gathering information, sharing information, networking and meeting wonderful people.

It is heartwarming to see how much people care about helping others. Thanks, Wolfgang, for the time and commitment that goes into making this website available for all of us and for people like BRUCERGOLDBURG who you saw a need, had a contact and stepped right up to help Willett out.

Thanks ya'll. Thanks BRUCERGOLDBURG for the offer, I live close to Brownwood. I talked to the owners and got a position in the office. That will help, and give me time to figure out what to do. Anyway, Thanks again.

I'm not glad that I have DC, but I'm glad to be associated with this community of people.


02/14/2010 00:33
02/14/2010 00:33
Re: need info about going on disability..

I am in the same boat 52 years old self employed carpet cleaner 4 needle treatments in my right hand so far -I tore the plantar fascia in my left foot which has massive lumps as does the right been off my feet for 3 weeks wearing a splint cant work cant get disabilty thank god my wife works has a 9 dollar an hour job with insurance . we are in foreclosure when we have to move dont know what we will do .

Security   confronting   heartwarming   dissability   foreclosure   depression   successfully   associated   counselling   unfortunately   medications   individual   BRUCERGOLDBURG   information   antidepressant   disability   commitment   brucergoldberg   applyfordisability   application